·  ·...

, .. , , , , , , , '. ,t " , .l; , ..... " ;.' ': ' , ',\ -' " , , , , " , , , , . ' ' . . .' ; , , ' , , , ". "" t ., •• '. , .' , , , , .' , 0 ,I '," , ". " , "", '. ''i:. ti, , ... ' -.Ji> ' , '., . -1 . ... r, iii 1 .' ';-::f; '_ '" ' ,,'. "" " ... ' :, , " , " . , ,1 '. ' . , . \ , ' " ' t , -, .'. , .. , )' "' ..' " . ", ' '" : "', ,> , ' , "", l ,,' . ' , ,.." ... '. . , , ", .,', 1'" " ,";" .. , " , . . . ;i' ',' ,. r f .j. .,' . . ' i.,! : ' .. ' , I , ....- ' .. 'I. " , . ' ,$00 ". " , :Ol:'lt "(.1' 1HE' WEST . ,', ", , HAR :R",:"':'·,"S'·'·"S""H·,"','S·<.L·,'TJ"· Q,'N! ,', ." ", ,'; "', '," 1'" ",;.:,' ." ',' '. .. .if.; , . '. J;:', ", _ < :' , ' '., " ",' ,,' i' ".' ,,. 'J, V', 1, . '. ", '\ ." A'.t" I'n.i,." L'\ 1 .,.if' I ,, $; E'R J! I N"I G' .... '. U '. i' ',I' <,> >, 'iI'rl. ....... ...... ,. ,". .' ',,"' " ,",.'" ", ' '. _ ", ,: . .,'.". ",. '.,' .... . .. ." ..... ., ',' ;",' ..., I ) ..... ',\' .. ". _ ·f' " , 'I"""""' ,,' :" ... ," ,::>. 'H'i,; .,'," . . . . AUGUST 7, 19",3, , _", ,"" 'It<· , ., 'M VOLUMe 8" -"'. ,. . ,.' "."" .. ...' '. . " " .',. '''t<'' '. . , S AlLrQN\,SJ"KlSSf:;ATED ,mY .. '. id As'S*1Ufd:jJ<YfMTURE:': . To Ife Ir.t A, T ·D',· '0', .. · Of Infamous Lincoln War l1'li . "I" DAN .TOllM' ",u.". H. h" "'.W. "" wllh 'h. (By "'V1" ..11 Bona) nt 'lOOt 'fhe coloreul days ot pioneer lore and history ot this urca ap,lt. The Sixth 'Annulil running ot· A well-balanced card oC Lincoln county wl1l return again ,had II natural girt rOl' drama nntf tJlll Stallion Stakes at. 330 yards, tl1 or ou/ and five q(111rter tor II day or two lind old-timers dlrel'tlon of ploys" ThrQugh his wfU Saturday's races Is oftered tOJ: Satur- of this aron wlll be honored lit the suggestion and help, new scenes ' D Ef 'h " 'd l' - t kt ck records con "nnunl On" In Old Lincoln to be lloVD bet:'n added lind adtlJUo.l1Dl <ON d ...... .-. «I v. OX. _ ..... 00 , '0'" ",,' hI. h" ""'. Pot ..... n'''''d to p"O<I·'. th lJo.'" ,\tal' whl" m ...d h•• d.. h"d S •••.,. Au'u" •. Th Ih••,. ..... Am ... Ih. now fpr "'""d I. .", ... 1 q .. ,. _.' .'onl.".. ""d'. '1 .,. 'rh. h'''"',,, p .....,, d .......dd .. "e .Th. KlIII... , sta1l;es tor 1953. Inaugur- most $9P.OOO Wl1s eclipsed on a un - x..ust Escllpe at BJily the sJ, 1'llnst"II" Illld "11rin",in". in the: ated In 1948, the Stallion Stakes day when a total ot llell,l'ly $l, 2,- sturrlng Johnnie Thomas, of nn KI,I." .. •• fBI,' J953 will carry u purse ot. 000 was wUll'ered on the twclv.e l'atril'io. liS tht:' tamous Kid, will u over $1200 by post time Saturday. !'1!ce card. be neld two nights thJs yeaI', Sat- Johnnie Thomas AS BlIIy Thl!\ltalnbow Ranch entry ot Flor- COnAOlaUon urdily, Aua. 0, nnd Sunday, Aug. PlaYing the Kid ror the second f.4t,1'" -4del and Hootch setlms destin- fa , U, at 1;1:00 o'clock. time III his eurcer IS Johnnin., cd to draw the' favoritc'$ role atter . StJnday'S teature qard at Itui- n.lph Bonnell Is Director Thomall of San Patndu. Johnnie ill tI>e ••"kUn« purl"" ..." tu_ ""'" D'".. wn' .ue, th •. Th". N.w ,."h.. .1 .00honU,'.,. .'m." ,,"'.. "d', th' KI. br. this tine 'FIQrida 'oJ,lghbred Futurity Consolation have been added to the play this ltPpCUl'ance. fit' hilS Ihe sume smnlt Arle, last week whtm nc estab- Purse at four furlongs tor colts yeur, largely through the work of but powerrul and al'tivc phYlJlcat l#hed a new track .re<:ord- at :46.1 ,lmd Wiles w,blch WQre Ilnlph Bonnell, director of the, equlpmenl; the sllme hnppy.go.. seconds for 87G yards. (or the Central Bar and v r ..... Ralph Is Ute urandson of IUt'ky hlunnt'r; tilt> Ilume winning Moon Deck and J:\razos Bob both Tbprougbbred li'utlJrity tQr liSsa, the lute Frnnlt Coc, prominent plo- smilt' nnd tWlIlkltng bluc loom as strong contenders, while While tbe co-feature III (or t'hor- Ileer tlgytc: or early-liay Lincoln Johnnie IS un apple /trowel' nnd' NQ Snvvy's perfQrmancl) In h.Is oubgbreps at six furlongs and wl11 . cowboy by profession. lie hall WOn; outing left little to be 'otter n top field ot allowance 85 A H rlrst Ilrlzes In rnnny world sInce he equaTed the track record' three year olds with Will' ':t'l,Jck _ re .ere ,pion rodeos, and ill II real rldel:' ' ,- , - , , ,-_. - .llI.vored by a wide margJn. Four of thc 10Ullh t'oul\lr;,' lIS well all II ;. d' . ;qunrter hQrse and ell:ht thorough- For Annual rod€'Ostar. Jolmnlo l.n well ltnowl\ bred rllc:es have been carded for "• an" arl'lItl." admired Crom one I 2 An . 'Sunday with the doll)' double on Simms Reunion oC LlI)coln ('ounty to the other. ' ., . "". ..c. th. """ .nd .""nd "'". Poo' ",,11m... " .... ""'<tom" ( WIT &" WISDOM 'time hos again been set at 1:15 E1llhty-Civc \\Iel'o hert> Amullr, tho m,my: I .. . p. m, '"'" ""''''''''.'' "II... th. 21l1h ."." .i '''" .. o""n, " 1.0- R"" By .. ,'I .... . . .. _ ......... 1.. .." .. , .'mm,, ro .... ". M,K.I.h'. Lv II",. "n ol th' , - V .. - . .,,"",.k F boo" !<om th. ",,,' h"d 'h. I"" w""-"d m Au.",' .111" ",10.. 10 bo "oo••• ywh'''. '01 'b d lb I •. - P 10' S,"""',,, ",d',,,, .11 the woy to .o<h "" ,. R"d_ h. 'h' NOV .M,'" I. p'" .rom.. F.aDk '!b.&:w. ....... w'. th, LI."I.. "'i,"'" Thl. "".•no .1 'h. I .. ". ,,,' "'",, •••, 'u••, p,,'" wllh p. A 8,Ystem lit tho Community handily at Ruidoso ar ous of the Simms romlly, rn- clilial (>;if:(' unci nrtwtry 11111 out .. M.lbo.r, .. CJ .... h ..d ",. """" d". E'. ""ro .1 Ih. woo d' •• roe.'" ••d """" ,to, (.,.'" ".m',,,. " "w' .1 Old M •• strains of organ music lind chime, $818.11). Tho 10th rncCo PlaZil Cpr- Simms. WOll unoble to 00 prcllcnt: wlltJ he l ll5 thl' Rid mako AJA waIted, llmong lbe}. Dln,ea. In. ner COnsolatli:ln event being committed to n IlllllI ln ll tOUI cootl hlA I'lll'IlPC Thill III one oil the Palmer Gateway orea e:aeh and, Mockey Boy sped the , of Army hO:lpUIlJIJ nnd' cnm p ,. lil e IIIJlhllllht9 ur 'tlw !lhow Lc Ro,," cvenlng now ••• We tU'Cl c;ourt:o In. 23•• Ileconds, t- .J< " In the Ifl'oup llfO r.evcn brothu5 nl90 11'1\ U thl' \lilrt of Tunstllil mi. thO b••• ""'., "'b.",.. ".. ·m..... 1IOn........... 2,800 ... "" 'U"'l' ••d .no ••,,, ".d 'h." ,'"'.ro,,, ••• o'h.",. U" "nth,,_ of, Perle Davison's Fox Metc:mUtc parJ-mutuel hp.ndJc was $117,821, .. 1. and 6POUIlCS lind in-low.. I Wllbllr wttt.'!1 thC' part ot Me- W ........ , wh ... b. pre .... ·u..n The _n.. IN CAST-A ItlW 01 the P'o,." 'n 'h. pog,,"n •• "Th. Lost 'I'" rou.'" 'OO, w •• h"d SWN" ' •• d d"" •• p"ndld p''''' ut II of .hIs If'lrst race-Little Devil Escop'e of Billy the Kid." Surrounding the Kid, left to right hoar tho bridge on thc RIo nUl-I' ot wOfl;. The !\tl'Knll1ht brotilCl{1t C:l)lJJ-at·leaat thlt's what ho cal· Rogers, 1I0UyWOOd, N. M,) 10,5 0 , S" B kh R bert Sh It T I $ B b dooo on Mechem Orlvo. Oal')' are great raVOrltCll among thell' led It. .•• H. didn" ..... All tho ,.so; So'gen, lloy MO. 3.' I 0 .. : Dpn 'o,m os tic S 0' ° S; •• on. a ° . S'm"".r P",h...... Tox. d ..... LI."d •• , .... " .. "hboro. to, "'" (or 1.1.", but WI! recog. Dal.1h Waggoner 2.60. 330 ynrdll. 0 npron and ClIj) as ('oak lor tho. wldt' . tllud' tbete- In (hie:) It: '1'"-18.2. I4 H' ro M b rsJt° IMPR VEMENTS PLAN NED bunch, with D. O. Slml11ll, Oriel ot ' Sb*II1etU, meat, lomatoes, bermsl SecQnd rtlee-Bnby Char&e (VI 10 ' tneO rt - ers .,.",. ent e IpS , . the /lcven brothel'lJ, contributlllll !'tl<'Oulrl.' As (,hbum pitfot. dishrag (hIe), some wine, H.. Perry Jr., Alpine, Texu) 6. 'W· H N tIl :l"f hla annual chIli (east (or onc mcal. Tht' 81m)' In \llt' Ilagt'ant in ,rJctwhat called a hors6 3.10, 3. 10 t!tocket Center 8:10. 4.70: , 'n· ODOrs, ow 'ota FOR WATER SYSTEM Othcra or the brothers and the sll!- nround tilt' paU«'fn or John <;hilr.. nut< (but what looked Uko In old. Bomber lillIC 4,50. 870 yom.. T- . Memberships in the RuldoliO ' tel', arc: Frank nnd Oeorue Simmo um. lht> t.unOllo plonl'\'r cattleman, fa,shlon.d' pflllri button).', •, Tho 4M. In D.·s'trl..-t be (C total or Panhandle, Tex.; Mm. E. n. IfI hln 1:llt'r )c:'orll tdhnll about til" &turf had a kind ot delllyed acUon Third raee-AlIOll Bce (James .... and AT GREEN TREE Anderson, Ooldthwuite, TelC,; nt'u- old da)ll to IIw Anltn. -7& hours afterwards It Is stili Rhodes, Neola, Utah) 23.10, 10.00, The County 4-H Junior assoclnte momber" for OJ/:! 10* !!y 8lmmn, Plcktoll, Tex.; Jer.lle pla,ved by AIlN'CC Yllrborouall, burnIng (and sUll-hle-tasletl 4.00; Lndy DQzhow 4060 1 3.00: Mil- contestantJ pla<:td well at the dlll- ts4 )'(lar. llrs. &mc!, Tho of 7 = o .. , hill an- VOite of eCh111um ,,],a ...., ...... 3."'. Six fu' "Ie' VdJI! .... _rer. _ .... ""' ..... ,. Ibo 'loleoll'i • llni' '''P tow'ri)o.. .. 'h••", tu...... ","u moo' n•• ' /lr.' .1 hon.,. ,,, 'h. m"l" R'\'/h MdI." •• ' ..,h" •• d "'''b th": ·;;;:.,;-odd' (0... .. 1l d.b. :::'. r.::.m.. .. •• Commcn:e manatel'a dD In their Jane.. Oklll!loma- City..!. ,Okla.) and Lana Vnlloy Lela Eister, 6 and 4 Inqh pipe for repl.clng mcntll, he said. Two standard firo M. O. Slmmn, treallllrcr oC tho llddll mUl'h 10 the Dhow, work thcse dll)'lll Tho foUowlnltJ5.80, 8.60, •. 80; Show 3.80, club, both Ui the blue rib- third: n{lIIo Clarke, fourth; Marlo mil In» which ClIlT)' water ltom the hydrallf. aro to be Inatolled when reunion, or I.nSUIIll Deneh. Cailf The IlIunllt'r ot who hoVCI eUpp 1 nu came. from a Truth or 2.50; Fivc Thlrty 3.00. Five and bOn. at thedllltrJct Rooney, Ilith; Ruby Buckner, Palo Verdc springs to lhe village. the new mllim are lold. Gray laid, Tho family 'liM attendcd a to- II pal t 111 nl.lkmn tho show antS Co11EcquencC3 pnJ;lC: Jabt week: one.roul't11 rurlonlll. T-I:06.6. The Lincoln C6Unly livestock slxthJ Halo, flcvqnth: and Fran· onnounced Mayor Alton Gray thfl Money Cor purchasing the piP'! union In Ruldooo <,vety .venr 01 tho III<' dny In Old Llnl'oln a llUCCCU EuploraUClrt Trl. Ylelcls Fifth rtlee-Hylt> (N, R. Low, Jud.lna team In tile Red cell 110llgiallS elghtli, , ,. Camo Crom tax (urlds which hud 20 except three, wht'll tll(')7 fllot at I \\ (111M run Into Ihe hundred$, BUL No. Cavem Luling, Texas) 8,80, •• 2.70: ribbOn ;roup: the'team WtlS com- Since pu1)llcaUon of the lut list accumulated for payment on nn Red Rlvelr, once In Colorado and AmulIll the Mlowlng could Mr. nnd Mm. PhU West and Prince Topper 5.70, Tristan posed of PMfiY McKnight, Jon of membcl'll for FLOWER SHOW old- bond 1t1l1U,,-thn bondJI hllvlnR oncc at OIoriella. 00 mCIlUonoo e1illdren opent Sunday exploring Jr •• 2,70, 810 yards. Wll<J. DOUglas f>fcKnJ,ght Qnd Cnr- have jolned...A ' , never been sold, however. TheY'll be back again nl'xt )'C'ar, Ited 1t1Imt'\' lOf 1.1I1t'oln. who the countrYlllde In the vicinity of Sixth rnee-Cnesar'I1GJory (DIck rem Jones. . (CflnUttu,,-,..) IS NEXT WeEK Gray lIold a nominal service they declared thin week, took .'an' t (J and one CJotlde. WCtlt. 10cnl chamber man.. Atkinaon,' Phoerilx, Ariz.) 5.10, 'The Homo Judgms Cy Lcfll1d. Jr, charB!' for use. or the Waler will ," H11l1111ll: trom mal(- qC!J', was tracldng down n. cnvo t 3.tO, 2,50: StaUstic IUO, &30; No- teath (It. Vera ShnUl, VJllllge !lts'''uret The 'fre!l VolI!!lI Garden Club be charged now malnJl IIIIl lhe ev<,nml! rolCl'l' to hll\lo. wh1cb be wan1l!d to e ble One 6.80, FiVff and one-haU Patsy Nunu, ..rUlle Parnell. nnd Inter·MOuntaln. Is pr(!Sf!nUnti Its llCcond annual llre put In eUeet. .' May Disclose cu;wrf'lf.>r.C'at9 111111(' for Ihe for Indian wrltfngn, In order to In- furlonga. T-l:08.8. .:rudY MeJts1llht In the Harris J1uUdets Supp nQWot .how. "La F/i:'llW de Jail "We 0 wondorful supply ot unt fdtnt villltaJ'll to the city ot Us Seventh race-ContinUed (H. H. Whlu rlblxnt «tOUp. ;f. G. lDrrfj LUmber ntpapy Friday of next week, Aug. wntcr In the f1prlllgs. enougl1 (0 N B k t:d\l\Urtl Pl'ntlt'ltl. who cntlon.lto falled to locate the cave, Mlllel', Luder1l, Wis.) 14•• 0, 6.00, 'the conlt'sl' \Va. 'held· 011 tho WhUc Mountain 14, (tom through 6 r. m , In ,.lIerve 1111 the need., Wl\ bdlevo. ew an I I cd of thc scrillt anlll :1:1.,.,:, U"'"",,!,,,: ••• Po':""" . '. 1=: hulld. , .. .r I , up a hillside. Called' $,lt tho baJ(, longs, T-I:08.8. Hlrt's SC1!&t"Vo Wilbur W. Coe, chalrmlln be 5lI1vnged or repAired, and must dent and cashier tor Iluldoso Slate oul In dlrt'('tina, proplI, and of a yucca the raUler gave ttIJ Eighth race-Knowledge Book W .. t'e-- Qostrictio .... s I..clI.nct' Re.Uy ot tilt! ,flesfa. announces all plonA bo he !Il1ld, Dank mDY be made next w('ek, II Oth('f dl'tallr., warning buu and was (E. T. Bdd,CllJ. Amarlllo, Texas),g Belllt01 arc noW complet!! for the event. Further expansion of tbe Grecn was disclosed Wednelldll)', Tht' man I BIll JIQrtraYD tbi: In haste with a .22 with, wh1cJ\ 8.9(), 3.10. 2.80; Talota 2.501.. 2.50; .. Wtr..:"", ,o'h, a lIetbtrt "10.. Sehedull!& have been malted 10 In. Tree water sYlItem wlU be develp. to rill tholle thrce positions III a yoke of nilly the Rid lind blj West had armed hlmselt. Knowlego 4.ilO. One ri'llle, '1--1:- u: Or "'" ., Earl' clubg and nower t1toWCl'll, cd lifter the new main a lire put 'prominent West TeXLlq banker who wi!el. Detty. takes the \lol<'c of l\frt. The Wests cp(!I1t lIome time with (4.