淡水养殖学(双语) freshwater aquaculture

淡淡淡淡淡 淡淡淡 () Freshwater Aquaculture Chapter 1 The biology of main cultured fishes 淡淡淡淡淡淡淡淡淡

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淡水养殖学(双语) Freshwater Aquaculture. Chapter 1. The biology of main cultured fishes 主要养殖鱼类生物学. Standard of choosing cultured fishes. 1. 2. 3. 4. The main cultured fish species in China. A brief introduction on the biology of main cultured fishes. Course Outline. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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淡水养殖学(双语) Freshwater Aquaculture

Chapter 1

The biology of main cultured fishes主要养殖鱼类生物学

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Course Outline

Standard of choosing cultured fishes1

The biological characteristics of fish

The main cultured fish species in China2


4A brief introduction on the biology of main cultured fishes

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Learning Objectives

When you have completed this chapter you should be able to know:

The biology of main freshwater cultured fish: Habitat Feeding habits Growth Reproduction

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1. Market—high price ( 鳜、大菱鲆、石斑鱼 ) , high demand ( 家鱼 ) ;2. Quality—delicious meat, high nutritional value ;3. Growth—individual big, grow quickly and reach market size in a short time (鳜、罗非鱼);4. Food chain—short, high energy utilization (鲢、草鱼);5. Feeding habit—extensive, feed easier to be solved (草鱼、团头鲂、鲢、鲤、鲫);

Section 1. Standard of choosing cultured fishes

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6. Fingerlings—breeding easily, artificial reproduction be solved (如家鱼;而鳗鲡至今未解决,黄鳝、石斑鱼大批量繁殖困难) 7. Habitus—good adaptability to the environment(stress tolerance, resistance todisease ) ( 家鱼;而虹鳟、鳜、牙鲆要求高) 8. Population—dense polyculture, industrial culture (如家鱼等混养,有互补作用,生态效益高) 我国被选择作为养殖鱼类已达 80 多种,但真正被广泛养殖的仅 20 多种。

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Carps 鲤形目: black carp 青鱼 grass carp 草鱼 silver carp 鲢 bighead carp 鳙 common carp 鲤 crucian carp 鲫 white bream 鳊 Wuchang bream 团头鲂 bluntnose black bream

Section 2 The main cultured fish species in China

Freshwater food-fish fishes

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black carp 青鱼

grass carp草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idella

Mylopharyngodon piceus

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silver carp 鲢

bighead carp 鳙

Hypophthalmichthys molitrix

Aristichthys nobilis

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common carp 鲤

crucian carp 鲫Lamellibranchia


Cyprinus carpio

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Wuchang bream 团头鲂

Triangular bream 三角鲂

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Catfishes 鲶形目: Southern catfish 南方大口鲶

Freshwater fishes-Continued

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whitespotted freshwater catfish 胡子鲇

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channel catfish 斑点叉尾鮰(沟鲶)

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Yellow catfish黄颡鱼

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Freshwater fishes-Continued

Perciforms 鲈形目: mandarin fish 鳜

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Perch 鲈


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Tilapia 罗非鱼

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Freshwater fishes-Continued

Sturgeons 鲟形目: Chinese sturgeon 中华鲟

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Salmoniformes 鲑形目: Rainbow trout 虹鳟

Freshwater fishes-Continued

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Chinese snakehead乌鳢Other fish species

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Swamp eel黄鳝

true eel鳗鲡

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Section 3 The biological characteristics of fish

3.1 Physiological characteristics

The internal structure of fish

Fish is lower vertebrates

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terminal mouth superior mouth hypostatic mouth 端位口 上位口 下位口

3.1.1 Physiological characteristics---Mouth 闭合后上下颌的长短,将口位分为三种类型 :

中下层 grass carp

上层silver carp

下层 common carp

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鳃丝 (gill filaments) :弓形,双层红色,呼吸作用

鳃弓 (gill filaments) :白色软骨,支撑鳃的形状鳃耙 (gill rakers) :鳃片内缘的双层骨质突起,滤水

3.1.2Physiological characteristics --- Gill

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滤取食物的主要器官,阻挡食物随水流经鳃裂流出。gill rakers 鳃耙


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The difference of digestive system of a fish species depends on what it eats.

Fish that eat plants and algae have longer digestive tracts (gut or intestine) —Tilapia, grass carp

Fish that eat other fish have a short digestive tract Predatory fish have stomachs— tigerfish, mandarin

fish or catfish

3.1.3 Physiological characteristics---Digestion system and ingestion

Fish digestive system includes mouth, gill rakers, throat, stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas.

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Habituating nature 栖息习性Feeding habit 食性Growth 生长Reproduction 繁殖

3.2 Biology on fish

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Habitat of main cultured fishes 栖息场所3.2.1 Biology--- Habituating nature

Pelagical fish ( 中上层鱼类 ) :鲢、鳙, mainly eat plankton 浮游生物

Low level fish ( 中下层鱼类 ) :草鱼、团头鲂,在水的中下层及岸边摄食水草 water plants

Bottom level fish ( 底层鱼类 ) :鲤、鲫、鲮、乌鳢、黄鳝、泥鳅等, eat benthonic organisms 底栖生物 and detritus 腐屑

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The adaptability of fish to the external environment 鱼类对外界环境的适应

Tropical fish ( 加加加 ): Tilapia >30℃ Warmwater ( 加加加 ) fish: freshwater cultured fish


Coolwater ( 加加加 ) fish: perch 20℃Coldwater ( 加加加 ) fish: rainbow trout <20℃

1. Water temperature 水温 Optimum temp

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Water temperature for warmwater fish Temp for live: 0.5~38℃ Optimum temp for live: 20~32℃Optimum temp for growth and ingestion: 25~32℃ Optimum temp for reproduction: 22~26℃ Water temperature for coldwater fish Temp for live: 0~25℃ Optimum temp for live: 10~16℃Optimum temp for growth and ingestion: 16~18℃

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2. Dissolved oxygen 溶解氧>5 mg/L, feeding increase, grow fast

<2-3 mg/L, feeding decrease,grow slowly

<1-2 mg/L, head above water 浮头 until death.

3. Salinity 盐度

4. pH 酸碱度 主要养殖鱼类 7~9 ,最适 7.5~8.5

Freshwater fish : <0.5‰ ; brackish water fish 微咸水鱼类: 1~24.7‰ ; Marine fish : >24.7‰

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The changing process of feeding habits in developmental stage of fish :larvae stage ( 鱼苗 ) similar 以轮虫为食fry stage ( 仔鱼 0.5-1.7cm) differentiatedjuvenile stage ( 稚鱼 1.7-7cm) significant differenceYoung stage ( 幼鱼 >7cm) same to adult fish

3.2.2 Biology--- Feeding habits of fish

Three Features of feeding habits:Periodicity 阶段性 内源营养


食性 (feeding habits) 指成鱼的食物组成加

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1. filter-feeding fish ( 滤食性鱼类 ) :鲢、鳙等。having abig mouth, slender and dense gill rakers Sliver carp eats phytoplankton ( 浮游植物 )Bighead carp feeds on zooplankton ( 浮游动物 )

Four basic eating groups among adult fish:

Difference 差异性

2. Herbivorous fish ( 草食性鱼类 ) :如草鱼、团头鲂、长春鳊等。 eats water vegetation

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3. Omnivore fish 杂食性鱼类 ) :鲤、鲫、鲮、罗非鱼等。 feed mainly on plant material and small insects: 摄食螺蛳、河蚬、摇蚊幼虫等底栖动物和水生昆虫外,也摄食水草、丝状藻类、水蚤、腐屑等。4. Carnivores (肉食性鱼类 ) Predatory fish ( 掠食性鱼类 ) that eat other fish: 鳜、乌鳢、鳗鲡、石斑鱼等;Mild fish ( 温和性鱼类 ) that eat invertebrates and small fishes 青鱼以螺蚬类为食,黄颡鱼、鲇鱼摄食大量水生昆虫、虾类、小杂鱼和其他底栖动物。

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Structure and functionAdaptation to habituating nature and environmentAdaptation to physiological property

