תישארב תשרפ - beis medrash ahavas...

Lifecycles Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yoel and Ruth Steiner on the Bar Mi vah of their son Ephraim. The Kehilla is invited to a Kiddush after davening to celebrate this special occasion. Condolences to Mrs. Esther Teichtal on the loss of her father, Rav Nachum Tenenbaum. Mrs. Teichtal will be siing Shiva in Jerusalem at Ktav Sofer 18 until Monday. םִ יָ לָ שּ ירוִ ו ןֹ יוִ צ יֵ לֵ בֲ א רָ אְ ש ךֹ תוְ ּ ב םֶ כְ תֶ א םֵ חַ ינ םֹ קוָּ מַ הMazel Tov to Zev and Harriet Kornbluh on the engagement of their grandson Simcha Spolter of Kiryat Sefer to Tohar Cohen of Ofakim. Mazel Tov to the Rabbi Aharon and Beverly Simkin on the Aufruf of Eli Simkin, and his upcoming wedding to Michal Bruker. Mazel Tov to Larry and Phyllis Goldberg on the Aufruf of their future soninlaw Asher Brown, who is marrying their daughter Nechama Goldberg this Sunday. Lifecycles are continued on page 4 בס"ד פרשת שבת בראשיתBeis Medrash Ahavas Shalom HaRav Avrohom Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav כ ״ התשע״ז, תשרי זOct 28/29, 2016 Resolve or Dissolve Regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Hashem commanded Adam Harishon ...not to eat of it; for on the day you eat of it, you shall surely die.To me, this seems to indicate that this would be an immediate punishment—Adam would take a bite and would drop dead right then and there. The question is obvious: While the pasuk seems to indicate an immediate death, we nd that HaKadosh Baruch Hu gave Adam Harishon a list of curses on that day, yet he only died close to 1000 years after this incident! The Vilna Gaon answers this question by explaining that there are two kinds of punishments: Sometimes the punishment is an outgrowth of the act itself, and sometimes the punishment is external to the act that was perpetrated. For example, a mother tells her child “Avramele, don’t stick your nger in the electrical socket, because you will get a severe shock!” If Avramele doesn’t listen, the “punishment” of being shocked is a direct and immediate outcome of his action. Similarly, if a mother tells her child “Avramele, put on your coat before you go out(Continued on page 4) Shabbos Schedule Parshas Bereishis בראשית פרשת שבת לוחErev Shabbos שבת ערבMincha 1 13:30 א׳ מנחהCandle Lighting 17:16/17:36 נרות הדלקתMincha 2 17:38 ב׳ מנחהShekiyah 17:56 שקיעהShabbos Day השבת יוםBrachos 8:00 ברכותShochein Ad 8:25 עד שוכןLatest Shema – M. A. 8:54 א" למגש" ק זמן סוףLatest Shema – G’ra 9:39 א" לגרש" ק זמן סוףMincha 1 13:30 א׳ מנחהMincha 2 * 16:00 * ב׳ מנחהMincha 3 17:10 ג׳ מנחהShekiyah 17:56 שקיעהMa’ariv 1 18:33 א׳ מעריבMa’ariv 2 18:56 ב׳ מעריבSponsor an issue of the Ahavas Shalom Newsleer in memory of a loved one, or for a refuah shelaymah—or any noncommercial purpose! Just 50per issue. Contact [email protected] info Join us this Friday night for a special with our own member (and world famous): and מברכין שבת

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Lifecycles Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yoel and Ruth

Steiner on the Bar Mitzvah of their

son Ephraim. The Kehilla is invited to

a Kiddush after davening to celebrate

this special occasion.

Condolences to Mrs. Esther Teichtal on the

loss of her father, Rav Nachum Tenenbaum.

Mrs. Teichtal will be sitting Shiva in

Jerusalem at Ktav Sofer 18 until Monday.

תוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים קום ינחם אתכם ב המ

Mazel Tov to Zev and Harriet Kornbluh on

the engagement of their grandson Simcha

Spolter of Kiryat Sefer to Tohar Cohen of


Mazel Tov to the Rabbi Aharon and Beverly

Simkin on the Aufruf of Eli Simkin, and

his upcoming wedding to Michal Bruker.

Mazel Tov to Larry and Phyllis Goldberg

on the Aufruf of their future son‐in‐law

Asher Brown, who is marrying their

daughter Nechama Goldberg this Sunday. Lifecycles are continued on page 4


שבת פרשת

Beis Medrash Ahavas Shalom בראשיתHaRav Avrohom Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav

Oct 28/29, 2016ז תשרי, התשע״ז ״כ

Resolve or Dissolve Regarding the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil, Ha‐

shem commanded Adam Harishon

“...not to eat of it; for on the day you

eat of it, you shall surely die.”

To me, this seems to indicate that

this would be an immediate pun‐

ishment—Adam would take a bite

and would drop dead right then and there.

The question is obvious: While the pasuk seems to indi‐

cate an immediate death, we find that HaKadosh Baruch

Hu gave Adam Harishon a list of curses on that day, yet he

only died close to 1000 years after this incident!