$. IUYrnQltd Buclil1er thIs ItQY'a mdln, StableJl members art' Invited to down, Gray !laid. but dlscuulon )loJdJl prorwrty In Huldoso Ill' lIC', l\{cSw('-«,n who 19 plllfCd by Mrt. :aiJ'll. Alcz Rlurisey, Chloride's post- Ninth rllee-Jest Here (Ollio weelC said wt"tJjC!· et1Ucal J. M.,1!(hlrlc!r I!lltflo one arrangemenl. which win of the luturt' plans will be put be. cept!!d an oECer from the local I l.eRoy McKmahl. mistresll viewing some 'of her au- Cox. Duncan, Ad%.) 28.10, 9.10, ,Huation ht!t1!i had ensed enough Batblrl HlllitreSlt - be Judgc(1. foro thO mallS meeting to l}e held board rt'cllntly. and lInnouncelml1nl , Frant; Coo }Joyce dOEs the nllt .. th", •• ;. "'" wh1<b '". pion. • , Pender , na· to .nOw """' lb' p m.' D. IV. O"go.. 'rh, v.n.. O ..d.. C,.b .bortt,. R "' m w.ol, mo, bo m.d. _. .. .. hi. ov, ""0" 'oo tho Th. no" .. on dl9plnyingln her proposed mu- m0'9 FJz:t 6.80. Five and one-half Uon Issued last month restrictIng (To Be ConUnued) Is a mt!mber of the Ncw Mexico be used to get a forge crowd out eeplance, carl'il'$ fOl"Wtu'd tM thread ot the Ileum In the neat lutUl'il. furlongs. T-l:08.8. tfie use of )Yaler In the vU1're. Memberships shoUld be fecelvM if'C!dernted G:atden Clubs, 1l pre- for the public gathering. I'ermanent oUicers for the bonk lllory wllidt JtI. J;I>7 -------, Tenth raee-Maekey Boy (3. O. IrrigaUng lawns, washing caJ'll and and Pllld in Cull on or befote Aug- one of the most successful were named in one or several playeJ'll, " " Fel:guson, Wharton. 'l'exas) 9.70, other such nOD-essCbtJaJ uses had 15, 1953. lin. name' Dower ahowll ever to be glvcn 10 meetings held by the banrd thel Mr Brot'el 19 oubtandin¥*•• ANTIQUE COLJJ!lmNO 3d'. "0; Ave W_ "GO. :LO" benn P .. b1b1tvd ,. th. ......!dO. '. thlo pm ., Now "!ox1", I. nul_ Traffic Cou nt .... 'ew d.,.. K"'OIh W.It ... , ",,, .1 0'. Man ,,_ .. "'_ PROOkA1ll FOR ItOTAKY MIlt Crnlg 2.30. «0 )'atds. T-23.4. tlon durirm the dry period of late Sh I in the tum mer of 11)52 In the nomed president of Ihe baok. Jilck Ull Or. ntazt'r, ! MIlnm C. C1lil'1M gave an inter- Eleventh ne:e-Stardeck F (J. ,Tunc'and .J1llY,...;md,·l!e these if'" apftan C 00 Navajo LosIge, nnd the J053 event Shows 17,768 Bm vlcc.presldent. C. A. Eiland Angelita Gonzales or O1tncoW. -. to'" Co lb........ - .. D. -. -. T .... )jm>hlhlU ••• ,It. no" IUt"' •. hol ""' ", p"m'''''' •• b ......... ", .....,. .......,., ,h.lhn.o .f lb••""" " lb. """ .1 S"""i11 their regular weekly rneeurtg Jut J 4.'7(1 2:10 2.50; Hy Dale. 4.10, 3.40; sparing wIth TI'\. Start Term wUJ be provided nnd tea ul"Ved as Vef..."'cles at AI· rport board secrotJu'y (0 the board ronw. Tuesday noon 'It the Nava 0 BOb 300, 300 yards. T- What water they did use· tor the v part of the t'tItci'ttllnment. n l.!I L. L. Butler. OlUilnr and Bell Lodge. Clark dlRUI$(!d antiques 166.' balance or the summer, a A gust:» 1 .P'· ,. , The DutomnUc tratlJc COUllleZ'll Collection of the balance due on The tWI) guanl!l Who finurc ItO ond ....... ""'...Id.. 'rwvtnh ..<0-& ... Rook'("'" "IV trY ". k .. p .. mooh n u" '. ' ,Ie<kln. tho .. 11 .r _d ,.. P,,,,.., ct"k ......""d the.oo ....." .." in the ""'dp'''1 nRl:l '" lb. drlve '''' tun to help by Am"" '"- A>lz.' ..... Wow bln " our ........' phhn. ....... _ .. 'co. . .' - .."'. I. ..... I , w .... thI'd ........ w,th '''' ,"'. I... rh. Kid .J both ..,,,",, _. fnlUd th' ""' _. 3.'. :LOO, CompvllUvv :L10. UO" to... lor "" a"""'"". he 'o. th'" ......... Db MMd... , ",•. - '" Mow'" '.tol 01 ".1" m .. w .... to •• t ........ It .1 Ib' to" '., "..,h.w. bl!Je. the ROtary hal; Graham County. 3.20. and; Umated. Aug, 31, It hh''been anMt1l1cet!j , .. , 'bUell. trucks ond plck-upG went llS remnlnder, It was announ('(>d Belli. whom the Kit! talks into .... ,. "'. on. ,,".. -'" to .......... th mil ... "'-lAO'" . ".. .. .• >:.,.nmen. wlU orvupy ..... 0( I' "', 'm- " tho Ru'doso or,p.". nul' ,,'" ...... oo p,,' 01 ......... ..... >I".. . •• ..,... ,d'PJTAN C. OF C. tho -<loy. The _lwW have " ii' ....h .... "v. d"ln. Ibe m ••1b DALLAS .... N IOYS p"'. " p""" by ""go, PhtW.. •• tho - .. -: ......... ownod· by tho leHEDULES QUAI"RLY .. ..ubi ......... U_t dl.bdh' . '. S' .f Jnly. Rep. L. S. ,rr",vy) ","k. COY MAROHey PRO.ERTY ., u."".. . Eo "'-lloyd,'" D, of •• 'l'"". Rolnbow Ronoh of P." .... ...... _UET SESSION ... lit""",,, Ih10 y.or, ..Id n_. '.' -. ". _'" "no .f tho "'u ..... for 011 In,,,. w b n.. now.I ••",,,, Woyn. It, Show, ",,? ...... ...... ... , ...... 1l1u."onli , .,.., ... Chem'" of Comm.... In'""'" L. IV. Cla'k. N. __ \;. .• ; .. lho ..... U'Jthwoy De""n".L B. S.I•• of 0.11... T"".. d ..WO.ho""""" ,hoHpm Pton 'ell, 4t th«: nth Ii... :schedUled iu cttiutetly bnn· fill tc!ttchet"ll Ire "returning tor tb«! J 'roL' "', Anothor counter, ot. Alto, rovoalod oTllsllfn sudr a part in thl' (?ccafW of laDSd. .... ...:' Huldooo - Sno.." " __ U .. 1'1'0<1_ .. Jtht 0< now "bool', .......... Ibo ... " " .... 01 ....... thor to, ."' t moond ,.,. ". Co, "'..."., K,d, ploy.. by .h.''', ToylOl am 0 a ..... Y. W F S seconds. -aelt{ week. Aug. 12 at 8 p.m. in dltlonld tt!l1cher hl19 been. J',' on State Highway 37. residence In Hollywood which he or Siln Patricio. Shelton also plan- Jack d' She set' .' new track record 1:01\ the City hall there. Dr. James Bar- to hbndle elementary PUpUIl at {" " ',; "This count lor the alt1lort dooO VUrchllll<!d along with other pro- the tjart ot Charlie ol)Jt a.,.. H ...... . 8" T : tho h""'" on•. wid'" n., ... ,,"',.. , d're,l" of ", Fl. S" ..... .." of tho c.p,.." .. " .nt ",",Ud. tho m.oy hond.... 01 I I lb . '" , ."'" ,II. ot ", !t1d•• " hond m... ., =w.'J;,·luhl l"" urUo ""!'!' """'" ce...,. wW ... "hool _m. .. ."" orh.,. y.h ..... wb',h """'" out g;;' 'h •••h t II 11:.' ';'hI" h .... Th. lIorrell n", ., .m .,.. · · th, ho" »nf""" fn th.IIm".. >h. g"", .... k.'.. ., ". ". . , , ,'. •• I M"h.m d".. to 'M d"".'. A'::i.. & .uP."'. 'W'''' ... by R ... , """" Sl So''''' 5h<1, '1'ex., Tel'. tate, D1sb Pan. owned by G ... :!:!'t llnnuaL Un. 'CAItJ:tlm lt60EO.\l ' !' ',' if , 'tf1eatto nrtd 10 th(t Cedor Creek by the Dodson brothers; the build ton "uylor, and Dana Kusil\l1OvlCbi '1',';1" -f " «>. ; , : "," . ,plcl1lc arens," Drake'iold. 1M houslhg )Jollr. wood JI1)slt;llicc Sa1a9p l :lYtJnlsothepartolShetW Lowclllllk ,- 'n <1.4 - to • ...... J;tI .,........,"'.. .............. . 'Co"1,,, : .......,'" t·, ,... ,.. ... .M lb. c ... d. ".re•••••. """ Uno<!y, ••• 10k.. M' ,. th .. UOM SIT EVEIlV' WEIK recotd. .... ' , 'Uiet eM tount)' In St!plembet, wEn bf # rodeo hall been tot Sitt,ltdl"j "" tr.olllDA COVPLE told the News he plnnned cxtcn. Which goes after TUllStbll, _ IY WOMAN'S CL.UB In tile t"lh rael!, au/) n !Jned, " dS d Ag 8 aM I\CCofi!ioi -- -- NOW O»EIlATlNG slvc ImprovemlJntll on hill home Torti B'abf!11l, vett!i'tIn actor -• Starting Wedrtesday, Rul· track record was., se..! bY Bra] '7 ." ,. "..., r: g ..... V. UOV$E CAFE Ilnd that ho had "$Ort of retired" the pOIj(!ant. stars 119 Colonel DU , it Woman's Club wm sponsbt" Bj:h'.as. owned bl ..." v. Murray 0 Am.rmo, '2lJ.40r 'Th . JI - J.- 'tI'- etl on aroun"'" - "'- - to make his home In the nuldl)!lO tl!Y lIrid IJlltO os Frnnk Coo. ' r'%. ...... "'d ....... ...,. 1h " ........ b .. " ...... mil. '" . :" <0, .... 111', ""1,. "l\Ie"''''""", M, ... d Mrs. Ro_ ..... 1 ... , "on."h N","e' 0 ..... , Ibo <Iulii bnlllll •• ,h"", In. -.lnI/I1""'" ., iii _;JTO. Ef"" "'.. ......."" t ., ,.u., ""'... . J .. no.. 'r" 1'!r: /f .... .. .. W.II ., wO. ...... .u th,'. ;,T'f.:f= .... w, ,I B.' 1 .... L". f!!.': 'At,. .'::.1 .... VR 1'0 "'CLOP" Jl1d luncheon PlttlC!l\.eacb Wed· daY's Ticlng was f131 .._. til 'J:Jllvla Clalre'/Wnt, Texas), _ " !. 4,1; II' A" """'''14' 11 Allen Who wert L1NtOLN JAt1NT ot tho lll1O w ,J starting' ,at noon;. Mltecf .«endance \\'0 3,1100, ·'uo. 3:10; Jel't)· Ke11et!, 8.flPt: 3.00; , . ., ...... torl:ed lo tatint lor aWhile to allow Tht! Third Annual Now tt1'exleo ltot1'illtt Nunez ot' t'ltlache; U- I!if. . ",,>'d1tut .. ,.,., 11<'" _.<!t, ItvotlI",. O..... letln ...... SIx 1u\'1_ ... ...... m" Jlo_ .• ... ,••-- '_E. "'"""_ Mr. All ... to _ ." il.reI"d ..... h To" wlll bo h .... ,.,,, nl ...."" ",n. !nihil Oi1e ..I "Qm.i1 In, C1Jpa:e. 1i'iru tAce : GJner, (JJtri) -t:1U.· :.,. \ Mti, M, b, Ploi, Who $t1f/eted·J! 1Ht ,be. !*'!'pei to recent itlnw, 'the'Delln. OJ)t!i'iUcd til-Is I' II rcvlou!ll .cheduled. nnd. IJl vrollllfient in the colb .. '"'''' ." 'r. .,. B """.1 ... } 10 .... ""',. """hlb "'_ ...." .. , .. - _on lOh.. · "" ., .. \'lJ'!'O ! qm"", '" Ill'" '"'' 4<1 ..... ""."a•• ht o(i,. r:::. .:.rodol ... I:' ..... ... rr ..... S..."" QuMnll. ... '. Judge ,and .. tL L. .\IlUiwas . :rWr1t an: ilhd &, wlUlnclUdli Llnl:oln CO\lilty ChtiS pt h a Y8 1 thit tt., fin ot AlmUf, . 'LeCIc:i "'6"1' " ., .' ; t:lOrWewak';,JlO',.li. 1 ; ",rew, .. In II three-ear wrec Yn " _ .... .:;jj, .......... 'l'heo- oj)i!-ra, ' oc .:e.y a 1'1 ' mJ' one ot tho trips, t1l Dick '?!) e• ...,.. ... lIouse guesiS' of Mr-. , abet ,Mt'$,' 23.8. , . .. ... , 11ve anel one-fourth furlO'liIl. '1'-- on 11. S. Highway 7, wa. s JIWCn .. ney wil On the mornlll H of the thtrd PdllSO whu!h WllS tonned i -$ec»ndo ".-. {*03.8., ,/Cd to 1M 4blpltat {(Om' ,_." ."'- .. turo II mfrc In4>,: ttneh at 'lI ... .' IS" h •d killing of'1'unpt!:lll. I, •.. '. fl.;M:.:f 1- '1';' ;( . .', . ',.' "., HJr' J'lt p1" if.. . I. ,. 1"61'6.2: 80 •. '2/10.i" .. Fh't!t neat. Muteumll,t1d (lAp , - ,, town bf LlnCbln for Ii bl, flhaI ltitJlnlt, otM!(rrlff BH'id)" art'-t r" ,' .... , .... I itt .. (DOli' #;50. stx lurlonp. 1 t 1app Jlt1IL . ... teUfJUl) !\ The tour In tl) deocenttllnbo!MtuudlprincJPj'" ' '. . EtA.a ",,' ..;" \,'l.'bIrd t:l pee IiiI' hTentb ( , 'C, ..' bJsc6tirke.s to ''Vol h t itte I ' .. A'1' C' , , . YO 10... i ted I tito pn IX\lt tho ltW,y a;vJ' .' . - ..' .... . .. d ,,, ..., " :.::: I,::: .... "...,.';OIdI.l. <''''!o 2.40. _P'.' .•".. "", ,. 1""'·01 h'i:t( ., ' ••Iti .. . ,,' '11 "'if"'''"' llto' ..... .." tl'd:;'P': .. .g t. 'W"d"', '; .... 1!IIf''''''hom "',,,.. i .,• '" 0." ;""'- :i ..... « 1. ':;&, llrll: :n"" ...... .1tl!Ilt. .••", l'1 i' .:..,"' "'•• " ••,....... , ... If .. I"', "' .... mil" ... IIIt {O, tho o,fl". S ... "Ie' . Pan (<:#: .Atia\ I ,• ., H ," c. .'" t1ulldlng the new st'. lUt. ChQTj:ll to JU'bI/lr1l)., noon of if!'@' nwd Of .. i!oIl fie' -'-j if. fit l/>not """"'" N,r, . 'Iii e.mJ J_1l<P.'''' 1I'hd .... " .... ...... <1".10 '. ",' .. "" ..... "I!l>l«<l rlt L",<o1. ',0\lliI1 10 Ii) i:. ua>'r ..':: ". ;lltoinf; ..... 'If.1o; .. nil: .... lute "" hdili." ftoi_ b...... ...... "'" ft'l1loh lh",lcl4 1>;>''''''''\dl' ,, :, '. .. ·:1'· ". fb.!!' ,.QI.'li'tO )i&ti:fI. T-:- y.19l: '1'1dy Step. 3,00.8'10 Y'* 'ifi' .. "well.ot water ; WCilltt!t., tl " ;, \Jt, ... , , .-- ...... '-',,' . : "" 'W·, " ..,e ... 'U." jI', 1>I!I,. 0'" th Ria. rtnted '\\ielr:ttfiiiWn:J'tltl!1ldWini: ..... ,. . . ,. -.le ,'.:' .IS'. •. - «(jm;f I :-""nl/tb r'" ,iOi'ow,l. "b'i .... tIWjt ... """"': "".bn , .l'hd b ......... '. '. •. "' . lor' ."" .... ' ... H. It... .l_ _ .:' ,! . 0, if' "',' ,0 £' .. :W." ......... .•. '. a . '" . , " ••• , .... ,.""....-, ",1;..."_ ;/. 1 ..' l'tw.t' . I".". -- , lit ..... . '0\ I .' " - ..... , . .' .. t' .. '. ",. •" ' ' " , , " < '. I .., , ' .' ' ._ A, 'It. ," ", .. -' , <; ." ." . v , . {\' I' i["'" , ...,.., . 'JI;,' ' '" . , . " " "", . , . '. 'If '. . I " '\:. j A,; Ji.....;,<1>.. ..... .. V.u4;;;, ... " ' ':lJo .• ,,:4 ... Joi." ... ...I .... ..'" .. . "" ' -- /or; ""''4''''' .... -N.I<o."%.oI. Jtl ...".4j :i";"' .• ... '"jIi.V, .. -"I\:,I"i. ...... ... " ....."V .... .. -'""'IF,. _".. e; ','""-":i. ;: 0 .... __ AliIt.. .Aid- ..... ""-..l ... "' ........ .. """- ..., , __ n'_ "Mi-* .... -..._ .. •• ',¥ " .. , '( , , '[ ) "I' . ,!'f' : c' \' I ;a: , . ,it '" " .•. ' , ",' ·..""t, " ", .. \ " "ri " 1i. <', >,. ,. '''''',.'', ,0",\.",'.1", ,':,", ": ',' _<'.""'.' I,"'.'" "oft ,t. , " " .}," ' •.• ". ' '',''",,''','' «'" ,", "",' , , " •• "" '"",, '''.' '''''' ',U',,',,:,''',' '," .' ,,', '" "''1''''',,, ' ":",, ,,' "",'.,,,,'>,' ' " ." "",' , ,', 'i" ", ,"" ..• ;;.,, . ",' "'" ,",' , ' ,," ',:,' . ,.1.", .... /' ,'-I .. " '. ,.$, '. '/ t 'f' , "" '" ", '" ','" , , ,'''' , ", , "" ,,," _'" ' ,' , " ,," ' ,_ , ) ,,' '", '. I " , , I' , , .' "(''', ' '",,' " ", , , " ," :". ", ,,' " .' ',' ,' " '. ' " •, , " '" ' ,'" '''''''''' '" " " ," ", " r"" , " ' ," ' ." '. '" , , , "",.' , ..... -." ,,' ' ,; , , ',.', " 'J ' " ' " "" ' " ", "i''' , '. '''' , ,' ... ', " " " , ' ,' "', , ' , "','''' "",',"',' ';""',,, ",', '" .. ";t,, ',,' ,,,,,,,,,,, ,'" .', ,',"" , ' ',' , " ' '" ','''''" ""'" , '''' ", " ,," .' , ... , ' " , >" , ",,, ' ..,'" , ",,' " ' " , ,', .'." ' "" "",,' , '; ,.- .. ' '., <, ", \, " " ... ," / \' . . '," .t,., ' , \fH t ,'., . .. " " " :'NtIOOUt; ;OotWTt 1\' •• ,f c , "' "",,' '., t, \ b;."

