question booklet no. lou/i07/20...10u/i07/20 ~ il; m f

Question Booklet No. lOU/I07/20 (To be filled up by the candidate by blue/black ball-point pen) Roll No. LI_-"-_-"-_-"-_-"-_-"-_-,-_-,-__ Serial No. of Answer Sheet ............................................. . Day and Date .................................................................. .. ( Signature of Invigilator) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Use only blue/black ball-point pen in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet) 1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that it contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. in case of faulty Question Booklet bring it to the notice of the Superintendentllnvigilators immediately to obtain a fresh Question Booklet. 2. Do not bring any loose paper, written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except the Admit Card without its envelope. 3. A separate Am'wer Sheet is given. It shoulcl not be folded or mutilated. A second Answer Sheet shall not be provided. Only the Answer Sheet will be evaluated. 4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number of the Answer Sheet by pen in the space prvided above. 5. On thefront page of the Answer Sheet, write by pen your Roll Number in the space provided at the top and by darkening the circles at the bottom. Also, wherever applicable, write the Question Booklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places. 6. No overwriting is allowed in the entries of RoJJ No., Question Booklet no. and Set no. (if any) on OMR sheet and Roll No. and OMR sheet no. on the Queston Booklet. 7. Any change in the entries is to be verified by the invigiJator, otherwise it will be taken as unfairmeans. 8. Each question in tltis Booklet is followed by four alternative answers. For each question, you are to record the correct option 011 the Answer Slteet by darkening tlte appropriate circle in the correspolldillg row of tlte Answer Sheet, by pen as mentioned in the guidelines given on tlte first page of the Answer Sheet. 9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you darken more than one circle or darken a circle partially, the answer will be treated as incorrect. 10. Note that the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. If you do not wish to attempt a question, leave all the circles in the corresponding row blank (such question will be awarded zero marks). 11. For rough work, use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this Booklet. 12. Deposit both the Booklet and the Answer Sheet at the end of the Test. 13. You are not permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test. 14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means, he/she shall be liable to such punishment as the University may determine and impose on him/her. Total No. of Printed Pages :16

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Question Booklet No.

lOU/I07/20 (To be filled up by the candidate by blue/black ball-point pen)

Roll No. LI_-"-_-"-_-"-_-"-_-"-_-,-_-,-__

Serial No. of Answer Sheet ............................................. .

Day and Date .................................................................. .. ( Signature of Invigilator)

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Use only blue/black ball-point pen in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet) 1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that it

contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. in case of faulty Question Booklet bring it to the notice of the Superintendentllnvigilators immediately to obtain a fresh Question Booklet.

2. Do not bring any loose paper, written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except the Admit Card without its envelope.

3. A separate Am'wer Sheet is given. It shoulcl not be folded or mutilated. A second Answer Sheet shall not be provided. Only the Answer Sheet will be evaluated.

4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number of the Answer Sheet by pen in the space prvided above. 5. On thefront page of the Answer Sheet, write by pen your Roll Number in the space provided at

the top and by darkening the circles at the bottom. Also, wherever applicable, write the Question Booklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places.

6. No overwriting is allowed in the entries of RoJJ No., Question Booklet no. and Set no. (if any) on OMR sheet and Roll No. and OMR sheet no. on the Queston Booklet.

7. Any change in the afore.~aid entries is to be verified by the invigiJator, otherwise it will be taken as unfairmeans.

8. Each question in tltis Booklet is followed by four alternative answers. For each question, you are to record the correct option 011 the Answer Slteet by darkening tlte appropriate circle in the correspolldillg row of tlte Answer Sheet, by pen as mentioned in the guidelines given on tlte first page of the Answer Sheet.

9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you darken more than one circle or darken a circle partially, the answer will be treated as incorrect.

10. Note that the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. If you do not wish to attempt a question, leave all the circles in the corresponding row blank (such question will be awarded zero marks).

11. For rough work, use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this Booklet.

12. Deposit both the Que~)'/ion Booklet and the Answer Sheet at the end of the Test. 13. You are not permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test. 14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means, he/she shall be liable to such punishment as

the University may determine and impose on him/her.