The Vilna Gaon answers this question by explaining that

there are two kinds of punishments: Sometimes the pun‐

ishment is an outgrowth of the act itself, and sometimes

the punishment is external to the act that was perpetrat‐


For example, a mother tells her child “Avramele, don’t

stick your finger in the electrical socket, because you

will get a severe shock!” If Avramele doesn’t listen, the

“punishment” of being shocked is a direct and immedi‐

ate outcome of his action. Similarly, if a mother tells her

child “Avramele, put on your coat before you go out‐

(Continued on page 4)

Shabbos Schedule Parshas Bereishis לוח שבת פרשת בראשית

Erev Shabbos ערב שבת Mincha 1 13:30 מנחה א׳ Candle Lighting 17:16/17:36 הדלקת נרות Mincha 2 17:38 מנחה ב׳ Shekiyah 17:56 שקיעה

Shabbos Day יום השבת Brachos 8:00 ברכות Shochein Ad 8:25 שוכן עד Latest Shema – M. A. 8:54 סוף זמן ק"ש למג"א Latest Shema – G’ra 9:39 סוף זמן ק"ש לגר"א Mincha 1 13:30 מנחה א׳ Mincha 2 * 16:00 * מנחה ב׳ Mincha 3 17:10 מנחה ג׳ Shekiyah 17:56 שקיעה Ma’ariv 1 18:33 מעריב א׳ Ma’ariv 2 18:56 מעריב ב׳

Sponsor an issue of the Ahavas Shalom Newsletter in memory of a loved one, or for a refuah shelaymah—or any non‐commercial purpose! Just 50₪ per issue. Contact [email protected] info

Join us this Friday night for a special

with our own member (and world famous):


שבת מברכין

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan רים ני, עש יום ש המולד יהיה ב

ה חלקים אחרי ע דקות וחמיש וארבבוקר. לש ב ש

The Molad will be on Monday, 24 minutes and 5 chalakim after 3 in the morning (Israeli Clock Time 3:03:30 am).

יום מרחשון ראש חדש יהיה בא עלינו ועל לישי וביום רביעי הב ש

ראל לטובה. ל יש כRosh Chodesh Marcheshvan will be on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Start the New Year on the Right Foot Did you win a bid for a Kibbud? Start your year off on the

right foot by redeeming your pledge today! Contact

Aryeh Beer (050) 418‐8669 or 02‐992‐

0578, who can even accept your

payment via credit card on the phone.

This is especially true for people who

participated in bidding on the Rav’s

Choson Torah Aliyah, as the

Gabbaim were unable to mark

down all the people that

contributed towards this kibbud .

Shabbos Kids’ Program THIS SHABBOS: Kids can collect

tickets during davening: Daven

nicely. Sit quietly. After Anim

Zemiros trade the tickets for a special


Pele Yoetz Shiur Rav Zachariash has resumed his shiur on

Pele Yoetz this Shabbos afternoon in the

new room, starting 20 MINUTES before the

last mincha (16:50 this week). It is open to

both men and women. This week, the shiur

will continue the discussion on the topic of Orchim.

Get Ready For Oneg Season! Our first oneg will be

next Shabbos, Parshas

Noach, at the home of

Ephraim and Zahava

Friedman. Look for full

details next week.

Fall Back Israel returns to Standard Time on

Motza’ei Shabbos at 02:00. Remember to

set your clocks back one hour before

going to sleep!

The change in time will result in chang-

es to davening times for Mincha and Maariv.

During the winter, Mincha will be at 12:45 and 15:15. On

Erev Shabbos Mincha Gedolah changes to 12:30, and

Shabbos Mincha Gedolah changes to 13:00. The 16:00 Min‐

cha on Shabbos is cancelled and the last Mincha is approx‐

imately 45 minutes before shek iya.

Weekday Maariv during the winter months will be at

19:00 and 21:00.

Thank You! So many people to thank, and so little space!

Thank you to all the children who helped decorate our

sukkah. Thank you again to Yitzchak Reichenberg for

building our sukkah and then taking it down at the end

of Sukkos.

Thank you to Avigayil Rachel Kushner for setting up all

the food at the Simchas Beis Hashoevah.

Thank you to Chananiah Lasker and Eliyahu Jacobs for

setting up the Shul and Ezras Nashim for Simchas Torah

(as you saw, it involved moving every single table, chair

and bench).

Thank you to Rav Zachariash and the entire Ahavas Sha‐

lom community, and especially to the bochurim and the

younger children who helped give a wonderful “ruach”

to the entire Simchas Torah day. Thank you to Yitzchak

Reichenberg and his crew: Eyal Melamed, Dovid and

Akiva Yisrael Gower for managing all the food prepa‐

rations. Thank you to all the people who helped to set up

the shul for Sukkos, Hoshanah Rabba, and Simchas To‐

rah and then helped to return the shul to its normal state

immediately afterwards. Mazel Tov to our Chassonim:

Rav Zachariash Chasan Torah and Rabbi Yoel Steiner

Chasan Bereishis.