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:Ol:'lt P~I'l'4:TtN;GS'~' "(.1' 1HE' WEST . ,', ", ,

HAR:R",:"':'·,"S'·'·"S""H·,"','S·<.L·,'TJ"·Q,'N!,', '~ ." ~',:~::,. ~ .',:~ ", ,'; "', '," 1'" ",;.:,'." ',' '. .. .if.; , ,'~ . '. J;:', • ", _ < :' , • ' '.,

" ",' ,,' i' ".' , , . 'J, "I~ V', 1, . '. • ", '\ ." A'.t" ir:;I!l~""/T' I'n.i,." L'\ 1 .,.if'I MstQ.~~~;-~~~~r~~~~·· , , $; E'R J! I N"I G' .... '.~U ':~ .,~<;:~>.~., '. ~"i/i'/:\.;.v '~f'lii'

~ ',I' <,> ~ >, 'iI'rl.~..;..,._~,,- .......~t'iO!"~'!'>"""M~_"""'_"""''''';w.. ......~· ,. ,". ,,,;,~\,;,,,, ,~ .' ',,"' " ,",.'" ", ' '. _ ", ,:. .,'.". ",. '.,' .... . .. . " ..... .,',';",' ...,I ,,~.'r,Q!l'. )..... ',\'..". ~_·f' " , 'I"""""' ,,' :" ... RUIOQ$:)~:'~INtOLNCOU~~~;~I'$WMEXI.CQ. ," ,::>. 'H'i,; .,'," . . . . F~IQA-Y, AUGUST 7, 19",3, , _", , " " 'It<· , ., 'M• VOLUMe e~,NQMe&t( 8"-"'. , . . ,.' "."" .. ...' '. . " " .',. '''t<'' '. . ,

S AlLrQN\,SJ"KlSSf:;ATED E~~~peqf ,mY ~~~..'. idAs'S*1Ufd:jJ<YfMTURE:': . To Ife f9-~t~~f~.ct Ir.t t.oc~l~A,T R'".UID~",O:~'~:'O"'" ·D',·'0',W'~I~.. · ~\: Of Infamous Lincoln War

~ l1'li~ . "I" DAN .TOllM' ",u.". H. h" "'.W. "" wllh 'h.(By "'V1"..11 Bona) nt 'lOOt~ard~ 'fhe coloreul days ot pioneer lore and history ot this urca ap,lt.The Sixth 'Annulil running ot· A well-balanced card oC sQv~n Lincoln county wl1l return again ,had II natural girt rOl' drama nntf

tJlll Stallion Stakes at. 330 yards, tl1or

ou/ and five q(111rter tor II day or two lind old-timers dlrel'tlon of ploys" ThrQugh hiswfU bl~hllght Saturday's racing,,,hof~e races Is oftered tOJ: Satur- of this aron wlll be honored lit the suggestion and help, new scenes

