外语系 纺织商务英语 textile business english. module ten meetings

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Textile Business English

Module Ten


Useful expressions and patterns

1. Can I just begin by outlining our proposal?

2. The advantages of our proposal are… 3. One of the problems I can foresee

is… 4. I can see the advantages, but from

our point of view… 5. It’s difficult for us to… 6. Maybe we could increase the size of

our order. Could you reduce the price by…?

Useful expressions and patterns

7. Delivering by May 30 is difficult for us. Maybe we could ship in two batches.

8. We do need to get it installed by the end of May. Could you do it on the 28th?

9. That seems fine. We seem to be agreed.

10. I’ll put something in writing by the end of the week and send it to you.


Monologue 1 Notes to the monologue

1.lay the ground work: 打基础 2.clash: v. (使 ) 发出撞击声 , 猛撞 , 冲

突 3. be minded to: 想要做… 4.decency period: 犹豫期 5.reflection: n. 沉思 , 反省 , 思考


You’ll hear two experienced businessmen talking about negotiating around the world. First listen to Charles Cotton and write America Or Asia beside the summaries of what he said.

People need to build a personal relationship before they trust each other. _________

They trust the companies the others represent. _________

Reaching agreement might take two weeks. _________

Reaching agreement might take two months. _________

Monologue 2

Notes to the monologue 1. sort of: 有几分地2. compromise: 妥协 , 折衷3. tick off: 用记号勾出 , 列举 , 简略地描述 4. hammer out: 锤成 , 苦心想出 , 推敲出5. contentious: adj. 好争吵的 , 争论的 , 有异议

的6. reputation: 名誉 , 名声


Monologue 2

Notes to the monologue 7. commit: v. 把 ... 交托给 , 提交 , 答应负责e.g. They were committed to follow orders. 他们

对命令全力以赴。8. innocently: adv. 无罪地 , 纯洁地9. disadvantage: v. 使处于不利地位;损害,危

害10. implication: n. 含意 , 暗示11. incredibly: adv. 不能相信地


ListeningListen to Peter Callaghan and write Europe or Australia beside the summaries of what he said.

People first outline what they want to achieve. __________ People soon begin to discuss the points the need to compromise on.

__________ It takes a long time to explain what you want to achieve.

___________ It doesn’t take long to explain what you want to achieve.

___________ If you make a mistake, you lose face. __________ Making a mistake doesn’t matter too much. __________ People don't want to commit themselves too soon.

__________ It’s OK to change your mind about a decision after a meeting.


Dialogue 1

Notes to the dialogue

1. agreeable: adj. 适合的,同意的2. ventilation system: 通风系统3. disrupt: v. 破坏,使中断4. Would you be prepared to split the extra labour costs

with us? 你愿意跟我们共同分担额外劳动成本吗?5. maintenance: n. 维修,保养


Listen to Kevin and Donna negotiating the installation of a

new ventilation system. Complete this table to show who makes each suggestion and if the other agrees.


Suggestion Who suggests this Does the other agree?

Installation This month _______________ ______________During the day _______________ _______________At night so as not to disrupt office ______________ ______________At the weekend ________________ _______________

Dialogue 2

Read the following dialogue and translate the Chinese into English.

Tom: I’m glad to have the chance to visit your company. I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.

Chen: 汤姆先生,有机会见到您很高兴。相信您已在样品间参观了展品,对岸哪几种产品感兴趣啊?

Tom: I’m interested in your jeans. I have seen the exhibits and studied your catalogues. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Holland. Here is a list of my requirements, for which I’d like to have your lowest quotaions, CIF Sydney.

Chen: 多谢你们询价。为方便我们报价,告诉你们所要的数量好吗?


Dialogue 2

Read the following dialogue and translate the Chinese into English.

Tom: I’ll do that. Meanwhille, would you give me an indication of price?

Chen: 这是我们的装运港船上交货的价格单,所有价格以我们最后确认为准。

Tom: What about the commission: from European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports. It’s the general practice.