Thank you to Avi Rosenberg and Naftali Kaplan for

managing the Bein Hazmanim learning program. Thank

you Avi Rosenberg for pushing people to learn extra

pages of gemara during Simchas Torah. TWO THOU‐

SAND SIX HUNDRED (2600) pages of GEMORAH were

pledged during Simchas Torah —IY”H by next Simchas

Torah we will have nearly completed the equivalent of

all of Shas!

Thank you to Rabbi Yoel Steiner for sponsoring the Sim‐

chas Torah Cholent and to Yosef Raymond for sponsor‐

ing all the pekelach .

1st Prize 5000₪ פרס ראשון

Dovid Yudkowsky (our Baal Tokeah on Rosh Hashanah)

2nd Prize 1000₪ פרס שני

Raanan Bodzin 3rd Prize 500₪ פרס שלישי

Gil Garalnik 4th Prize Sheer Beauty Hair Styling

פרס רביעי עיצוב שיער של "שיר ביוטי"

Mrs. Roberta Lippman The Kehilla sold out nearly all the raffles,

including several thousand shekels worth of tickets on the last day. Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket—even if you didn’t win, you

helped your Kehilla!

Netziv Hayom

24 Tishrei sponsored by the Lyons family

לע"נ שרה בת אברהם ע"ה

On Sponsorship is 120₪ for one day,

and includes all the learning and

davening that take place in our shul during that day.

Please contact [email protected].

Lifecycles (continued) Mazel Tov to Reuven and Raynee

Bodenheim on the wedding of

their daughter Shaina to Chaim

Goldberg of Moshav Matityahu

this coming week.

Mazel Tov to Yitzchak and Penina

Reichenberg on the birth of their

granddaughter Leah, to parents

Rivka and Chesky Dickman.

Navi Shiur Join Rabbi Yoel Steiner as he gives over the Navi Shiur

every Wednesday night from 20:15‐21:00. The shiur is

currently coming to the end of Sefer Yirmiyahu, so this is

a great time to join!!

Avos uBanim אבות ובנים This Shabbos from 16:00‐17:00.

Children aged 3‐7 learn for 30 minutes.

Children aged 7+ learn for 60 minutes.

HaRav Avrohom Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav 052‐763‐5938 Lev Seltzer, Chairman [email protected] 02‐999‐8923

Main Ahavas Shalom list: shul‐[email protected] Address: 33 Nachal Lachish, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel www.ahavasshalom.org

Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events, news, comments, etc. to [email protected]. Remember: If we don’t know about your event, we can’t publish it!

Please do not read during Tefillah or Kriyas Hatorah Please respect the sanctity of this bulletin

נא לא לקרוא את העלון באמצע התפילה או בקריאת התורה נא לשמור על קדושת הדף

side, otherwise you’ll catch for yourself a cold!” While not

as direct, if Avramele doesn’t listen and gets a cold in the

next few days, it is also a direct result of his action.

The other kind of punishment is for not listening to the

commandment. For example, if a mother tells her child

“Avramale, if you listen to Mummy and clean your room

like the good little boy that you are, then I will allow you to

go on your class trip tomorrow. However, if you ignore

your Mummy and leave your room a mess, I will not per‐

mit you to go.” This punishment, though inspired by the

failure to clean his room, is directly related to not following

the mother’s instructions.

When Adam Harishon ate from the etz hadas, he diso‐

beyed a commandment from Hashem, and he also caused

his body to have a need for dying. The pasuk says “Mos

Yamus,” but this does not mean necessarily mean “You will

die as a punishment.” Instead, it means that you have in‐

troduced “death” to your body, and your body will even‐

tually die because of your action.

Many of us have made certain resolutions to travel on a

particular path during the year 5777. It is now, at the be‐

ginning of our travels, that we need to be most vigilant in

preventing even one small infraction, as that could set the

stage for our entire resolution to collapse, which

would necessitate finding a new path towards teshuva —if

not immediately, then certainly by the end of the year.

I once heard someone say “Do you see this box of identical

chocolate cream cookies? Which cookie in this box is the

most fattening?” He answered in jest “The first one, be‐

cause once you eat it and break your diet, the rest of the

cookies will soon be gone!

Shabbos Bereishis is the first week in 5777 of our “normal non‐

Yom Tov existence.” May we be successful that our resolve

stays with us to complete this year as we yearned and as

we pictured it would be, during the recently completed

Yomim Nora’im.

(Continued from page 1) Congratulations to the winners of the Summer Raffle!

זמנים לימי חול עד


Weekday ׳ו(Fri) ׳ה(Thu) ׳ד(Wed) ׳ג(Tue) ׳ב(Mon) ׳א(Sun) יום





8:15 ,7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:10 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:10 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:20 שחרית

16:32 ,12:30 15:15 ,12:45 15:15 ,12:45 15:15 ,12:45 15:15 ,12:45 מנחה 21:00 ,19:00 21:00 ,19:00 21:00 ,19:00 21:00 ,19:00 מעריב

6:20, 7:15, 8:05

12:45, 15:15

19:00, 21:00