' D Ef 'h " 'd l' - t k t ck records con "nnunl On" In Old Lincoln to be lloVD bet:'n added lind adtlJUo.l1Dl<ON d...... .-. «I v. OX. _..... 00 • , '0'" ",,' hI. h" ""'. Pot n'''''d to p"O<I·'. th lJo.'" ,\tal' whl" m...d h••d.. h"d S•••.,. Au'u" •. Th Ih••,. ~..... Am... Ih. nowfpr Ib~ "'""d I. • .",...1q..,. _.' .'onl.".. ""d'. '1 .,. 'rh. h'''"',,, p.....,, ~ d ~ .......dd.. "e .Th. KlIII...,~l,'hOr5e sta1l;es tor 1953. Inaugur- most $9P.OOO Wl1s eclipsed on a

un- x..ust Escllpe at BJily the sJ, 1'llnst"II" Illld "11rin",in". in the:ated In 1948, the Stallion Stakes day when a total ot llell,l'ly $l, 2,- sturrlng Johnnie Thomas, of nn KI,I." ~ .. ••

fBI,' J953 will carry u purse ot. 000 was wUll'ered on the twclv.e l'atril'io. liS tht:' tamous Kid, will u

over $1200 by post time Saturday. !'1!ce card. be neld two nights thJs yeaI', Sat- Johnnie Thomas AS BlIIyThl!\ltalnbow Ranch entry ot Flor- 1;1mJ:o~1JJJrecl COnAOlaUon urdily, Aua. 0, nnd Sunday, Aug. PlaYing the Kid ror the secondf.4t,1'"-4del and Hootch setlms destin- fa S~4J.)' , U, at 1;1:00 o'clock. time III his eurcer IS Johnnin.,cd to draw the' favoritc'$ role atter . StJnday'S teature qard at Itui- n.lph Bonnell Is Director Thomall of San Patndu. Johnnie illtI>e ••"kUn« purl"" ..." tu_ ""'" D'".. wn' .ue, th•.Th". N.w ,."h.. .1 .00honU,'.,. .'m." • ,,"'.. "d', th' KI. ,~I~ br. this tine .sta11lQ~ 'FIQrida 'oJ,lghbred Futurity Consolation have been added to the play this ltPpCUl'ance. fit' hilS Ihe sume smnltArle, last week whtm nc estab- Purse at four furlongs tor colts yeur, largely through the work of but powerrul and al'tivc phYlJlcatl#hed a new track .re<:ord- at :46.1 ,lmd Wiles w,blch WQre namln~t~~ Ilnlph Bonnell, director of the, equlpmenl; the sllme hnppy.go..seconds for 87G yards. (or the Central Bar and v

r..... pns~nnt. Ralph Is Ute urandson of IUt'ky hlunnt'r; tilt> Ilume winning

Moon Deck and J:\razos Bob both Tbprougbbred li'utlJrity tQr liSsa, the lute Frnnlt Coc, prominent plo- smilt' nnd tWlIlkltng bluc eyes~loom as strong contenders, while While tbe co-feature III (or t'hor- Ileer tlgytc: or early-liay Lincoln Johnnie IS un apple /trowel' nnd'NQ Snvvy's perfQrmancl) In h.Is lqs~ oubgbreps at six furlongs and wl11 . cowboy by profession. lie hall WOn;outing left little to be\"~d, 'otter n top field ot allowance 85 A H rlrst Ilrlzes In rnnny world .cham~sInce he equaTed the track record' three year olds with Will' ':t'l,Jck _ re .ere ,pion rodeos, and ill II real rldel:'' ,- , - , , ,-_. - .llI.vored by a wide margJn. Four of thc 10Ullh t'oul\lr;,' lIS well all II;. d' . ;qunrter hQrse and ell:ht thorough- For Annual rod€'Ostar. Jolmnlo l.n well ltnowl\~ ~ ' bred rllc:es have been carded for • " • an" arl'lItl." admired Crom one ~nd.I 2 An . :~. 'Sunday with the doll)' double on Simms Reunion oC LlI)coln ('ounty to the other. '., . "". ..c. th. """ .nd .""nd "'". Poo' ",,11m... " .... ""'<tom"( WIT &" WISDOM 'time hos again been set at 1:15 E1llhty-Civc p~rnollll \\Iel'o hert> Amullr, tho m,my: oUl!Jtamlln~I .. .p. m, '"'" ""''''''''.'' "II... th. 21l1h ."." .i '''" ..o""n, " 1.0- R""

By..,'I.... . . .._ .........1.. ..".., .'mm,, ro....". M,K.I.h'. Lv II",. "n

olth' m~

, • - V ..- . .,,"",.k F boo" !<om th. ",,,' h"d 'h. I"" w""-"d m Au.",' .111" ",10.. 10 bo "oo•••ywh'''.'01 'b d lb I •.- P 10' S,"""',,, ",d',,,, .11 the woy to .o<h "" ,. R"d_ h. 'h' NOV .M,'" I. p'" .rom..F.aDk '!b.&:w.~ ....... ~P • w'. th, LI."I.. "'i,"'" S~k'~ Thl. "".•no .1 'h. I..". ,,,' "'",, •••, 'u••, p,,'" wllhp. A 8,Ystem lit tho Community handily at Ruidoso ~ns. ar ous of the Simms romlly, th~ rn- clilial (>;if:(' unci nrtwtry 11111 out..M.lbo.r,.. CJ....h ..d ",. """" d". E'. ""ro .1 Ih. p~. woo d'•• roe.'" ••d """" ,to, (.,.'" ".m',,,. ~~., " "w' .1 Old M••strains of organ music lind chime, $818.11). Tho 10th rncCo PlaZil Cpr- Simms. WOll unoble to 00 prcllcnt: O"~!I, wlltJ he


ll5 thl' Rid makoAJA waIted, llmong lbe}. Dln,ea. In. ner Fl,J~urity, COnsolatli:ln event being committed to n IlllllI

lnll tOUI cootl hlA I'lll'IlPC Thill III one oil

the Palmer Gateway orea e:aeh and, Mockey Boy sped the ~~- , of Army hO:lpUIlJIJ nnd' cnmp,. lil


IIIJlhllllht9 ur 'tlw !lhow Lc Ro,,"cvenlng now ••• We tU'Cl l~vlted, yar~ c;ourt:o In. 23•• Ileconds, t - .J< " In the Ifl'oup llfO r.evcn brothu5 nl90 11'1\ U thl' \lilrt of Tunstllilmi. thO b••• ""'., "'b.",..".. ·m.....1IOn........... 2,800 ... "" 'U"'l' ••d .no ••,,, ".d 'h." ,'"'.ro,,, ••• :'~'''I o'h.",. U" "nth,,_of, Perle Davison's Fox Metc:mUtc parJ-mutuel hp.ndJc was $117,821, ~.... .. 1. and 6POUIlCS lind in-low.. IWllbllr wttt.'!1 thC' part ot Me-W........, wh... b. pre....·u..n The _n.. IN CAST-A ItlW 01 the P'o,." 'n 'h. pog,,"n•• "Th. Lost 'I'" rou.'" lh~ 'OO, w•• h"d SWN" '••d d"" ••p"ndld p'''''ut II tIl:Impl~ of .hIs ltotne-mad~ If'lrst race-Little Devil (I~ Escop'e of Billy the Kid." Surrounding the Kid, left to right hoar tho bridge on thc RIo nUl-I' ot wOfl;. The !\tl'Knll1ht brotilCl{1tC:l)lJJ-at·leaat thlt's what ho cal· Rogers, 1I0UyWOOd, N. M,) 10,50, S" B k h R bert Sh It T I $ B b dooo on Mechem Orlvo. Oal')' are great raVOrltCll among thell'led It..•• H. didn" ..... All tho .~n. ,.so; So'gen, lloy MO. 3.' I 0 ..: Dpn 'o,m os tic S 0' ° S; •• on. ~,or a ° . S'm"".r P",h...... Tox. d..... LI."d••,...." .."hboro. to, "'"~lentIJ (or 1.1.", but WI! recog. Dal.1h Waggoner 2.60. 330 ynrdll. 0 npron and ClIj) as ('oak lor tho. wldt' .tllud' tbete- thln~ In (hie:) It: '1'"-18.2. L· I 4 H' C·ro M b rsJt° IMPR VEMENTS PLANNED bunch, with D. O. Slml11ll, Oriel ot 'Sb*II1etU, meat, lomatoes, bermsl SecQnd rtlee-Bnby Char&e (VI10' tneO rt - ers .,.",. ent e IpS , . the /lcven brothel'lJ, contributlllll !'tl<'Oulrl.' As (,hbumpitfot. dishrag (hIe), some wine, H.. Perry Jr., Alpine, Texu) 6. 'W· H N tIl :l"f hla annual chIli (east (or onc mcal. Tht' 81m)' In \llt' Ilagt'ant in ~utf~,rJctwhat h~ called a hors6 ~hest. 3.10, 3.

10t!tocket Center 8:10. 4.70: , 'n· ODOrs, ow 'ota ~~ FOR WATER SYSTEM Othcra or the brothers and the sll!- nround tilt' paU«'fn or John <;hilr..

nut< (but what looked Uko In old. Bomber lillIC 4,50. 870 yom.. T- . ~ Memberships in the RuldoliO ' tel', arc: Frank nnd Oeorue Simmo um. lht> t.unOllo plonl'\'r cattleman,fa,shlon.d' pflllri button).', • , Tho 4M. In D.·s'trl..-t be (C total or Panhandle, Tex.; Mm. E. n. IfI hln 1:llt'r )c:'orll tdhnll about til"&turf had a kind ot delllyed acUon Third raee-AlIOll Bce (James .... fJ!ttmc:o~n~~g o~m.,e~sCt:s and AT GREEN TREE Anderson, Ooldthwuite, TelC,; nt'u- old da)ll to IIw hltle~illrl, Anltn.-7& hours afterwards It Is stili Rhodes, Neola, Utah) 23.10, 10.00, The ~In~~n County 4-H Junior assoclnte momber" for OJ/:! 10* !!y 8lmmn, Plcktoll, Tex.; Jer.lle pla,ved by AIlN'CC Yllrborouall,burnIng (and sUll-hle-tasletl 4.00; Lndy DQzhow 406013.00: Mil- contestantJ pla<:td well at the dlll- ts4 )'(lar. llrs. o~saJlnd &mc!, Tho ~l1aJ1l of G~1l.b. T~Q,.Jwr. )l'~k. 7 = o ..~~ , .~ • • ~~wbn.hrnuaht. hill an- "laym~~ VOite of eCh111um ,,],a

...., ...... 3."'. Six fu' T~ "Ie' VdJI!....JJ~.~""I'<Jlll _rer._ ....""'.....,. Ibo 'loleoll'i • llni' '''P tow'ri)o.. .. 'h••", tu...... ","u moo' n••' /lr.' .1 hon.,. ,,, 'h. m"l" R'\'/h MdI."•• '..,h" ••d "'''b~n;. th":~~a;;;g~ ~I ~'~~~·;;;:.,;-odd' (0... "'l'lf:'t~' ci~I';;' ..1l d.b. ''=''l''~h~~, ~'re';"~~P'm ll:',,"~::...;::I::; :r.~ml::.'::'t ~~~ :::'. &~I:f.::.~~;::J'i:: 'f::",~ r.::.m..~;1:..f~ R1~~~;"P'.~ ~. u~t':::.~'';,':,~~.'t••U~r:~~Commcn:e manatel'a dD In their Jane.. Oklll!loma- City..!. ,Okla.) and Lana V*rI~.'RUldoS() Vnlloy ~01CJI\M lICeond~ Lela Eister, 6 and 4 Inqh pipe for repl.clng mcntll, he said. Two standard firo M. O. Slmmn, treallllrcr oC tho llddll mUl'h 10 the Dhow,work thcse dll)'lll Tho foUowlnltJ5.80, 8.60, •.80; Show .l"I~ 3.80, club, both pltlc~ Ui the blue rib- third: n{lIIo Clarke, fourth; Marlo milIn» which ClIlT)' water ltom the hydrallf. aro to be Inatolled when reunion, or I.nSUIIll Deneh. Cailf The IlIunllt'r ot tho~\l who hoVCIeUpp

1nu came. from a Truth or 2.50; Fivc Thlrty 3.00. Five and bOn. ~oup at thedllltrJct cont~t. Rooney, Ilith; Ruby Buckner, Palo Verdc springs to lhe village. the new mllim are lold. Gray laid, Tho family 'liM attendcd a to- II pal t 111 nl.lkmn tho show antS

Co11EcquencC3 pnJ;lC: Jabt week: one.roul't11 rurlonlll. T-I:06.6. The Lincoln C6Unly livestock slxthJ ~Im Halo, flcvqnth: and Fran· onnounced Mayor Alton Gray thfl Money Cor purchasing the piP'! union In Ruldooo <,vety .venr 01 tho III<' dny In Old Llnl'oln a llUCCCUEuploraUClrt Trl. Ylelcls Fifth rtlee-Hylt> (N, R. Low, Jud.lna team ~lll~ed In tile Red cell 110llgiallS elghtli, , • ,. Camo Crom tax (urlds which hud 20 except three, wht'll tll(')7 fllot at I \\ (111M run Into Ihe hundred$, BUL No. Cavem Luling, Texas) 8,80, ••OO~ 2.70: ribbOn ;roup: the'team WtlS com- Since pu1)llcaUon of the lut list accumulated for payment on nn Red Rlvelr, once In Colorado and AmulIll th~e, the Mlowlng could