Total No. of Printed Pages :16


ROUGH WORK "{:q; <nr<f


Times: 45 Minutes

lOU/I07/20 No. of Questions : 50

Jn1'iT <lit ~ : 50

wrtT : 45 fiR?;

Full Marks: 150


Note: (1) Attempt as many questions as you can. Each question carries 3

(Three) marks. One m«rk will be deducted/or each incorrect

answer. Zero mark will be awarded for each unattempted




3lf>mf'T«i m <!it "'" m "" WfR q;'{1 lIril4? rwr 3 (rfI;r ) 3i<1; 7Ef ~I lIril4? 71ffif Trff ~ ~ ~ 3i<1; <iiIGT 'inil"'l ~ 3lj~R~ mr.I ""

511 '<I i 'Ii ~ WlTI

(2) If more than one alternative answers seem to be approximate to

the correct answer, choose the closest one.

<!R 1t'tTf'T«i ~ 'Ii r t'G 'Ii OW .m OW if; f.r'h"2: :5Iifur m, m f.I 'Ii C ~ ~ .m OW


Which colour is Dot made by clay?

(1 ) Garu (2) Ramaraj (3) Khariya (4) Alta

~ til "ill ~ ~ '!iff"iR<!T ?

P) ~ (2) "IJlln! (3) <5Ir-$~1 (4) ~

How many colours are in Rainbow?

(1 ) Nine (2) Five (3) Seven (4) Twelve

3 P.T.O.


~'fj'! if foli<R ttl ~ W ?

(I) -;ft (2) "Il<r (3) m<l (4) 'lIW

03. How many dimensions in the famous painting of Monalisa ?

(I) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four

..n '11 F<'l {ll 'if; "l!ftr.1; m if foli<R 31TtIT'! W ?

(I) ~ (2) <it (3) <fA (4) "fI1:

04. Who painted Mother Terresa ?

(I) Satish Gujral

(3) Manjeet Bava

~ fun ~ f,;f;ro M ?

( I) ~:1'" (lt1

(3) ~"ilf'fI

(2) Vivan Sundaram

(4) M.F. Husain

(2) forqr;{ tl'G<q (4) 1l:'I.1l;'O. ~

05. Bengal School paintings are known for their one of these qualities:

(I) Oil technique

(3) Wash technique

(I) ~ ct'lioil",

(3) 'lJlII ct 'Ii oil 'Ii

(2) Miniature technique

(4) Tempra technique

(2) ~ ~ ct'lioil'li

(4) Zuro ct '" oil '"

06. Which state has the prehistoric site Bhimbetka ?

(I) U \tar Pradesh

(3) Rajasthan


(2) Madhya Pradesh

(4) Bihar

~1~f<I$lffl'h ~ 'liT $I >nqi\~'hl fonu ~ -q ~ ?

(1) ~ ~ (2) '1"1 ~ (3) {I "H''l 1 1

07. Painting made up of paper cuttings is known as :

(1) Intaglio (2) Lithograph (3) Collage

'Iil'T"f q,'\ 'h'''.;) it 'I'W!T .wt Cf1cit m q,'\ 'f'lT q;lf<t i ?

(1) .4rZ141 (2) <'fioi\mq; (3) ,*;'Z1I"i

OS. How many Secondary colours are?

(1) Ten (2) Seven (3) Three

(I) <;U (2) ~ (3) <fA

09. Maqubal Fida Husain felongs to which place?

(1) Bangladesh (2) India (3) Pakistan

q '*''i,fI flIi<::T ~ fonu ~ it ~'"'Pl nsffi i ?

(1) ~i'Z1I~~1 (2) = (3) qlfq;WH

10. Which painting is made by colour and paper pasting?

(I) Cutting pasting

(3) Paper Mashi

(2) Coladge

(4) Graphics

t>J 31'h: ~ itfWT 31lR it ~ m ilfirtq "iR<fi ~ ?

(1) '1ifilJ itfWT (2) 'f>1Z11"i (3)



(4) f.rm

(4) Graphics

(4) ~lfI1>~

(4) Five

, (4) l:[f'q

(4) Iran

(4) t<R



11. With which colour we don't need for a medium?

( I) Water colour (2) Pastel colour

(3) Oil colour (4) Acrilic colour

f<!n "M it Bl'l ~ 111= ~ nsRt ?