Chen: 我们通常是不给佣金的。但是订货如果数量大,我们可以考虑。Tom: I see, but I do business on a commission basis. Even a 2 or 3

percent would help.Chen: 到你们订货时,再讨论这个问题吧。


Reading and Analyzing

I. Read this extract from a company report. Choose a title for each paragraph from the topics in the box.

sales personnel investment

new developments new business

Cathy Pacific Results _______________ (1) The year began very well for Cathay pacific. However, there

have been a number of problems this year which have made this a very difficult year for the airline industry. Passenger numbers have fallen as fewer tourists come to Hong Kong. Troubles in the Asian economies have also had a strong effect on the airline industry throughout the region. Cathay pacific remains the best airline in the Asian-Pacific region, and once current troubles pass the airline should return to its usual strong performance.

_______________(2) The cargo division has done very well this year, with strong

demand on most routes. The new cargo routes have been especially successful. The excellent performance from the cargo division has helped increase the company’s overall results.

Cathy Pacific Results

_______________(3) Unfortunately, because of the economic problems, we have

had to make 760 staff redundant. This was a very difficult decision, but it was necessary to help the company survive. We have also had to remove five of our 747 aircraft from service.

_______________(4) There have been a number of exciting developments. The

company announced an agreement with new suppliers of information technology. This should keep Cathay Pacific’s computer systems among the best in the industry.

Cathy Pacific Results

The company has also had a special offer for visitors to Hong Kong, and one of its aircraft was painted especially for the return of Hong Kong to Chinese rule.

_______________(5) Cathay Pacific has invested heavily in Hong

Kong’s new airport. A lot of work went into making sure that the move went smoothly and that everything was ready when the airport opened. Hong Kong is now one of Asia’s most important air centres.

Notes to the Passage

1. have s strong effect on 对…有重大影响 2. cargo division 货运部 3. make…redundant 使…过剩 4. remove…from… 从…去除 5. invest in 投资

Negotiation Strategies

Negotiations work wonders. This is particular so in international business since it is mostly through negotiations that exporters bridge their differences and reach a fair and mutually satisfactory deal.

By presenting a more comprehensive negotiating package in a well planned and organized manner, exporters should be able to improve the effectiveness of their business discussions and in the long term the profitability of their export operations.

Negotiation Strategies

To avoid being confronted by costly demands, an exporter should try to determine the buyer’s real interest in the product from the outset. This can be ascertained through appropriate questions but must be based on research and other preparations before the negotiations. Only then can a suitable counter-proposal be presented.

To achieve a favorable outcome from the negotiations, an

exporter should draw up a plan of action beforehand, which addresses a few key issues. Experienced negotiators consider that as much as 80% of their overall time devoted to negotiations should go to such preparations. The preliminary work should be aimed at obtaining relevant information on the target market and the buyers of the product.

Negotiation Strategies

It should also include developing counter-proposals if objections are raised on any of the exporter’s opening negotiating points. The preparations should thus involve formulating the negotiating strategy and tactics.

In international marketing negotiations, it is inadvisable for small and medium-sized exporters to limit their discussions to pricing issues, although pricing is a key factor in any business transaction. Exporters should give more attentions to the full range of marketing factors. They should stress the strengths of their firms and products and match them with the perceived needs of the buyers. Once these issues have been covered, they can consider the question of price and are able to develop a profitable business.

Notes to the passage 1. bridge differences: 消除异议 2. in the long term: 长远来看 3. be confronted by: 面临 4. outset: n. 开端 5. ascertain: v. 确定,探知 6. counter-proposal: 相对意见 7. devote: v. 投入于 8. formulate: v. 明确表达 9. inadvisable: adj. 失策的 10. perceive: v. 察觉,感知

Group Discussion

Read the passage and answer the following questions.

1.How important is a business negotiation in business activities?

2. What are usually discussed in a business negotiation?

3. What are covered in a company report?


Field work:

Work in groups of up to six. Collect information and materials from the Internet. Prepare for a presentation to introduce how to design a flow of business activity. (The presentation should be facilitated by ppt)

Reference For more topic-related information , Pease refer to the following websites:

