新生常见问题解答 faq of the library for new students

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新生常见问题解答 FAQ of the Library for New Students. 如何区分新书及普通图书?新书我可以借多少天? How to distinguish new books from common ones? How long is the loan period of the new books?. Q :. 新书在一层西南区,顶部盖有红色“新书”章。 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


新生常见问题解答FAQ of the Library for New



新书 New books

如何区分新书及普通图书?新书我可以借多少天? How to distinguish new books from common ones? How long is the loan period of the new books?

Q :Q :

• 新书在一层西南区,顶部盖有红色“新书”章。• The new books are located at the southwestern area on the first floor, with a red seal “ 新书” on the top.

• 普通图书在二层中文图书区,没有红色“新书”章或同时有红色“新书”章和蓝色“归库”章。• The common books are located at the “ ” 中文图书 section on the second floor, either with both seals “ ” 新书 in red and “ ” 归库 in blue or without a red seal " 新书 "

• 所有读者新书都可以借 7 天,超过时间不还,需要交逾期费 1.00 元 / 天,新书可预约,不续借。• The loan period of all the new books is 7 days, the fine for the overdue books is 1 Yuan per item per day. The reservation of new books is available, no renewal is allowed.

A :A :


我在二层中文图书区借的书,书上盖有红色“新书”章和蓝色“归库”章,但还书时却显示借期 7天,并产生了罚金,我该怎么办?

• I borrowed a book from the “ 中文图书” section on the second floor with two seals

-- “ 新书” in red and “ 归库” in blue, however, when I return the book, the loan

period shown is 7 days and it charges me as overdue items, what am I supposed to do?

Q :Q :

• 这种情况属于数据更新滞后,请找服务台的值班人员,将您的罚金免除。

• This is caused by the lag of data update, please contact the staffs at the service counter

and waive the fine.

A :A :

新书 New books


出借量与借期Numbers of items per checking out and loan period

• 本科生、专科生、职工每人可借 10 册图书;博士研究生、硕士研究生、进修生、教师、访问学者等每人可借 15 册图书;

• 教师、访问学者借期为八周( 56 天);博士研究生、硕士研究生、进修生、本科生、专科生、职工等借期为四周( 28 天);

• Undergraduates, junior college students and staffs may check out 10 items at one time

for 4 weeks. Graduate students (both doctoral and masters), advanced students may

check out 15 items for 4 weeks. Faculties and visiting scholars may check out 15 items

for 8 weeks.

• 中外文流通图书预约人数超过 3 人的,被预约书借期缩短为 2 周( 14 天)。

• The loan period will be shortened to 14 days if there are more than 3 patrons in the

waiting list of “ 中外文流通图书” .

A :A :

Q :Q :我可以借几本书?一次可以借多长时间?

How many books can I check out at one time? And how long?


电子资源利用 Utilization of electronic resources

• 图书馆主页— > 电子资源— > 多媒体资源— > 非书资料管理系统中下载。或直接登录网址进行下载。

• Download from the home page of library, go to “ 电子资源” – “多媒体资源”– “非书资料管理系统” . Or log on to to download.

A :A :

Q :Q :如何借阅随书光盘 ?

How can I check out the CDs affiliated to books?


Q :Q :如何使用三层数字资源区和 IC空间的计算机?

How to utilize the computers in digital-resource section and Information

Commons on third floor?

A :A :• 我校合法身份读者可免费使用本区域机位 2 小时 / 次。

• 在门口的计算机机位预约管理系统刷卡——启动任一空闲计算机——用完关机后再次到管理系统刷卡退出。

• Qualified users may use these computers 2 hours per visit for free.

• Before getting access to these computers, you need to swipe your student I.D. on the

computers with the reservation system in the lobby. When you finish, you need to turn

off the computer and swipe your I.D. on the same computers again to log off.

电子资源利用 Utilization of electronic resources


网络应用 Web application

Q :Q : 我的“用户标识”和“个人密码”,是什么?

What is my “User I.D.” and my “Password” ?

• 用户标识:使用一卡通的读者,“用户标识”是一卡通号(学号)。

• User I.D. : For one-card holders, your “User I.D.” is the number of the card (student


• 个人密码:图书馆的个人初始密码是一卡通号(学号)。

• Password: The default password for everyone is the card number (student number).

A :A :


自助系统显示我的“账户被锁”,无法借书,我该怎么办?The self-service system indicates my account is locked and I am not able to check out any item, what am I supposed to do?

Q :Q :

网络应用 Web application

• 个人账户被锁是因为逾期费累计金额≥ 5.00 元,此时系统会自动关闭读者借书、续借、预约等功能。请先查看是否有逾期归还的图书,并交逾期费。

• 逾期费可以在一层报刊阅览区、三层库本阅览区和四层古籍特藏馆内的自助缴费机上交,也可以到一层总服务台交。

• Your account might be locked due to a minimal cumulative fine of 5 Yuan, under this circumstance, the system functions of check-out, renewal and reservation will automatically shut down. Please check carefully whether there are overdue items and pay for the bill before proceeding.

• The overdue charge can be paid via the self-service machine in the “ 报刊阅览区” on first floor, the “ 库本阅览区” on third floor and “ 古籍特藏馆” on fourth floor, you may also pay at the reception desk as well.

A :A :


• 馆藏相关图书暂被全部借出时,可在查询系统进行预约。具体操作步骤如下:

( 1 )点击“馆藏目录”;

( 2 )查看所需文献流通状况,确认是否符合预约规则;

( 3 )点击“预约”;

( 4 )输入用户标识(一卡通号码);

( 5 )输入个人密码(读者在图书馆的初始密码是一卡通号码);

( 6 )点击“建立预约记录”按钮完成预约。

• 注释:到期时间无需填写。

A :A :

Q :Q : 如何预约图书?

网络应用 Web application


• The reservation can be made by the inquiry system if all the relevant items are temporarily checked out. Following is what you need to do to make reservation:

(1) click “ 馆藏目录” ;

(2) check the status of the items you need, make sure it is within the regulations;

(3) click “ 预约” ;

(4)type in your user I.D. (the number of One-card )

(5) type in your password (the default password is the card number);

(6) click “ 建立预约记录” to finish your reservation.

A :A :

Q :Q : How to reserve the books?

网络应用 Web application


• 利用 VPN 系统。本校读者可以通过“校外访问系统( VPN)” 检索我馆购买的大部分电子资源。只要是我校“电子校务系统”的合法用户都可以使用“校外访问系统”。

• Use VPN: The readers may browse most of the electronic copy of resources via VPN.

The “ 校外访问系统” (VPN) is available to all the legal users to “ 电子校务系统” .

• 使用方法:直接登录网址( http://vpn.ruc.edu.cn ),输入用户名和密码,此时输入本人在学校电子校务系统(即数字人大)中的用户名和密码就可以了。

• Go to the web page http://vpn.ruc.edu.cn and log on, the ID and password are the same

as those of “ 电子校务系统” , also known as “Digital RUC”.

A :A :

Q :Q :在校外如何使用图书馆购买的数据库 ?

How to get access to the database of library off-campus?

网络应用 Web application


• 图书馆内无线上网的总点数有限,超过限额之后的登录者,就会出现登录失败的情况。• The total number of spots of library WiFi is certain, which leads to the outnumbered users failing to log-in.

A :A :

Q :Q :在图书馆内为什么我的笔记本电脑无法上网,而其他人却可以?Why can’t I get access to the internet with my laptop in the library while others can?

网络应用 Web application


• 由于我馆应用系统的升级,使用 IE6浏览器的用户可能无法正常检索和访问馆藏资源,请读者将浏览器升级到 IE7 或以上版本方可使用。可从以下网址对 IE浏览器进行升级:。

•Due to the update of the library system, the IE6 browser may not be supported for

searching and browsing library resources, please upgrade your browser to a more

advanced version (IE7 or newer). The upgrade can be done via this link:

A :A :

Q :Q : 我在登录馆藏目录进行检索时,计算机为什么会提示 CGI ( Common

Gateway Interface )请求无效?

Why my request of CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is denied when I

am logging in to the catalog of all the items?