Adaptation 适应性

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3.2.3 Biology---Reproduction

The types of eggs

pelagic eggs 浮性卵 marine fishdemersal eggs 沉性卵 鲑、鳟、罗非鱼、鲀、鮰 Semi-floating eggs 半浮性卵(漂浮性卵) 四大家鱼、鲮、鳜sticky eggs 粘性卵 鲟、鲤、鲫、鳊、鲂、鲴、鳅、鲶

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Fertilized eggs usually sink to the bottom or stick to plants or rocks.

demersal eggs and sticky eggs:Properties of eggs

The tilapia eggs hatch in mouth of female fish. Bitterlings ( 鰟鲏 ) eggs hatch in the gills of

freshwater mussel ( 淡水蚌 ).

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Tilapia hatches the fertilized eggs in mouth.

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Bitterling spawns in the mussel.

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1. Age determination

宽带或夏轮 --春、夏两形成较宽的轮带。窄带或冬轮 --秋后入冬形成较窄的轮带。年轮 growth ring--当年秋冬形成的窄带和次年春夏形成的宽带之间的分界线。

scale 鳞片otolith 耳石vertebra 脊椎骨

3.2.4 Biology---Growth characteristics

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2. Age

零龄鱼:当年孵出的鱼 “ 0”

一龄鱼:第二年的鱼 一冬龄鱼:一个冬天“ 1” 二夏龄鱼:两个夏天“ 1+”


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3. Growth characteristic---periodic 阶段性fast→determined by environment and bait

slow→determined by species


after sexual maturity

old period

before sexual maturity

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Growth characteristic---seasonal 季节性 grow faster in spring and summer than in autumn and winter.

Growth characteristic---regional 区域性 fish in south grow faster than in north, faster in big water than small water.

Growth characteristic---sex difference 性别差异 male fish are smaller than female fish.

Growth characteristic---inherited 遗传性

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4. Factors affecting fish growth

specieswater environment (water temperature, nutrition, pH, dissolved oxygen ) stocking densityhuman factors

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Section 4. A brief Introduction on the biology of main cultured fishes


morphological featurehabituating naturefeeding habit growthreproduction


freshwater fish species

Biology of fish

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白鲢、细甲草鱼,鲢子,古籍称鱮 (xù) 。

1. 鲢( silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix )⑴特征



性格活泼,善跳跃,可达水面 1米多高,捕捞时加盖网。


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⑵栖息和食性水中溶氧低于 0.79 mg/L时→死亡




浮游生物,主要为浮游植物浮游植物个数 : 浮游动物个数 =248:1


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⑶ 生长白鲢食物链短,生长迅速。

10.727.625.313.502.030.49体重 kg

82.772.966.758.448.229.8体长 cm654321年 龄

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⑷ 繁殖习性水温: 20℃以上卵: 漂浮性时间: 4月下旬 ~7月上旬

雄鱼比雌鱼早一年雌鱼:一般 4龄,但温度升高,品种退化,可 3龄性成熟


体 重 kg4.8 6.4 7.5 10.0 11.0

卵巢重 0.25 0.74 0.71 2.13 2.13怀卵量 万粒 20.7 60.4 71.5 169.5 195.5

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2. 鳙( bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis ) ⑴特征





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浮游生物,主要浮游动物浮游植物个数 : 浮游动物个数为 4.5 : 1 ,但体积之比是浮游动物大。


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年龄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

体长cm 23.0 53.4 75.5 84.0 92.0 97.1 100.4 102.8

体重 kg 0.27 2.6 7.4 10.1 13.5 16.6 20.0 21.5

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⑷繁殖习性 习性同鲢鱼,性成熟晚一年,生产上比白鲢、草鱼稍晚体 重

kg14.2 14.8 19.3 21.0 31.2

卵巢重 1.15 2.30 2.30 2.50 5.30怀卵量 万粒 98.3 116.8 175.4 225.6 346.5

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鲩 (huàn), 白鲩 ( 两广 ), 草棒。

3. 草鱼( grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus ) ⑴特征

体色青黄,腹部灰白色 别称


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为体长的 2.3~3.3倍肠长

食水生植物,日食量一般为体重的 40% ,最大日食量可达体重的 60~70% 。人工养殖时,摄食豆饼、糠饼、麦麸等。摄食器官:咽喉齿。


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⑶ 生长体长: 1~2龄增长最快体重: 2~3龄增加最快

年 龄 1 2 3 4 5

体长 cm 34.5 60.0 68.8 75.7 79.8

体重 kg 0.78 3.60 5.40 7.00 8.10

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⑷繁殖习性雌鱼 4~5龄性成熟,繁殖习性同鲢鳙鱼!