( I) ='liW (2) ilf~i.'I 'liW

(3) il1T'T<1 'liW (4) l\M<'I'I> 'liW

12. Choose the relevant feature about the Indian Traditional Sculpture:

(I) Natural (2) Representational

(3) Abstract and non-figurative (4) Idealised

'lffiit>;r QR'"4R'I> ,"!!cf'l>i.'Il q,'j "'" 3l>l~I<"I1 (WI) rq:il~dl ~ :

(1) ~~fij'l> (2) R~;ij~~I;kl

(3) W@ ll,<i ~ fuiI&1 (4) d11<;~j'l:'j

13. Who was the Shahnai player?

(1) Bade Gulam Ali Khan

(3) Bismillah Khan


( 1 ) ~ 'J"lT'l 31<'ft 1lii (3) r~r*"lMilI 1lii

(2) Faiyaj Khan

(4) Tansen

(2) 1[;"11"1 1lii (4) dHfl'l

14. To which Raligion Paintings of Ajanta are related?

(1) Muslim (2) Jain (3) Sikh


(4) Bouddh


~ il; m f<RI 'lll -g <"!l4f-'l<[ t ?

(I) !Jf«1B (2) *' (3) fu1!I (4) ~

15. The Ancient sites of Mohenjo Daro are situated in which country ?

(I) Pakistan

(3) China

(2) India

(4) Indoneshia

>IfiiR W<'I 4l~1<>i1~1 it f<RI ~ if ~ t ?

(I) Qif'h«111 (2) "!m! (3) <fA

16. Where 'Shantiniketan' is near?

(I) Mumbai (2) Delhi (3) Co1cata

'I1ifu Ai'l>d1 ~, f.m; t ?

(I) ~ (2) ~ (3) 'iii <1'fi Idl

17. The famous 'Khajuraho' is in the following state:

(I) Tamil Nadu (2) Karnataka (3) M.P.

f<1<§1lld 'lll'1{io'i' f-1"1f<'lf<Sld m if t : (I) df~<111~ (2) 'fi1fc'fi (3) 'l."lI.

18. 'Raja Ravi Verma' was born in which state?

(I) V.P. (2) M.P. (3) W. Bengal

(I) 6o"llo (2) 'lo"llo (3) ~o ~


(4) Bolpur

(4) ~

(4) V.P.

(4) 6."l1.

(4) Kere1a

(4) ~



19. Name of the famous Cartoonist:

(1) M.F. Husain

(3) Ravi Verma

r'F§ll1d 'Ii I@R 'fi1 1T'l ~ :

(1) 11. fil;. ~

(3) \R qqf

(2) Hendre

(4) R.K. Laxman

(2) iR (4) am:.>Io. 1.'I!\llUl

20. Where is the U.P. State Lalit Kala Academy?

(1) Agra (2) Allahabad (3) Lucknow

00>10 ~ 1.'Ifui1 '!i1.'IT a1'1iI~41 ~ ~ ?

(1) 3lJlRT (3) i'1 '!H£

21. Normal size of the poster is :

(1) 20" x 28" (2) 10" x 12" (3) 22" x 30"

22. Which is used in Textile Design printing?

(1) Tomato (2) Potato (3) Orange

2'f«1$i'1 r;;"II$'1 ffifVT if fri\ >r<iIrT ~ i ?

(1) = (2) ~ (3) Wm

23. Where is the J.J School of Art?

(1) Mumbai (2) Delhi (3) Agra

;it:0\. ~ 31T'Ii 3lli ~ 'R t ?

(1) ~ (2) ~ (3) 3lJlRT


(4) Kanpur

(4) 36" x 40"

(4) Onion

(4) "IT"I

(4) Lucknow

(4) i'1G1di

24. Which of these is not a warm hue?

(1) Red-Orange

(3) Red

-,.ril 'f>t! m trro -aurr "'!@ t ?

