— and herpes zoster (shingles)

- AND HERPES ZOSTER (Shingles' Herpes toSter treatntent .... ith cal f-thymic eJtnct. Lanzi. R. et aI. Giol'tllok Italiano di DermalOlogia 111 : 39·4S (1916) Herpes lOSler: A QOmbined therapy f'e&lmen. Ferl'lt1l. RJ . Cutis 17: \0) (\ 976) The tre.alment Qf cornealltcrpe; and ophthalmic h.crpes zoste r using IevamisoJ e. Lads, F. Nouvelle Presse Medicate S: 148 (1976) InUllve nous eytarabine in treatment ofherpcs UlSter in haellUllologica.l maliiiiii'iCf."Kffiiliium, Gamma-globulin the rapy f or herpes roster. P. et al. GiornaJe llaliano di DermalO1ogia 11 1: 108 (1976) AlknineanbinosiOe therapy ofhefpes roster in th e immuTlosuppressed. Whilky, R.J. et aI. New England. Journal of Medicine 294, 119) (1976) EfTacy oradenilleU2binosXle in herpes ZOSler. Mmv.n. Te. New ElI&bnd Journal of Medicine 294: 1213 ( 1916) arabinosKk fot of loster in immunoruppres$lCd patient$: =u]\$of. collabol'lllivcstudy. Cb'ien, L.T. et aI. Journal oflnf«tious Diseases 133: 184 (1916) Trealmenlofherpcs lOster. Mardellc, T. el al. MedC(:inc et Armees.: 663 (1916) Glutaraldehycle inlJeatill8 herpes simpleland herpe5lO5ter. Cordon, H_H. Archives of Derrnatology I ll : [178(1916) of acute herpes lOStU utilizing vui0u5 acupuncture modalities. Cordon, N.R. American Journal of AcupullCture.: 257 (1976) Preliminary ctinial trial in the tfeatrnc:ntofherpes lO5ter with anew antivinl aaent (vitazole). Lorcnro, R. ei ll. Revista Bruileirade Medicina JJ: 401 (19 76) The II.'Ie of bewlint antiseptic pain! in the FJQlmtnt of I!tcpes simpkx and herpes loster. Woodbridge. P. Jourm] of Intemational Medical R!:SQI"eII $: 178 (977) Treall1lenl of herpes lQlSter. Bateman. P.P. Med ical Progress.: 25 (1977) Iscytan.bine In effective drv.g herpes !OSter? OrfanQlS, C.E. ct al. Ductsehe Medizinische Wochcnsc:hrift 1 02 : J I 2 {I 977 ) berpes Ulster. L Ii ] Treatment of herpes zoster with dQlSium pentosan poly sUlfate. Raff, M. et 1.1. MunchcneT Meditiniscbe Woctm\sdIrift 119: 81 7 (1977) Elfoetof L-dopa on eruption and pain in herpes zoster. Bonare, J.L et al. Nouvelle PreMe Medicak: 6: 260 (1977) Evaluation ofthc effll:aCY of pma,vcninclPPl'09ri1te (01" intnvellOU!l use in the treatment of berpcs lO5ter in retation 10 the basic lJeatmenl Grimbli.(, M. Revista BllSilein. de Medicini. 15: I J I (1978) Ep idural injor:tion of locill anestheti<.: and steroids for relid of secondary to herpts loster. Perkins, H.M. et Ill. Archi ves of Surgery I I J: 251 ([978) Interferon fo r the treatment of hcrpe$ !OSte r in patients with cancer _Muigan. T.e. et Ill. New Engl and Journ.al of Medicine 298 : 98 1 (1978) Interferon treatment of herpes romr. Lail ctt 2: 84 (J 918) Griseofulvin in the Il"eatmem of herpes IOS\ef. Joubert, J.D. South African Medal Journal 54 , 22 4 (1978)

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Page 1: — AND HERPES ZOSTER (Shingles)