Mr. nnd Mm. PhU West and Prince Topper 5.70, 3.~O; Tristan posed of PMfiY McKnight, Jon of membcl'll for 19~, th~e FLOWER SHOW old- bond 1t1l1U,,-thn bondJI hllvlnR oncc at OIoriella. 00 mCIlUonooe1illdren opent Sunday exploring Jr•• 2,70, 810 yards. T~8.8. Wll<J. DOUglas f>fcKnJ,ght Qnd Cnr- have jolned...A ' , never been sold, however. TheY'll be back again nl'xt )'C'ar, Ited 1t1Imt'\' lOf 1.1I1t'oln. whothe countrYlllde In the vicinity of Sixth rnee-Cnesar'I1GJory (DIck rem Jones. . (CflnUttu,,-,..) IS NEXT WeEK Gray lIold a nominal service they declared thin week, took .'an' • t (J Ihnll~(JI1c1 and oneCJotlde. WCtlt. 10cnl chamber man.. Atkinaon,' Phoerilx, Ariz.) 5.10, 'The Homo ~omlC$ Judgms Cy Lcfll1d. Jr, charB!' for use. or the Waler will ," nrratlllI'lJlt'nt~ H11l1111ll: trom mal(-qC!J', was tracldng down n. cnvot 3.tO, 2,50: StaUstic IUO, &30; No- teath com~ (It. Vera ShnUl, VJllllge !lts'''uret The 'fre!l VolI!!lI Garden Club be charged when~he now malnJl IIIIl lhe ev<,nml! rolCl'l' to hll\lo.wh1cb be wan1l!d to 1nvet;t~ e ble One 6.80, FiVff and one-haU Patsy Nunu, ..rUlle Parnell. nnd Inter·MOuntaln. supp~ Is pr(!Sf!nUnti Its llCcond annual llre put In eUeet. . ' May Disclose cu;wrf'lf.>r.C'at9 111111(' for Ihe pai~for Indian wrltfngn, In order to In- furlonga. T-l:08.8. .:rudY MeJts1llht ~laced In the Harris J1uUdets Supp nQWot .how. "La F/i:'llW de Jail "We 0 wondorful supply ot untfdtnt villltaJ'll to the city ot Us lo~ Seventh race-ContinUed (H. H. Whlu rlblxnt «tOUp. ;f. G. lDrrfj LUmber ntpapy Flor(!II~' Friday of next week, Aug. wntcr In the f1prlllgs. enougl1 (0 N B k t:d\l\Urtl Pl'ntlt'ltl. who r;ul)erv~cntlon.lto falled to locate the cave, Mlllel', Luder1l, Wis.) 14••0, 6.00, 'the conlt'sl' \Va. 'held· 011 tho WhUc Mountain C.b~ 14, (tom 2:~ through 6 r.m, In ,.lIerve 1111 the need., Wl\ bdlevo. ew an I I cd rt'-~ntttlil of thc scrillt anlll

:r~;.,hr. ':.'t."1':'':':~ ~ :1:1.,.,:,.~~':.;;~ ~ U"'"",,!,,,: e,"":~ •••Po':""" ~iC~IIW~- .'. 1=: ~'Jl'.1'J~:~"''''' ~h.. hulld. ~~:""':,.r~:: ,..I"':"1.:~n.:~: .r';,'~::~:'·.:~el,:',1.:mJ:~'::~'Iwr;;~~ G7t~:I~II~~~ ~::C~CI~ ,up a hillside. Called' $,lt tho baJ(, longs, T-I:08.8. Hlrt's SC1!&t"Vo M~ Wilbur W. Coe, chalrmlln be 5lI1vnged or repAired, and must dent and cashier tor Iluldoso Slate oul In dlrt'('tina, proplI, and matJ,l;~of a yucca the raUler gave ttIJ Eighth race-Knowledge Book W..t'e-- Qostrictio....s I..clI.nct' Re.Uy Comp~n)'.. ot tilt! ,flesfa. announces all plonA bo repla~d." he !Il1ld, Dank mDY be made next w('ek, II Oth('f dl'tallr.,warning buu and was dJs~tched (E. T. Bdd,CllJ. Amarlllo, Texas),g "~ ~I Belllt01 arc noW complet!! for the event. Further expansion of tbe Grecn was disclosed Wednelldll)', Tht' manI BIll Schrt'4'ena"~t JIQrtraYD tbi:In haste with a .22 with, wh1cJ\ 8.9(), 3.10. 2.80; Talota 2.501.. 2.50; ~~·tf..te'..J.1.. Wtr..:"", ,o'h, a lIetbtrt "10.. Sehedull!& have been malted 10 In. Tree water sYlItem wlU be develp. to rill tholle thrce positions III a yoke of nilly the Rid lind bljWest had armed hlmselt. Knowlego 4.ilO. One ri'llle, '1--1:- u: Or "'" ., Earl'B~ ~r. tcrcst~d'clubg and nower t1toWCl'll, cd lifter the new maina lire put 'prominent West TeXLlq banker who wi!el. Detty. takes the \lol<'c of l\frt.

The Wests cp(!I1t lIome time with (4.$. ~i' IUYrnQltd Buclil1er thIs ItQY'a mdln, StableJl Non~~b members art' Invited to down, Gray !laid. but dlscuulon )loJdJl prorwrty In Huldoso Ill' lIC', l\{cSw('-«,n who 19 plllfCd by Mrt.:aiJ'll. Alcz Rlurisey, Chloride's post- Ninth rllee-Jest Here (Ollio weelC said wt"tJjC!· et1Ucal w~ter J. M.,1!(hlrlc!r I!lltflo one arrangemenl. which win of the luturt' plans will be put be. cept!!d an oECer from the local I l.eRoy McKmahl.mistresll viewing some 'of her au- Cox. Duncan, Ad%.) 28.10, 9.10, ,Huation ht!t1!i had ensed enough Batblrl HlllitreSlt - be Judgc(1. foro thO mallS meeting to l}e held board rt'cllntly. and lInnouncelml1nl , Frant; Coo }Joyce dOEs the",•• ;. "'" wh1<b '". pion. • , M~. Pender , na· to .nOw """' lb' p m.' D. IV. O"go.. 'rh, v.n.. O..d.. C,.b .bortt,. R "' m w.ol, mo, bo m.d. _. .. .. hi. ov, ""0" 'oo tho Th. no" ..on dl9plnyingln her proposed mu- m0'9 FJz:t 6.80. Five and one-half Uon Issued last month restrictIng (To Be ConUnued) Is a mt!mber of the Ncw Mexico be used to get a forge crowd out eeplance, carl'il'$ fOl"Wtu'd tM thread ot theIleum In the neat lutUl'il. furlongs. T-l:08.8. tfie use of )Yaler In the vU1're. Memberships shoUld be fecelvM if'C!dernted G:atden Clubs, 1l pre- for the public gathering. I'ermanent oUicers for the bonk lllory wllidt JtI.~ J;I>7 ~e

-------, Tenth raee-Maekey Boy (3. O. IrrigaUng lawns, washing caJ'll and and Pllld in Cull on or befote Aug- ~d one of the most successful were named in one or several playeJ'll, "" Fel:guson, Wharton. 'l'exas) 9.70, other such nOD-essCbtJaJ uses had ,~ 15, 1953. lin. name' 5tre~ Dower ahowll ever to be glvcn 10 meetings held by the banrd thel Mr Brot'el 19 oubtandin¥*••

ANTIQUE COLJJ!lmNO 3d'. "0; Ave W_ "GO. :LO" benn P..b1b1tvd ,. th. • ......!dO. '. thlo pm .,Now "!ox1", I. nul_ Traffic Count .... 'ew d.,.. K"'OIh W.It ..., ",,, .1 0'. Man ,,_ .."'_PROOkA1ll FOR ItOTAKY MIlt Crnlg 2.30. «0 )'atds. T-23.4. tlon durirm the dry period of late • S h I in the tummer of 11)52 In the nomed president of Ihe baok. Jilck Ull Or. ntazt'r, ! '~,

MIlnm C. C1lil'1M gave an inter- Eleventh ne:e-Stardeck F (J. ,Tunc'and .J1llY,...;md,·l!e ~s these if'"apftan C 00 Navajo LosIge, nnd the J053 event Shows 17,768 Bm vlcc.presldent. C. A. Eiland Angelita Gonzales or O1tncoW.-. to'" Co lb........- .. D. -. -. T....)jm>hlhlU••• ,It. no" IUt"'•. hol ""' ", p"m'''''' •• b.........",.....,. ~ .......,., ,h.lhn.o .f lb••""" " lb. """ .1 S"""i11their regular weekly rneeurtg JutJ 4.'7(1 2:10 2.50; Hy Dale. 4.10, 3.40; warnW~.ld.n.~labesparing wIth TI'\. Start Term wUJ be provided nnd tea ul"Ved as Vef..."'cles at AI· rport board ~nd secrotJu'y (0 the board ronw.Tuesday noon 'It the Nava 0 ~s BOb 300, 300 yards. T- What water they did use· tor the v part of the t'tItci'ttllnment. n l.!I L. L. Butler. OlUilnr and BellLodge. Clark dlRUI$(!d antiques 166.' balance or the summer, a A gust:»1 .P'· ,. , The DutomnUc tratlJc COUllleZ'll Collection of the balance due on The tWI) guanl!l Who finurc ItOond ....... ""'...Id.. 'rwvtnh ..<0-&...Rook'("'" "IV trY ". k..p .. mooh n u" '. ' ,Ie<kln. tho ..11 .r _d ,.. P,,,,.., ct"k ......""d the.oo ....." .." in the ""'dp'''1 nRl:l

'" lb. drlve '''' tun to help by Am"" '"- A>lz.' ..... Wow bln " our........' Co"'hhl~ phhn. ....... _ .. 'co. . .'~ • - .."'. I. 'b~ ..... I , w.... thI'd ........ w,th '''' ,"'. I... rh. Kid .J both ..,,,",, _.fnlUd th' ""' _. 3.'. :LOO, CompvllUvv :L10. UO" to... lor "" a"""'"". he 'o. th'" ,,~......... Db MMd..., ",•.- '" ~ Mow'" • '.tol 01 ".1" m.. w.... to •• t........It .1 Ib' to" '., "..,!Je. the ROtary hal; COUcct~ Graham County. 3.20. ~ne and; Umated. Aug, 31, It hh''been anMt1l1cet!j ,\<~ ,.. , 'bUell. trucks ond plck-upG went llS remnlnder, It was announ('(>d Belli. whom the Kit! talks into....,. "'. on. ,,".. -'" to ...• mil... "'-lAO'" . ".. .. . • >:.,.nmen. wlU orvupy .....0( I' "', 'm- " tho Ru'doso or,p.". nul' • ,,'" ...... oo p,,' 01 .........•..... >I".. . ••_~ ..,... ,d'PJTAN C. OF C. tho -<loy. The _lwW have " ii' ....h...."v. d"ln. Ibe m••1b DALLAS ....N IOYS p"'. " p""" by ""go, PhtW..V~"o" •• tho - .. -: ......... -~ ownod· by tho leHEDULES QUAI"RLY .. ..ubi.........U_t dl.bdh' . '. S' .f Jnly. Rep. L. S. ,rr",vy) ","k. COY MAROHey PRO.ERTY ., u."".. .Eo "'-lloyd,'" D, of~•• 'l'"". Rolnbow Ronoh of P.".... ...... _UET SESSION ... lit""",,, Ih10 y.or, ..Idn_. '.' -. ". ~_'" "no .f tho "'u..... for 011In,,,. w b n.. now.I••",,,,Woyn. It, Show, ",,? ~ ...... ...... ..., ......1l1u."onli , .,..,... Chem'" of Comm.... In'""'" L. IV.Cla'k. N.__ \;..• ; .. lho ..... U'Jthwoy De""n".L B. S.I•• of 0.11... T""..,~''l:,''i d..WO.ho""""" ,hoHpm Pton'ell, ~ulB ~~Jfll~fl~~~. ~QUrse 4t th«:featu~dnth~ac~fl Ii... :schedUled iu cttiutetly bnn· fill tc!ttchet"ll Ire "returning tor tb«!J'roL' "', Anothor counter, ot. Alto, rovoalod §~ra~~: oTllsllfn ~~:~Is:, Au~t sudr a part in thl' (?ccafW of t~laDSd. ~'1' ....~~• ...:' Huldooo - Sno.." " __U.. 1'1'0<1_ ..Jtht 0< now "bool',.......... Ibo... ~:. " " 1~" ....01....... thor to, ."' t moond ,.,. ". Co, "'..."., K,d, ~ ploy.. by .h.''', ToylOl

am 0 a..... Y. W F S ~ seconds. -aelt{ week. Aug. 12 at 8 p.m. in dltlonld tt!l1cher hl19 been. *~Urcuj J',' on State Highway 37. residence In Hollywood which he or Siln Patricio. Shelton also plan-Jack Ab~bHf'Il~' d'Llim~ She set' .' new track record 1:01\ the City hall there. Dr. James Bar- to hbndle elementary PUpUIl at l't~ {" " ',; "This count lor the alt1lort dooO VUrchllll<!d along with other pro- the tjart ot Charlie aowd~, ol)Jt• a.,.. H...... .~ 8" T : tho h""'" on•.wid'" n.,... ,,"',.., d're,l" of ", Fl. S"..... • .." of tho c.p,.." .. " .nt ",",Ud. tho m.oy hond.... 01 I I lb . '" , ."'" ,II. ot ", !t1d•• " hond m... .,Tex·;f~""'!." =w.'J;,·luhl l"" • urUo ""!'!' ~...... """'" ce...,. wW ... "hool _m. .. ."" orh.,. y.h..... wb',h """'" out g;;' 'h•••h t II11:.' ';'hI" h.... Th. lIorrell n", ., .m ,....~_.,.. ·,. · th, ho" »nf""" fn th.IIm".. >h. g"", ....k.'.. ., ". " . . , .,.~ • , ,'. •• IM"h.m d".. to 'M d"".'. A'::i.. Lo~h:,'& .uP."'. 'W'''' ... by R..., """" Sl So''''' 5h<1,'1'ex., ~'Q<tR,(..~ P~OB, Tel'. tate, D1sb Pan. owned by G...:!:!'t f'''Plan'·J:o~.tbf.fint: llnnuaL Un. 'CAItJ:tlm lt60EO.\l • ' !' ',' if , 'tf1eatto nrtd 10 th(t Cedor Creek by the Dodson brothers; the build ton "uylor, and Dana Kusil\l1OvlCbi