( 1 ) B1<'l-'!Wil (2) ~-tm

(2) Blue-green

(4) Yellow

(3) B1<'l


(4) 1ftorr

25. How many full colours are used in offset colour printing?

(1) Brown

(3) Four colour

(2) Three colour

(4) Two colour

31M; m ~ ftifVT i1' ~ f'I;(R t>! wlrT WI ~ ?

(1) ~ (2) <iR t>! (3) <m: t>!

26. Where is Jahangeer Art Gallery' ?

(1) Agra

(3) Delhi

'''I~iln( 3iTi -itffi\' ~ t ?

(1) 3Wm (2) ~

(2) Mumbai

(4) Ahamadabad

(3) ~

27. Where is famous 'Ashoka Stambha Shirsh' ?

(1) Mathura (2) Sarnath (3) Varanasi

(1) 11~ (2) mG!T'I (3) 'wlolfil


(4) <itt>!

(4) d1~4~1'I1~

(4) Mirjapur



28. Where is 'Baminyan' Caves?

(I) Shree Lanka

(3) Pakistan

'iiiIf'l~H' q,'j 'J'IiTlt ~ ~ ?

(I) ~

(3) 4 If'li f<1 1'1

(2) India

(4) Afganistan

(2) 'lmI

(4) "14i,"f.jf<1H

29. Which Artist has painted cinema poster in the beginning of his life?

(I) Nandlal Bas (2) Husain (3) A.K. Haldar (4) Bendre

~ 'h<'1I'h1{ "i :om ~ ~ i! ftf.n:rr it ~ ~ %it OJ ?

(I) 1<;<'1I<'1oim (2) ~ (3)"I<'1<;1{ (4) ~

30. Taking impression from stone. The process is called:

(I) Planography printing

(3) Engraving printing

(I) «1loi1~l",l flIf-i'1

(3) ~ flIf-i'1

(2) Intaglio printing

(4) Silk screen printing

(2) ,-?:fiwi\ fQf-i'1

(4) fu<;q; BIiR fQf-i'1

31. Where is Kaba Sharif in situated?

(I) Baghada (2) Teharan (3) Mecca (4) Medina

'"'hWf ~' ~ 'R ft>m t ?

(1)"il'fGlG (2) ~ (3) ~ (4) ~



32. Which paintings in the cave of 'Ajanta' ?

( I) Monahsa (2) Birth of Vinus

(3) Banithani (4) Padmapani

~ .n ilfiriTr '31'ii<n' q;j 'J'I'I ii' ~ t ?

( I) 1il'1lf<1\11 (2) cir.rn 'liT '"'" (3) ~;jja;jj (4) q,(!qlfiJl

33. Ashokan pillar was made of :

( I) Chunar Sandstone (2) Blach Schist

(3) Red Sandstone (4) Granite stone

~ W'-"f fot;m'\ of.I or ?

( I) ~ ~·s~'1 (2) ~ f<"<hR

(3) ts- ~'sRI'1 (4) if;mc <iR

34. Between these Artist who is also a film maker?

( I) R.S. Bist (2) Husain

(3) B.C.Sanyal (4) B.N. Arya

..,. <1>1<11'1>1\1 ii' ~ ft!;('I1 f.r1f<n .jj t ?

( I) 31R .1lJl. f.w; (2) ~ (3) <it . .n . \11 "'11 (1 (4) <it.ll3 .aw:l

35. In which district the Vrindavan is situated?

( I) Agra (2) Aligarh (3) Mathura (4) Gwalior

fonB fuil ii' \1";1 "H ~ t ?

( I) 3ll"'RT (2) ~ (3) 'l~ (4) "1If<1~(

11 P.T.O.


36. Who is a famous sculptor?

(1) Dhanraj Bhagat

(3) Nandiai Bos

~ 'WI"," '!it.! t ?

(2) Amrita Shergii

(4) Yamini Roy

(1) ~ 'flT(f (2) Wf<!T :II{rl(1 (3) +<;(1I(1-.1m

37. Which place is famous for China clay pottery ?

(1) Agra

(3) Firozabad

(2) Khurja

(4) Hatharas

<if.ft ~ if; <r<f;iY if; ~ '!it.! ~ ~ t ?