Herpes toSter treatntent .... ith calf-thymic eJtnct. Lanzi. R. et aI. Giol'tllok Italiano di DermalOlogia 111 : 39·4S (1916)

Herpes lOSler: A QOmbined therapy f'e&lmen. Ferl'lt1l. RJ. Cutis 17: \0) (\ 976)

The tre.alment Qf l"eO.I~nl cornealltcrpe; and ophthalmic h.crpes zoste r using IevamisoJe. Lads, F. Nouvelle Presse Medicate S: 148 (1976)

InUllve nous eytarabine in treatment ofherpcs UlSter in haellUllologica.l maliiiiii'iCf."Kffiiliium, S~Bfilish-Med~-Joumal-h'12HI9~6)

Gamma-globulin therapy for herpes roster. ~nJlt.i, P. et al. GiornaJe llaliano di DermalO1ogia 11 1: 108 (1976)

AlknineanbinosiOe therapy ofhefpes roster in the immuTlosuppressed. Whilky, R.J. et aI. New England. Journal of Medicine 294, 119) (1976)

EfTacy oradenilleU2binosXle in herpes ZOSler. Mmv.n. Te. New ElI&bnd Journal of Medicine 294: 1213 ( 1916)

Adeni~ arabinosKk fot ~rapy of ~ loster in immunoruppres$lCd patient$: P~liminary =u]\$of. collabol'lllivcstudy. Cb'ien, L.T. et aI.

Journal oflnf«tious Diseases 133: 184 (1916)

Trealmenlofherpcs lOster. Mardellc, T. el al. MedC(:inc et Armees.: 663 (1916)

Glutaraldehycle inlJeatill8 herpes simpleland herpe5lO5ter. Cordon, H _H. Archives of Derrnatology I ll: [178(1916)

T~tment of acute herpes lOStU utilizing vui0u5 acupuncture modalities. Cordon, N.R. American Journal of AcupullCture.: 257 (1976)

Preliminary ctinial trial in the tfeatrnc:ntofherpes lO5ter with anew antivinl aaent (vitazole). Lorcnro, R. ei ll. Revista Bruileirade Medicina JJ: 401 (1976)

The II.'Ie of bewlint antiseptic pain! in the FJQlmtnt of I!tcpes simpkx and

herpes loster. Woodbridge. P. Jourm] of Intemational Medical R!:SQI"eII $: 178 (977)

Treall1lenl of herpes lQlSter. Bateman. P.P. Medical Progress.: 25 (1977) Iscytan.bine In effective drv.g ~SI herpes !OSter? OrfanQlS, C.E. ct al.

Ductsehe Medizinische Wochcnsc:hrift 102: J I 2 {I 977)

• ~~~wri,i~n berpes Ulster. L Ii ]

Treatment of herpes zoster with dQlSium pentosan poly sUlfate. Raff, M. et 1.1. MunchcneT Meditiniscbe Woctm\sdIrift 119: 81 7 (1977)

Elfoetof L-dopa on eruption and pain in herpes zoster. Bonare, J.L et al. Nouvelle PreMe Medicak: 6: 260 (1977)

Evaluation ofthc effll:aCY of pma,vcninclPPl'09ri1te (01" intnvellOU!l use in the treatment of berpcs lO5ter in retation 10 the basic lJeatmenl Grimbli.(, M. Revista BllSilein. de Medicini. 15: I J I (1978)

Epidural injor:tion of locill anestheti<.: and steroids for relid of ~in secondary to herpts loster. Perkins, H.M. et Ill. Archives of Surgery I I J: 251 ([978)

Interferon for the treatment of hcrpe$ !OSter in patients with cancer_ Muigan. T.e. et Ill. New England Journ.al of Medicine 298: 98 1 (1978)

Interferon treatment of herpes romr. Lailctt 2: 84 (J 918) Griseofulvin in the Il"eatmem of herpes IOS\ef. Joubert, J.D. South African

Medal Journal 54, 224 (1978)