'1',';1" -f " ,fieldsotVlnlta,Ok1d..ranth~UJb"'i ~ln Cottrtty~ht""i:!merit D.Y;if~" «>. ; , : "," . ,plcl1lc arens," Drake'iold. 1M houslhg )Jollr.wood

JI1)slt;llicc Sa1a9pl:lYtJnlsothepartolShetW

~Lowclllllk ,- 'n <1.4 - to • ...... J;tI .,........,"'.. .............. . '··;\"'~.M 'Co"1,,, :.......,'" t·, ,... , . . ... .M lb. c... d. ".re•••••. """ Uno<!y, ••• 10k.. M' ,. th..UOMSIT EVEIlV' WEIK recotd. .... ' , 'Uiet eM tount)' In St!plembet, wEn bf # • rodeo hall been ~t tot Sitt,ltdl"j "" tr.olllDA COVPLE told the News he plnnned cxtcn. Which goes after TUllStbll, _ ~IY WOMAN'S CL.UB In tile t"lh rael!, au/) n -~ !Jned, " d S d A g 8 aM ~ I\CCofi!ioi -- -- NOW O»EIlATlNG slvc ImprovemlJntll on hill home Torti B'abf!11l, vett!i'tIn actor-• Starting nex~ Wedrtesday, Rul· track record was., se..! bY Bra] '7 ~ . " , . ~ "..., r:g ~nr:~rr:ie"ldllg ~wdo$O.· '~ .....V. UOV$E CAFE Ilnd that ho had "$Ort of retired" the pOIj(!ant. stars 119 Colonel DU ,it Woman's Club wm sponsbt" Bj:h'.as. owned bl ..." v. Murray 0 ;~USUn Am.rmo, .T~njl! '2lJ.40r 'Th . JI - J.- 'tI'- etl on aroun"'" - "'- - to make his home In the nuldl)!lO tl!Y lIrid IJlltO os Frnnk Coo. 'r'%....... "'d ..........,. 1h " ........ b.." ...... mil. '" . :" <0, ....111', ""1,. 'thr:1I'~,:;o""l\Ie"''''""", M,...d Mrs. Ro_ .....1 ..., "on."h N","e' ~ 0 ..... ,Ibo _.~ <Iulii bnlllll•• ,h"", 1~.,_ In. -.lnI/I1""'" ., iii _;JTO.Ef"" "'.. ......."" t ., ,.u., ""'... . J.."'r'vu~no.. 'r" 1'!r: /f.... . ... W.II• ., wO. ...... .u th,'."l~l\''Il.;f."~",,Wtl.~;,T'f.:f=....tiiol.b~./jr"""l'I /if'~Il:"f.'~rC,,:;,. (~. w, ~Jr ,I B.' 1 .... Ca~'."'"~ L". f!!.': ~.'!., n,"=~, 'At,. .'::.1 "A~Oll ....VR 1'0 "'CLOP" ~~~,F:.~.=.:.''''~Jl1d luncheon PlttlC!l\.eacb Wed· daY's Ticlng was f131.._. til 'J:Jllvla Clalre'/Wnt, Texas), U~ _ " ! . 4,1; II' A" """'''14' ~ 11 '~lJS'. -NQrma~ Allen Who wert L1NtOLN JAt1NT ot tho lll1O


~~$day starting' ,at U~~ noon;. Mltecf .«endance \\'0 3,1100, ·'uo. 3:10; Jel't)·Ke11et!, 8.flPt: 3.00; ,~ , . ~ ., 1· .l,Jt!..t~~e..~~ ......ew1f~c.T:: torl:ed lo tatint lor aWhile to allow Tht! Third Annual Now tt1'exleo ltot1'illtt Nunez ot' t'ltlache; U- I!if..•",,>'d1tut .. ,.,., 11<'" _.<!t, ItvotlI",. O.....letln ...... SIx 1u\'1_ ...~ ...... m"Jlo_ . •...,••-- '_E. "'"""_ • Mr. All... to ""'.~a'. _ ." il.reI"d .....h To" wlll bo h.... ,.,,, nl ...."" ",n. !nihil~~Oi1e ..I 1IJ~ "Qm.i1 In, C1Jpa:e. 1i'iru tAce :.AIpl~f! GJner, (JJtri) -t:1U.· :.,. • \ Mti, M, b, Ploi, Who $t1f/eted·J! ,-~ 1Ht ~lIt· ,be. !*'!'pei to recent itlnw, 'the'Delln. OJ)t!i'iUcd til-Is I' II rcvlou!ll .cheduled. nnd. IJl vrollllfient in the colb.. ~,. '"'''' ." 'r. .,. B """.1...} 10.... ""',. """hlb "'_...." .. , ..- _on lOh..·"" •., .. \'lJ'!'O !qm"",~4 '" Ill'" • '"'' 4<1..... ""."a•• ht Ib~ o(i,. r:::. .:.rodol... I:' ..... ... rr.....S..."" QuMnll. ... '.~ Judge ,and ~¥4!~a" ..F,~.GrUt· 3.20;~ ~~ ~'¥6\14b:=dS 2~ tL L. TaYl9f~Aflcjoolll'i",,9t90~,o .\IlUiwas 8]~ilgr~ffi"W~JI'lIV(1~~r) .f~~~!t.~li:~ FI~rld~ ~~~ :rWr1t an: rf.~~~n~o ilhd &, wlUlnclUdli Llnl:oln CO\lilty ChtiS i"~~Ull~ pt




thit tt.,fin ot AlmUf, .,u:~. ~!~ 'LeCIc:i "'6"1' " ., .' ; t:lOrWewak';,JlO',.li.1

; ",rew, .. • In II three-ear wrec ~a.r Y n " .~ _ .....:;jj, .......... 'l'heo- oj)i!-ra, ' • oc ,~• .:e.y a 1'1 ' mJ' one ot tho trips, t1l Dick •..,,~Wf,"t '?!) e• ...,..... lIouse guesiS' of Mr-. , abet ,Mt'$,' 23.8. , . ..~, ... , 11ve anel one-fourth furlO'liIl. '1'-- on 11. S. Highway 7 , wa. l'et~! ,,,~ s ~~;..~=:t'cl"R\1( JIWCn day6.ahw~3'I ..ney wil .t~:: On the mornlll


of the thtrd PdllSO whu!h WllS tonned aft~f i~ ~.~_-Gti~.w.. -$ec»ndo ~Mt\kk\o ".-. {*03.8., ,/Cd to 1M~UJ4Wt 4blpltat {(Om' ,_." ."'-~~~ .. turo II mfrc In4>,: ttneh at 'lI...~ .' IS" h •d killing of'1'unpt!:lll. I,

=~~4. ~•..'.~'1:lb~fllil~aW~J~~~;:~~~(~¥VJi, fl.;M:.:f~'bJ.r~~ 1-'~,~ '1';' ~~.::: ~a'"'' r~..= ;jr.\;'Z~~~~A':,"fg&,=~:;;( . .', . '~,,' ',.' "., ~. HJr' J'lt p1" if.. . I. , .~ 1"61'6.2:

80•.'2/10.i" J,rl~ur.. Fh't!t neat. ~ler'lI Muteumll,t1d lJ:~ti (lAp ~ C~rR,'AOTOKS , ~ - , , ~ld town bf LlnCbln for Ii bl, flhaI ltitJlnlt, otM!(rrlff BH'id)" art'-t~~.W~W!a:·Ul"" r" 21,.'CJ""'~'.", '....,.... I itt..~ (DOli' #;50. stx lurlonp. 'J,'-()l.K'~ 1 ,tU1~Wl}etlliet"du.sbJaMt 1app1~ Jlt1IL CL~.s . ... ;~." teUfJUl) !\ I$r~llue The tour In ex~ted tl) deocenttllnbo!MtuudlprincJPj'"

' '. . EtA.a ",,' ..;" \,'l.'bIrd ,n-=~ t:l pee IiiI' hTentb tac~l(JntO ( , 'C, ~..' bJsc6tirke.s to ''Vol h t itte I '..~ A'1' C' , , . YO 1~"f'11()H'I'll£i''l' 10... i ted I tito pn IX\lt tho ltW,y ploll~t a;vJ' a\t~ .'. - ..' .... . .. d ,,, ~ ..., " :.:::I,::: ~ ...."...,.';OIdI.l. <''''!o 2.40. _P'.'.•".."", ,. 1""'·01 h'i:t( ., '••Iti.~. .. . ,,' '11 "'if"'''"'llto'.....N""~ .." tl'd:;'P': .. .g t.'W"d"', ';.... bo~ 1!IIf''''''hom "',,,.. i ~

. , • .~!'llIblllf'4 '"0." ;""'- !'1~~~"",:i..... « 1. ':;&, llrll::n"" ......,~c:~ .1tl!Ilt.~.••",~~~.w l'1 i' .:..,"' "'•• " ••,.......~"" , ...If.. ~"'''lh''I'' I"', "' .... mil" ...IIIt {O, tho o,fl". C~ ~,"&:fS':,~ ... "Ie''~~:=~~,7~".~l)llli Pan (<:#: ~\ ~~~ ~rit4l~:itda' .Atia\~, I ~. , • ., H ," c. .I'~, .'" t1ulldlng the new st'. lUt. ChQTj:ll "1ol~IPtJ~niemlnder to JU'bI/lr1l)., noon pf~at.~ of ~or" r~~hH(. n~'if!'@' nwd (lU~ell ,ttl:tti~1iriiIf.:"'~Of~..i!oIl fie' loJ~ -'-j if. fit l/>not 'ii!oI!t~. """"'" N,r, llGms':!!!!!!f~!(d . 'Iii e.mJ J_1l<P.'''' 1I'hd .... " ....~'.IlOh......<1".10 ' . ",' .. ""..... "I!l>l«<lrlt L",<o1. ',0\lliI1 10 Ii)>'r~',. ..':: " .m~ >i'~"" ;lltoinf; l~' ..... f,,,?:~r'If.1o; If;.,.~na ..nil: .... ~ lute "" hdili."ftoi_ ox~I",,,,, b......~..... ......"'" W~"'TH'i.ft'l1loh A\Q~Ib. ~h1ii"'1JI:lh",lcl41>;>''''''''\dl',,:, ' . .. 1·• ·:1'·".fb.!!' ii:~ ,.QI.'li'tO )i&ti:fI. T-:- y.19l: '1'1dy Step. 3,00• .8'10 Y'* 'ifi'A· .. "well.ot water~~~... ,~t.eJl!Sd ~ &I]~u.!rti~~:. ~Je =it:l#iii~!~~4du~m:nf~E ;~10C'~1 WCilltt!t., fe~fllfiit,,81a~,Ule .h~,!,.lIn tl 'llm~ bY'l~"" "

;, \Jt, ... , , .-- ...... '-',,' . i'-J.~.l. : "" 'W·, " M~fm~,..,,,.,"._r-r, ..,e ...'U." jI', 1>I!I,. ry""'h~ 0'" th Ria. rtnted }IOriwhJjll'~*rttiibl1'l4J'j)"1l= '\\ielr:ttfiiiWn:J'tltl!1ldWini: ..... ,...,,~ . . ,. -.le ,'.:' .IS'. •. :.,dl.-~ - «(jm;f I:-""nl/tb r'" ,iOi'ow,l.~'It. "b'i....tIWjt ...""""': "".bn , .l'hd b.........'. '. ~ •. "' . '.~ ~ lor' ."" .... '... H. It... .l_ _.:', ! . 0, '~"I'? f'~": if'"',' ,0 '~i~I);)~~~.",~,£' ¥!·-"~~~::Mt11~.. ·~J'·W"_"·:W." ~8i"L., ......... ,IP~x1C"'.' .•. '. a ~t~ . .u,.~ '" . ~llM~~}~. ,~,. "••• ,~~ ~>'"><;I ,....,.""....-, ",1;..."_ ;/. 'I-;;li'-"~" "~'''.1 ..' l'tw.t' ~. . I".". - - , .~.," lit ..... . f~ ~(l'(;, '0\I

.' " -....., . .' .. t' .. '. ",. • " '' " , , " • < '. I .., , ' .' • ' ._ A, 'It. ," ",.. -' ~" , <; -~.,' ~f- ." ." . v , . {\' I' i["'" ,...,.., . 'JI;,'' '" .~. , . ~ " ~ " "", . , .'. 'If '. • . .~ ~I " '\:. j A,; Ji.....;,<1>.. ~""'A~41.' ..... ~:l:~1 .. V.u4;;;, a,-.oIl--,~_w.'... "' ':lJo "",~&;i.f:'>..I.f'!.!" i&1"''&'~1olII;,~''t; .•e,;;.J!I~ ,,:4 ...Joi."...~,.tLdJ.o;,i' ...I ...."'.".I"'<.L:'."'~»{..'" ~,.., .. . ""' -- /or; 1lK;1'I;,;~"""·"'"",,' ""''4''''' ~ ....-N.I<o."%.oI. Jtl -""""''''',,~~~ ':\.~~'I';~,#i;,;.t ...".4j :i";"' ~~""';".;/I>-.• V~r~,·~,~·_y ... '"jIi.V,..-"I\:,I"i.......~V... " ....."V ....j.~,.;,....-'""'IF,. _".. e; •','""-":i. ;: 0 .... ~ .~'. "_'~"'" • __ ·.·-*1~1IIL AliIt...Aid-..... ""-..l ... "' ........ ~:.:..\ii.:... .. """- ..., ~_ , • __ n'_~_== "Mi-* .... -..._






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Y·cnit mailman beeomea 10ur banker w~,~ ute. ,F&at,Wational'a "Ba~hy Man" 'plan. MlaU 'Us ~oat: .