(i) 3WR1 (2) ~ (3) f\li\1"11~1<;

38. Which place is famous for glass Bengles ?

(i) Agra (2) Sadabad (3) Firozabad

(1) 3WR1 (2) ~I<;I~I<;

39. Which place is famous for chikan embroidary ?

(1) Saharan pur (2) Meerut (3) Lucknow

'~' ",~n<;I",l(l if; ~ '!it.! ~ ~ t ?

(1) @{'1~ (2) itto (3) WSI'1di

40. In which city famous 'Hawa Mahal' situated?

(I) Jodhapur (2) Jaipur (3) Bekaner


(4) 'lTflfft TI'!

(4) mom!

(4) Hatharas

(4) mom!

(4) Bareli

(4) ~

(4) Namner

fOl@l1d '~ ~' ~ 'IlO1: # ~ t? (1);;i\~ (2) ~ (3) 4lif;1~'

41. In which city famous 'Geteway of India' situated?

(I) Indor (2) Mumbai (3) Delhi

~ 'IlO1: # '-iR"iI 31ftn ~fU:g~I' ~ t ?

(I) t<;R (2) ~ (3) ~

42. Near which city famous 'Buland Darbaza~ situated?

(I) Agra

(3) Delhi

(2) Murshidabad

(4) Jaunpur

f'l;u 'IlO1: %- f.r<R: "~ ~,ql"il' Wl<! t ?

(I) 3lJlRj (2) ~j~I,"I~ (3) ~

43. In which city famous 'Meenakshi Mandir' situated?

(I) Mysore

(3) Rameshwaram

(2) Madurai

(4) Surat

~ "'I'R # fOl@llil '-,ft-;rrajl -,jfu' ~ t ?

(I) ~ (2) ~ (3) W1~

44. Amftx is used in :

(I) Processing film (2) Fixing drawing


(4) 'IT'f.l<

(4) Nanital

(4) ~;jjillt1

(4) ~

(4) 'If<I

(3) Adjusting the enlarger (4) Fixing the distance

13 P.T.O.


qfAf>iRl '!iT m f<l;W! m t ?

( 1 ) sil >iI f fi 'I f1:n0:I

(3) $k1I'i!{ 'lit l0S"If~'1

(2) ~ 'lit lihf4wl

(4) fS~"(1 'lit Iihf<Ri'1

45. Which is the highest Mountain in the world?

(1) Kanchanjangha

(3) Mount Everest

(2) ~~

(2) Nanda Devi

(4) Hari Parwat

(3) =uc l(q{{;O (4) tm "f1fu

46. The most important factor for painting is :

(1) Human figures

(3) Good paper

m * fu1< wm ~ "lC<li t : (1) ~11qlq>f<1~r

(3) ~ q;jlJ's.

(2) Costly colours

(4) Good composition

(2) ~ 1'TT

(4) ~ <l<it"l'l

47. Among four which is not a material for Plastic art?

(1) Marble

(3) Mercury

(1) ~1{'l(1 (2) Oip;f

(2) Bronze

(4) Aluminium

(3) ~{<Ml



48. Ceramic Tiles are made up of :

(1 ) Bronze (2) Wood (3) Cement (4) China clay

fl.'l{f'l'l> ~ "" f.r:TfuT m t : (1 ) ""'" (2) ~ (3) miR: (4 ) ~<ffi

49. 'Vikram Samvat r began in ?

(1 ) 50 B.C. (2) 58 B.C.

(3) 58A.D. (4) None of these

'~ w«« "Ii<! ~ ll3lT ?

(1 ) 50 oft. m. (2) 58 oft. m. (3) 58 ".tt (4) -..;it -,l; ~ "liiI

50. One coloum equilent to :

(1 ) 1.5 em (2) 4.5 em (3) 5.4 em (4) 5.6em

'<'Ii "I>TWl "" 31f<hT1: m t : (1 ) 1.5 "@ft. (2) 4.5 it>1t. (3) 5.4 "@ft. (4) 5.6 "@ft.

15 1500

(p; ~ffiI .. , if; J[f!Tl{ 3lJO(UT 'l'" !IT "flIT 3iIT - W if; if/;if '{liif !IT

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