网络应用 Web application


一.自助图书借还服务图书馆新馆有十台自助借还机,其中一层六台,二层四台,读者可在自助借还机上办理借还手续。二.自助打印、复印和扫描服务自助服务点分别在一层报刊部、三层库本区、四层古籍特藏馆,一共有三台。有校园一卡通的读者可在以上各服务点进行自助打印、复印及扫描。三.学习室 / 研讨室网络预约新馆在 2 、 4 、 5 层开设了学习室、小组研讨室供免费使用。室内有无线网络、电源、桌椅等,需要通过网络预约使用,具体情况请查看学习室 /研讨室网络预约及使用说明



自助服务 Self service为了便于读者更好地利用图书馆的资源,我馆提供了基于校园一卡通的多种自助服务。


1. Borrowing and returningThere are 10 self borrowing and returning machines available now in the new library building, 6 of them are on the first floor and the others are on the second floor, all the check-in and check-out can be done on these machines.

2. Printing, Copying and scanningThere are three self-service sites located in the “ 报刊阅览区” on first floor, the “ 库本阅览区” on third floor and “ 古籍特藏室” on fourth floor. The One-card holders may print, copy or scan materials at these sites.

3. Reservation of study/seminar rooms online There are several study rooms for single person and seminar rooms up to 12 persons on second, third and fourth floors for free. The rooms are cozy and the facilities like WiFi, network, electronic outlet and desks are available. Reservation is required before using these rooms. See “ 学习室 / 研讨室网络预约及使用说明” for details.

4. Making payment for overdue itemsReaders can make payment for overdue items using any multi-functioned printing machine in the library.

5.Texting serviceReaders may order texting service for reminding items returning and reservation. See “手机短信服务说明” for more information.

自助服务 Self serviceThere are various self services of the library available based on all-purpose card.


服务查询 Inquiry and service

• 新馆 213室、老馆 112室均提供复印服务,复印费 0.20 元 / 页。

• Room 213 in the new library and room 112 in the old one offer copying services, the price

•is 0.2 Yuan per page.

• 一层报刊阅览区和三层库本阅览区内均设有自助复印机,可自助复印并付费。• There are self-service copying machines located in the journal “ 报刊阅览区” on

• first floor and “ 库本阅览区” on third floor.

• 馆内哪里可以复印图书资料?如何收费?• Where can I copy the books or materials? And how much does it cost?

Q :Q :

A :A :

• 新馆 209 (Room 209 in the new library). 电话 (Tel): 62511079 。

• 在何处申请文献传递? Where can I apply for the document delivery?Q :Q :

A :A :




使 用 他 人一卡通




吃东西喝饮料 请不要将食物及饮料带入阅览区,以免污染书刊

吸烟 吸烟严重威胁图书馆的基本安全,馆内任何地点严禁吸烟,违者将加重处罚




随 处 乱 放图书


偷 窃 、 破坏 、 私 藏书刊


占座 请不要用书包等物品长时间占座。离开座位 30分钟者视为自动放弃,其他读者有权使用。

私接电源 请不要私接插线板等电器。


做文明读者,遵守图书馆各项规章制度 Please respect all the regulations, here are the tips for what

not to do in the library.

1. Don’t use other student’s One-card. This card is for the holder’ s use only, borrowing items with other’s card will be subject to punishment fine and the check-out will be denied.

2. Don’t talk over the cell phone or to others loudly in the library. The library is a quiet area, please do turn your cellular phone to mute before entering and talk quietly.

3. No food and drinks. Please don’t bring any food or drinks into the reading rooms.

4. Don’t smoke in the library. Smoking is extremely dangerous and forbidden in the whole area of library, violators are subject to harsh punishment.


5. Don’t leave books everywhere. Don’t obtain more than 2 items at one time; when you are done reading, please leave them on the desk against the shelves to which they belong.

6. Don’t steal, vandalize or illegally keep the library belongings. Theft is strictly forbidden and will be punished severely. All the readers are supposed to take good care of the books.

7. Seat occupation. Those who leave their seats unoccupied over 30 minutes is counted as abandonment and others may have the right to take them.

8. Don’t plug in your own patching board.

做文明读者,遵守图书馆各项规章制度Please respect all the regulations, here are the tips for what not to do in the library.



谢 谢 大 家 !
