{ autism mitchell gage and little mary catherine

{ Autism Mitchell Gage and Little Mary Catherine

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Mitchell Gage and Little Mary Catherine

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❧ Autism Spectrum Disorder is a group of very complex neurological disorders that inhibit verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and social interaction that is most commonly found in males.

What Exactly is Autism?

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❧ Bo Burnham is a 24 year old male who was diagnosed with Autism as a toddler. As a child he was fascinated with the wheels of his truck, and played with them very unusually, hitting them on the ground over and over again for hours. He learned to talk at a late age, and now has trouble with normal social interaction and making eye contact. He is currently being treated for gastrointestinal disturbances, and is taking cognitive behavioral therapy.

Bo Burnham

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❧ Autistic people often have trouble with nonverbal communication skills such as facial expressions

❧ Usually a delay in learning to speak❧ Failure to establish friendships with children their own age❧ A focus on pieces (of toys for example) ❧ Lack of understanding other’s perspectives, such as humor❧ Lack of empathy❧ Problems with sleep and gastrointestinal disturbances❧ Difficulty with muscle coordination❧ Sometimes intellectually disabled, but sometimes others excel in

things like music or math

Symptoms of Autism

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❧ Regions of the Brain Affected by Autism❧ Amygdala: smaller in volume, dense with neurons, and underactive❧ A smaller cerebellum❧ Large cerebral lobes❧ A smaller Hippocampus❧ Genetics clearly play a role, but scientists aren’t entirely sure what that

is• Runs in families, appears to be multiple genes, increased chance in

identical twins vs. fraternal twins

WTF is Going on in the Brain?

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❧ Because Autism is so complex, scientists are not entirely sure what causes it, but they have discovered that:❧ Autistic people have too many nerve fibers,

but they don’t work well enough to facilitate communication between cells (misfires)

❧ The extra cells may affect brain size (very large brains, abnormal amygdala, corpus collosum, and cerebellum)• These areas are associated with things Autistic

people have trouble with (coordination, communication, etc.)

WTF continued

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❧ There is no medical test to diagnose Autism, so specially trained physicians diagnose it through specific behavior evaluations ,such as unusual repetitive behavior with toys.


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❧ People with Autism often have other medical issues as well, such as sleep problems, so they’re given medication for that.

❧ Treatment also includes:❧ Behavioral management therapy❧ Occupational therapy❧ Cognitive behavior therapy


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❧ People with Autism have a full life expectancy❧ Depending on the severity of the disorder, they may

require lifelong assistance, or achieve a degree of independence.

❧Symptoms may lessen in severity over time.❧ Treatment typically lasts their whole life.


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❧ Along with the trained professionals that diagnose Autism, their treatment involves professionals such as:❧ Behavioral Management Therapists

• These therapists have a minimum of a master’s degree in counseling or psychology. Their time consists of replacing their patients bad behaviors with acceptable ones. They help those with Autism by helping them to learn what actions are right from wrong, and replacing their unacceptable or awkward behaviors with better ones.

❧ Cognitive Behavioral Therapists• These professionals have a minimum of a master’s degree and

specialized training in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. They spend their time helping patients correct inaccurate or negative thought patterns, and can help those with Autism by helping them think in more productive and “normal” ways.

Who’s Involved?

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Autism and genetics. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from http://genetics.thetech.org/original_news/news49

Cited Works

What Is Autism? (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from http://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism

The Autistic Brain - HowStuffWorks. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from http://health.howstuffworks.com/mehttp://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/diagnosisntal-health/autism/autism3.htmhrfgud

Autism Treatment, Prognosis. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from http://www.healthcommunities.com/autism/children/treatment-for-autism.shtml

How to Become a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from http://work.chron.com/become-cognitive-behavioral-therapist-19652.html