体 重 kg13.3 18.8 22.5 26.3 34.0

卵巢重 1.32 1.65 2.35 2.40 4.90

怀卵量 万粒 100.3 157.5 216.4 254.4 336.7

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4. 青鱼( black carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus ) ⑴特征



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⑶生长当年底: 可达 0.5kg ;第二年底: 2.5kg ;第三年底: 7.5kg ;⑷繁殖习性



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5. 鲤( Cyprinus carpio L. )

背、臀鳍的硬棘后缘呈锯齿状。口须两对,端位口。 特征

下层水,适应各种水体特喜小草丛生的浅水处 栖息杂食性:偏动物挖掘底泥,觅取食物 食性

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体长( cm ) 34~40 37~42 50~55 50~72

怀卵量(万粒)黑龙江流域 4.31 34.8

大伙房水库 3.5 36.7

粘性卵,分批产出从 3月或 4月份开始,持续 2个月产卵时最低水温 14~18℃,最适温度18~22 ℃


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锦鲤 koi


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6. 鲫( Carassius auratus L. )背、臀鳍的硬棘后缘呈锯齿状。无口须特征



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粘性卵,习性同鲤鱼1龄(当年)性成熟体长(厘米) 18~20 20~26 26~30

体重(斤) 0.4~0.6 0.6~1.3 1.3~1.6

怀卵量(万粒) 1.8~2.7 3.5~6.4 7.4~13.3

相对怀卵量(粒 / 克体重) 54~106 97~122 96~167

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银鲫Carassius auratus gibelio

野鲫Carassius auratus L.

白鲫C. carassius cuvieri T. et S.

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7. 武昌鱼( Megalbrama amblyocephala )



中下水层底质淤泥有植物的敞水区。 栖息草食性食性


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年 龄 1 2 3 4 5

体长( cm) 16.4 30.7 38.8 41.9 44.3

体重(斤) 0.4 1.2 2.4 3.2 3.6


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年龄 2 3 4

体重(斤) 1.4 2.8 3.4

怀卵量(万粒) 6.4 24.3 36.4

粘性卵,但粘性不及鲤鲫鱼,易脱落时间:产卵期比鲤稍迟,比家鱼稍早长江流域: 4月中旬 ~6月中旬,水温 28℃夜间产卵,多在浅水多水草处

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8. 罗非鱼( Tilapia ) 背鳍:硬棘占一半以上尾鳍:圆形或平截


耐高温:生存水温 16~45℃



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多次产卵: 25~30天可产卵一次产卵数量:最初数使粒,以后达 2000粒孵化:亲鱼口腔内孵化 幼鱼可在亲鱼口腔中生活孵出后 3~4个月即可产卵。


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9. 胡子鲶( Clarias fuscus ) 无鳞片,口须 8根吻有角质齿特征底栖栖息皮肤、褶鳃有呼吸作用不耐低温,水温: 6.5℃时死亡 12℃时越冬 最适生长: 25~30℃ 可生存: 38℃ 死亡: 超过 41℃


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10. 翘嘴鳜( mandarin fish, Siniperca chuasti ) 特征


食性 活鱼,从鱼苗到开口到成鱼,非活鱼不吃



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思考题1.名词解释:滤食性鱼类、杂食性鱼类、沉性 卵、漂浮性卵(半浮性卵)、粘性卵2.优良养殖鱼类应具备的条件。3.主要养殖鱼类摄食方式有哪几种,各有何特 点?举例说明。了解主要养殖鱼类食性的意 义。