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For Convenience • • •,

/' B'ank By Mail'





JalrJ,a,...*'.-At JunctionHllhw~y 10



Roman Maes'"

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cW"S ALEMany Items S'ilow Cost~~·

Old Mill Trading/Po'sf,' "6' Arrowhead ·Curio .

•• <.,,' "- ," •. ""'~''''' ',',I'l.:' If" " "., ,'" .. ,, .' ..,;" ~ • ,_ , .", "',' I... • i ' " '.r "';'>" ~ ....,' .• -, " •,".1 • " .',. , .. • , ' • , •• , Ii. \I ',I " j;t: ~ r, ~" ~ ... ~ I ,\ i • ,; " . • "I" ;' , , • ~ , " , • d .,. ' ,- .\ < • \ '" I',. , • "I.....Il' ". '" ,"' ., , .. , • • ~ 1 ",' '. - '.... " '. • l ' ,r .. L '. ~,') > •• • ... • '. c' " .' '",' H ,;." ',,,

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I'. ':,"" J,'J;, . '\ ~.,,&' I :;.I;},.: ","', t'~·.,"~~· ""~.".;:~~?1!~~~Ji_~?,,~~<:,,,~~ :~":~".Jo;"'~:.~'~':""~ J;'l,,,:~,~,,.,~,~,,·,,,..~l~'.:. ''''':"'~·t:''·'r....~~:),):.'t'!''-I :Ji::<:\,··~i):·,1"1~",_,<,,:,-,:,'.,,:;~,,~"':"'::" "~:I' },,~:. ":." ~'.,,"',:"'""':' ,', "":'."<:'." ';, ' , ~1'1,j" ~ '.' '. . ~ i r.",~ " '. • J ' " • ~ ~" , ~,'" I >If. <' • , , ". ' '. " .. , ";t~' "i!t't. , "I:""#'\ .~ .~J. 'l~'" ' , .' i',' I',. ~!•• ,'" ", '~'I I' ,," ' , I '. ,<0 ," ",". , ,",.. '.. ~. .~ /.~-I. '..... ,,,,,,~,.,,,,,. 'lo' r" 4t , ~. , /" ,. 'oJ. '",', < • , • '~'" '" , ' ' " .. ' 1:" ',", 'I ' ,.... , , ' ., '. ,.~"~'t'i(...." ......... >-, 4' "11 ",-'- ~ .•" \,," ''!-i; • "~ " ~. • '" "

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~? " ',:.k~/:JZ';'''~1'jI;\'l·,lt:~ I ';,'1 l' ;' ".~.,. " '; l, ,,': ,':i,ir .:I~t".~!<!;.J"~j:'t:;lt·. "'q',"I\,f'.:,;J,,,j,;' , , "'" ' "~, .,· ...~!:f}:..' .. \f~~..;;-.'f' J<. 5\" '. <",. y.~~·lt'rr':'i'""I.i\i'l1~~~ ,·,~.~,;,),'!';'\:"e;\:r:.' t. ,'" "7'::

1', .. 0 " ~ 'J~"~~'~'~ ,_,0" 'J" ,t ' ., . . . . <~C~_'!i.'" ~V';·,,,,,,·~ 7, ","",,' 'f ''';'!II-.', . ' , . ,',• ; ~ it'""~' 1I' ;-~~>i~ :'!"o f' ,. ." ," ~ " 'f'.';: ~ , .~ ~.I ~.'''¥' ~,.'i.~IX~.>(,,, ...:j "~4:'-1:,i~+ ;, .•,',',,:!?.;:,p., ". 0 't' . " ' ,

i,' ": . '.." ... ", ...'tl{,f;·;l·V-'~J~~' :I~l~~'->j -~" . '0 ,,', , '. ' , ' ',' tl

. IT'' N'£.D:'". '::''';.'"'. ,Jiti~~f~f¥~~~:,~~~~~,~ -- "::'~U'iiB:SO'·(~~ti:tS',., ';, ',' d :'~~S ,...·,$·"()~~i" .t»n:u~O .f.~. 'N.~ .. '~' 'r; - ~J 1·~~t')~~'f;F-~t:4j'.!4.~,-~ '1 ~ , ' 01 ~.~, "" ,"~W, .' I,". Y'"' A 0 " ..,.' '-'~'''~'"~ '.>,'. ,.' a.;,;;,.:.ii,> ••.

.. '," '"" ,<l~';r~f'!>'+',~ . "-'" " ~. --' ~Iday. AUlWlll '1,;,1953 , . , .....~. '.",It. No..,. .N~fI ';" .;",;n~~,~, ,~~~,

~~;.Q,.;A~N~Q~P.;,~~':::~:S~'"f'.·~l.~iCo;cL1m.:r,}.·~~'>'" - .... ,.". .' .", '", ','~~~;~~~!>:~:~~;:i~ii~~f'::"J'#t~l'\\@nk~ijill~,,~~,~~~~t~r~~~.;'~;t~~:Jt~~~~~~~$U.25I;PQ O!A~/ . {, ., 'w' :ej.t,s,,~.'. "!' :;Pi""'g, '" ', .. ". k~"1 ,Okla., Va~!lt1g"ed 1'J,er~ totl~l %, 1.'.3" • ..,.. _L . I an 00U~fI"!'A~W" . I ..' .,IJOi. ~,..,05~ . ~.' " .. '.: ';, . " .th!!lrr 'i1l>t tlID6earll! this week, : 261'lG.'C. ;Ro~rt$O", Stree.t pept"Ex.~.,.., _w_.".~.~w.~~ ""',

''i.~~~,';;. .. ;( ".$ ,/JI..q" ,~/!' . "c,~,,~ f.'PhllJld)I!t.'.jjil with rthe I41wtonl~":r., "'53." I. ,","'....\6LPlM'EQ' Y1'[llJ' ,gr .,. ~I!"l!t'~ ,l!>••~"~~, ·: ,~~.lf"U" c~ , tt ·~- .: ,"'to

-rHING) . I ..' :J ' T Mr. aA"tMrll;' ~tr~~ Havens °l~' ~~~S" ~~~~~1'6·p~bS;:.' Sfte';ti'eJrEip:·::=::-:'~·ag:~, . ' em~ 'H~' Qre uere ~or II. coun ~ . 'l: 1M ., '.' , 18 00"

'I ;;- , ',.:: ',' ",' 't"(1 't '~' .' "-",'" 2621Mldwav Gatage, St-..+ :pen + ;Rxp••w,····~·······..~·, ,'., 0 weel\ll" v..c'l • n n " ' '. ~,I.:..,"" ., ....... ,.. ....., 1- aft, .* .. I ~$14.;¥i ... f e- :-" ',: ~ ',\•. , I" e'.'4i ),t;:u .' ~ 2(522 ''';~'-'''JJJ:~ AutQ Pal1$, SP=eet pept. ~p. "~~l'::'-:<!"-··"'~"· ..~.\IV

.~ ;' , ',; 21Saa ;RI. Pa~(l Hotel ,~tlP, Co., ~~Q. ~••••••••"-........... 31,lI5,., ,26l!. GllOrga B,u,e, 141I1e••"'" " ll•••,. ,"~.~..~·w."... ~O.OO

. , . 2~~ ,.Aoj5J. WUkersf;ln, Upkeep. o~ ;F;qwp•••*".,.~.:..........IO.Ol;. 2fS2lt ViUage' Water Dept., uUUtiell .."~4l(."" .......,_••~'1';;.~~. ~,OO

26a7 Flell'~ Ca(c, F,e~ing Ptljqp,.~rs ••••••••••••••"'._.~..15.'102628 nUldoso Tel. CO" UUllt~s ~••.:••_.... 21.1152629 Com. P:ub. Ser. Co., l,JU1,U¢:t and $treet LiJhting ~~ SU2

,' .2630 ~W.Jilt~ Alita Stote., l1J;1k~ep,0;,EqUIp•.••••_.~"'!.'::"".. , 4.0P. 2631. G:''\f p. ~oberlibn, Street Dept: E:XP. , ••••••••,....... 60.00

.' 263~ C.)\. cbtvet, OUice ~pe~ •••~................... 1'1.'(1)'July n. 1953 '. . " .

," . ~33 "MarUn R. Mort, Spl. Otfi,e~{ §.Qtary ~•. 30.00JulJ It, J95$ '. . " . .

.• I 2634 Mzmu'el Chavez. Misc:. •...... -t".....:'l"... .:.~- ....""-t"''!''''!''~,. ...~.. ~.op~ Jill)' 13, .1'153 ': 2635 c+ l! ..ems, Misc• .,.,!..:••••.••••••_.,.••••~••••w•••••• 10J.~Oi Jul, J., If5,. .,, ."',2636 Cl.aJ'ke Ins. Acenc)', ~Jse•••••••••_.................. 8.74\, '2113'l Beli.Chemlelll CQ., Sl\I\It.t1on;~p ••••••••••••;.•••;; ~~.1812G:3IJ; J: M, comer, tfpkeep ot EQuip., •• ~••••••••: ••~... 14,19'

2~9" B~krt(!r :Elec. Co., Paint ••••••••••••••_•••••••••••••. 11.33· 2MO Ruidoso News. Publications •••••••••••••••••••••••• 87.03" 2641 Ernest Woo4, Mise. _ f).5O· ~ul)' 17, 1953 '. .' ,:" 2642 Treas. of U, 5" Pine 'Poles ~~...:;i~ ••:.................. 5.00t Jill,. 18, 19a5; ,, 2043 Manuel Chavt:.ZJ :E)xpense 8.00i . 20« .Geor1e Rue, Mille: ••~ ~,..~_................ 111.00· .lui,. 21, I 113 ." .. .7 ,21145 Co). 0' Int. Beven!1~~Wit~o1dq,jf)'f~x •••••••••••': 180.~O· 21S4.6 Jl;d,ward Cllf1delQr~, ,»U'«;et:. DepE.f'~xP •••: •••••"•••• 110.00" JuJ,. 25, 1.5S· . (,~ t .

. 21Sn Manuel Chavez, Juvenile Ju4ee Exp, •••••••••••••• 8,00~m,.u. ' ..


:t•., ' 2648 ZOr.k Hdw. Co., Misc., ••••••~••,.•••••••••'\, ' 23~37.., 21149 ~rvey Acct. Ser" Au41t ••••••••••_•• ~••••••,....... 'IS.OO

• 2650 Lbr, Co., Street Dept. Exp. 1111.00

1, 21SlIl ~er ountllln Sup. Co., Misc. lU3

,;:,'i ·JUI12~~21l1C. A. Culver, Clerk Salary ,. J~.VO

2653 'Dewey L. Gann, Jr"MarahaJl--salnry ••••••••••~,. 288.10f 21154 C. D. Weems, Pollee .Tudie Salary ••••,. ,.•••• 124.00

I.211511 Geo. L. Zimmerman, Attorney Salary ••_•••••••••~. 50.00

, 2650 Frank Penn. Caretaker Salary '15.00~ '0 ig~~ 8~Udlc PetersonSCAretaker Salary.................. 'IIUlO

,..,.r 2"~g Fo eman JAOYCC, pI. Officer Sala~ __.w••••••••••• 100.00'v .austino lullar, Mach. Opr. Saliary •••••••••••••• ,2.00.00

2GGO ClaUdie Peterson, Uj)keep of Equip, 24.002681 Morrison Qullltroulh, Extra Pollcc Work ~ I2p.00

WATEIt. DtI'A.TMENT $2,720.87J",., ., .153 f

: 1227R\lldoso Water Users' Assn" J;l'a'1ment'Sult No. Sm3,GOO.00Jub 7; 1153 , .

1228 Ba~beo Weldin. Sup., Malnt. pWr. w••••_ •••w..~... 42.00JUD, W,~u&, Auto '~tore, Tr~nsportaUon .:.:.•••••••••••~•• ' lU2l2:tO ROy Flor', StaUon:.TransjlOttaUQrt _...... 4~1231 A. G. WIlJc.lnr;on, MAmt. of Supply •••••••••••••••w 21)51232 BoI'Inell Hdw Co" MaJ,nt.. of Dis.!r. • _••,.... •U4 .1233 R~I~OIO Tel. Co" :M1Je. •••••••••••~••••••••••,......3.GJIUt C9m. Pub, ~t'. ~ Power Fumplri'. ,. ,..~. 23UO• l235 CraDe O'Fallon, uain:t. Dish'. ••••••••••••,.••••••••,. 120.10US Glowe and Cow~ Mamt. DlJtr. ••••,. _ l~Ul

1237 J,(ldway Gara.e" '1'~rtaUon •••,.••••••••,......... U51231~ Hardware, .Mainlo DJftr. ow••••••••••,.••,.••,. lUI

, 122.D B1'OJ,Vn PIpe and Sup" Malnt. J)1Jtr oww••,.••,.ow. ·,UO12{O Sacra BroJ., Power Plln:lp!n ,. 12t.42lUI Joseph S. Hawkins, MiSil __•••••u ,........ 32,101242 C. A. Culver, Outee Exp. .,. ,. ' 22.t2

.JaJ¥ If; INS "12'U Paul W. Mayer, Insurance ...w..._ ••••••••••••,....~ '1.101244 Ruidoso News, OUke Exp. !.!•..w:~.t:r........... 12:10-

.JlI17 "I', ltD '.1245 Jose CandeJari., Mise. La~r " ,.••w••,. _.. 20.00

J.t1 ... IUS ' .~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~I 12~S Col. of Int. Revenue, WithholdJn. Tax _........... tUG~ __."". __ . .JIIJ/=:'Ir~y Clarke, Mise. Labor w._ lS.OO

" 'I" , < ;; 1248 Ralph A. Brown. Mise. ••••••••••••••••••••_••••,.••w"', . . , 12g ltarvey ~t. Ser.. Audit •••••,.•••••••••••••••••,.••,. '15.00

., JaJ,.I:I, I.lfsrs. Thos. Collet!, Mise. ••••••,. _ ,. 4.00

}251 ClAudie Peterson. Malnt. Opr. SaL ••••••w w 300.00252 'blVerne Walkup, SaL Bookk~ ••••••••••••_w._:1&UO

12a3 Frank Pena. Sat.-Malnt. ••••••••.;.••__•••_ tt2.t0. ......._-PDIt F1JND $&~12 tt' •

~t~ •13S Clarita Ina. A&nteY, Aeeldent 1M••,.,..ow•••••.tw....,. 217.&0 . \ ~

, WATU ISON» SINKING Pt1ND ~J..a,. .. It" , .. ..,,. Santa Fe Natlonal Batlk. Intimt _.,. $1.512.60 •

I' ,I'OUc£ ¥lEn, a£I'O&'r' ." •'lNo. of Atreit&~ 21 " .

•• Total' FIJ1e. COllected .11.00'y 10Jt1Uon!l: •

.~ ~·D~~. _._._._..___ __..~.~ .~c. de.dIY weapon "'_ _ •••• 1~~ ~~._••_•••_••__••~••~~4••~••_.......

ReckldS' driving and obstrucUn. ttaffie .,..... t.~~y~ .4_._ _ _.._._~...••~~. 1Rld1n, With dtunlt _•••_ ••••_••__••__.&:. 2Vfr6n, JNitk1n1 ._•••••••• 3~kJe8I ~Vid. .._••• ••__~.--- ••••_••_ 2116~ _ ••••••__•• 1fJtunJc ind. d1Jorderl'1 ._._.. •__..__.___ 4......... '" 2~~ ..- -- -_ _---- .JlIII~ ~~y ~~ __ _•• • • __._. 11nsUlt1n1- la.nit1a,e ••". ••,; .. 1

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Ma,.III&I and,MI.i<'if'l,ne I,. eastall hili fiancee. RUJh flamptol1,runllrr·up 111 Ute r,teenl MI'!f 1UnIVC!f.e contAt retelves fnlro·ldUCltor, bUlin. lu "I.a)\' /llId Qr· '.dC!r," The pldurC! flhflWII HUIld'a, ,lalld MOlldll,.l

.... -, ~- .-. -~,- ".,,-_ .•_."t--= -~'-"-~

IF ...


_.. ~.- .......

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Downtown RuldolO

We Missed Painting Your,

11. ~ROPANE T~~~~'j~ri~• Contact Our Ohice

Phone 53-02No Charge .. - - ,.


H.. .• G.od S.I.ctlon of



, .

C,,&itch of Cit,•.,t-...ldoso, New MexicoBUNDAY SER\!JCJo:a

Bible Cluae. . O:~ a, m,Sermon 10 AG II. m,Communion 11'40 II, m,EVllnini Sc:rvlo:e.. 7 '00 p. m.MlcJweek Dible Study.

Wednoldliy 7:10 p, m.m""d are tJle purf en hrarefor lMII .1141' rtt Goo,Tunt In "The lIerald IIr Truth'" .: _nadtQ Jlrogr.m 3 II '" fhlndoy I,. ~. •ov,., KY.PO, F.I l'llbll , tilC.· '-iii'~r+;:;

rot .,.. EJ.KINS, "Iniller. 8'" ",,.,... . Ik...~,.. " Wtl- T "'" " ' ~."V~ Uf~"~ "-P.~ 1 ,'((,;.

00'_ ~~ _~~~~~_......-::~...~ ~:'::'ui, ,~7-'1'- 1!!...._ •• ,..,-.... -...,..,

- ....'": - h~. m --;::---- CHUItCH OF THE•



.1 (Epl~copol)



•AT NI'QJ:A>-RQnald Re.canall' ioi'olh, Malone, .hownAboveiare .tamc1 with Pre-tonVotter! .... Ale. Nitlol III Unl·",IUI.lnternatWaal·. TC'ehnleol·,

/)r Wetltem. '''Law and Or'er,"at...n II 1IJlown lUI a (ronller

,, .' . ,

, '

I 'Mr, lind Mm, Jay Cannon or11011' ('Clltl!~ '['oxatl. wC'rc vlolllllU

• 1II JhlldAt:tl 11M Week, ,

':. 1'i --'Tf"lli ,~, - - , 'Ei==~~~=I ,; .~~~~~~':r:'1:'~·" -: ~: III

r': ~;,;~;;~~~'~;:I~~:}" It' 'H~r;;; W-h-a-,t-··'_·t-o-'D-o--'-'~;."~...~-Ie-h....i~-lI·d-m-'~~:t~~~IO~~ 1~~1t~: .. '. ' .. . ., ' of food, water, clothing or bl1U~ '". ,,' If You'fe Ever rrom wiJd animal'. :At nlgbt or 11\,:I rO(gy Of stormy: lNelltl't~r', 11r11l

I Lost In The Woods sheller qulckl)' under " l~dJo o·I, largo boulder., Then bUllp' ~ tlrt!'.r La.t yrar IIOme all mUlIon pea. where it \fon t spread llnd, kefp, . ,

pie vi/died the ItAtlonal lorrs" calm, Gathor 11 supply pI dry.w~Il",N~.I ~l11 ,c1adJX rteelvean,d an even larrer numbeC' are In CClSt' Yf;lU have to walt and ket. ' , j .' . ,~maJazi~ IlI1d trans­expecled thh. fear. accordl»r &0 wlirm until you can travel. , ...,,;)J\lJn:t9,:rt. Stanton.the Forelt Service 01 tho U. Wdhcn tlrylng to set out hOli'l thJ~ 'I"~"t" . " ,,',', ,.8. Drpartment 01 Arrlculture, I woo II, lJ way" go down .~; '.mm~" PaJmef lind family of

"Man)' rlUfllUu 'YlIcllllon In thl! POllIIlblo. rollow II lltream, 1enet' p1: ~ 'V,{dte(i his ,mother, 1o{rs.lore... and man)' ro Into Ihl! ,wall which wlll lelltl you to II rlv~ .e¥~ Word, here last weok-"deep wooP" lor tamplnr. hlk. Ior I~ke, a houoo or a rondo Waik•. jdQ/J, •. . •Inc, ho,.ebllck.rldln, or IlIhlll" IDon t exahullt ,your&Clf by runnln;r"IfPlfr, and <lira, J. E. Horton andlor example. I If you can t go on ond must; ~u' and MfL Freel AUtry andD atlract attention, make 0 llJPllll' l1'lter., aU of Plainview Tll~e~lluec morc nntl moro city or amoko by Ulrpwln,.reenbrll1'iehea' '''fflfJe~nt vlslto,,11l the ~

urb:1O people. 'nexpcrlcmcCld In IJnd wet wood on Jl11re. It, 1000koutl.'fJ1)' hOme. Also menl. visitorsrtnlllng their wu,y In J.he woO(b. man on 'Q. towClr wllt 'pOt thct: ,,,_t!'lt \ij~ JJld Mra. Leroy Arnold

Servlc'ol E.I;01Iy 2nd .nd ffit uke uI111 th~ ann.ulIsl totalI ot VtriSI. I3mokq ,.~<l /lCPf\:J\l:lp. But taklf,~'tM~.•t~~i'~~'O;'iA~biU~'IS~"~1~'}:~n.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ii·iiii·i!iiiiiiiiiiiiin" Ol'll. 10,. orell orv co 0 crll care octnllt (lm;ao tJ,lit. It doesn'tl ' . , ..4th Sundey ,. como advqncll advice on what to Ilpreol1.,gttJ rndn)osttb a western' ";', ",' . . _. ..

1 do Whun 10:lt In tho woodn. Each forest lUld to fftd lJ'Qrilhl. own 'R'UJr'V'\C"'" " .• ..The Chapel is open for yeor ron'nl rungcrll hove 10 l"C"..cuo rlro to .~VO JdtJlt.. . .' . ..;,,"t....v---Where We Take Time To Live

vllrIUonllllJl-rnC!n, women or chll. . ".' (ri",; r", ~ .,' "ll , ' .medItatIOn and drcQ"'-who hllve lItrpyt'd tl lIlUo Tho Jota o~tb)! ')It. andMr$~';' Arch.ry $ttl - Lown Chair,

• ' '00 'far III the W(jl)dn and dor"t II, C. nrown In 'Palmer OO(ClwIlY •. .. S'-' I ~ 100' d t', I F Idl T blprayerG f kOlJ)'I how 10 Ret thcmr.elllt'll out. additiOn. ocrou ~ho street trom" v ~....... 1'Of.~ r I - ",tte 0 "9 0 e,

1',:,:=======:=='~~"=,r'l .'ll1lt lind I1IOl1t IrnpOr(lIn\ rule: Donnell Grodlr.x. hllW beCnle~i ,i, • ~ ',' " , "Utili. K... Soab & StroU.....;:,__~ '---..--_-.'••'.:_-' ~•.•,'" , 2 ,:. Stop. nU down lind trr 10 figure cled, ConlltrucUon \)f a now bush :,' \ . ·JOI.,..., Con. Fish 'oIu-,-S(fc Each'~ ~1I1 whC'ro you lIfC ON tho dJrcc- nCll!! bUUdin~.lU1d. mtdencc com~ .' t ".;,' , ... :t!! ~.. ·It" V'" ,

lion you CllntO from. Tho moment blned may' ,\.,He<) I9mlt lime, ,!l 'W}';>r"'!fWr-!II C?fOntotlc acuu", '. y"~u"!~'2~!!!!:!.!!!.:t, "~t1rt, Ullpg noxt year, J ,,,"1~,' ~lcr., .' ,t L"" • '''."! , . • .



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FRIGIDAIRE. . l':~ ..:;. MA.!tT~Q ,-'PPLIANClS . .'

lMI MAYTA. MAITU, ....,ofaUl JlIIIt,lqlllre a1wn1al!JQ tllb/g)1da1llOft1 $19995

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,'HO.3-21R. S. METCALF•


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W•. tt.y. OM ., lb.I 'h..... St~U~ ~ .


Drive In for UI to

FI)( Up That CorFor Sof.r, Mo,.






.. T. I. '.uft4Aftywh,,,

r 911tck You, Nltdl and

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AIamolordo, New M"~

M,ember Federal Depolit Inluraac:e Cot>potatJqa .~ ~ ~




. ,. 7~;:.. ,* 95

:'f~rdlSupplies " .Wafe" ·Bagr. :~- Sport'Shirt.....

HARRIS' BUlL-IS SUPPLY...._-.;.....! .._;n.. •u~ .• '. ,

• Hardw.,e.· • NQtiOlill "• Pllnt' • Dry~ •

Phon. 205 ar...a Tn" ~...

Use The MaiIt~ ~4,·.. <

To Do Yoal >:~~~~ I'. ~~l'~

~A··· ". ~Pay by Check for ~f~~. \~Speed, Accurate R~oJ~ ~

. . .. and Convenience" :P'~ l•II .





It.....n pt.n"1nl to "·uya hJth...........lcetI car unit,SI found .vl all Ch.vroltt effe.rtcI-

anti hew much fenhi MY"

. '•

This demonstration.. ~. .

showed me the wayto abetter deal!


. .•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dcon

Come in and get acquainted•

Specia.l'This Sun~ay ., . .

TURKEY &'DRESSING,. -.. $150.

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\'0Il'1I tlllly be • IPPrt 11'1 Ihl,.11 wl:lCIff~ poocll. ~t$!MeI 'ltJfl'dally fPr yQII ,~Oll. QQ, Deb. III On..bllllcitl«:lol1no end .nuoly btlltCl w.latglv. It '0 milch downrlghfd,th' The b,1t I.. wlda Iii backto m,"" YllU look tiny w.lal,d,bvt n,rrow In front fOf atyll

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August 11th'Thru 15th

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Iud n your VOIIllO f4wlcnpl.t. un IItllt lib • IlfIc.rodc.Curtly Cott. pf'UIlI. IhlUlllf,.r:v~!)y, ftl\ty ~!lI doth co.,• • • ,11 woo!. <If «Nfl... Olf­ilgMd to do liul" g!lb J;rOlldwll" III w!..,t t,ln-JroflJ colI.,aM dri., ball but'ons. MOlh.,tfl4 PIlI will bo1h 'j~ JIw. Ii""'.llotint 1IId.I~ WI'Mg {...flJ1#, "" "...IJaI~. ~1J>li;'lJthl. maktc th;J (0., worllt.VI"! un' 0' u. modll.t p,;,,'

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MUMM\i 00 FA'RY •,TALeS ALWAVS ,--......

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We will have this special Fall Showingfor these Five Doy.s. We wiH have the en-tire stock of both stotes in' this premiere showing in Ruidoso. We offer 50 dif­ferent styles in 20 different fabricS'. Layaway and speckJl orders token.,

"~ Pticeef {16m $;'9.95 fo $49~~5"

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'LOUR l' 3 ' eo.r:~E ,8~5cKImbell', 2S Ib pMt $ 7 . Whito Swon, lb.

~C~~~~b~~n'NG 75e ~~~~~:P~WDE~ POW~~R. .2a~ ~~~f20~~b. con ."••~,_... 8e:

Fruits & Vegetabl.. Picnic Suppli.sVisit OUf Morktt. f.t C'ude. Meat. Cut to. Suit: YauLOh of GOQd Thin9.,~to Eat - Homs, Wi..nld and

Various Kind. tt' Lunch Meats, "1 "

WIIITE 101111. ..!Y~, ·"...=u~It PI6I... 0, to ~~.'t~I" fe""..... '>I~I. C '

." . S ud 'f . lit H $' i ,. ,.,,[, t j II Motor eo.,..y.SALlS ."4'SlIVI'.



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