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歷歷歷歷歷歷 [2001 歷]90 歷歷歷歷歷歷歷 法法法法法法法法法法法法法法法法法法法 法法法 法法 I. 法法 20% 10 法 法 2法 1.法法 2.法法 3.法法法 4.法法 5.法法 6.法法法 7.法 8.法法 9.法法 10.法法法 II. 法 法 40% 2法法 20 法 1. Bear in mind what I have explained as explained, and what I have not explained as unexplained. What are the things that I have not explained? Whether the universe is eternal or not, etc., I have not explained. Why have I not explained them? Because it is not useful, it is not fundamentally connected with the spiritual holy life, … That is why I have not told you about them. 2. You cannot escape life however you may try. As long as you live, whether in a town or in a cave, you have to face it and live it. Real life is the present moment—not the memories of the past which is dead and gone, nor the dreams of the future which is not yet born. One who lives in the present moment lives the real life, and he is happiest. III.法法 法 40%( 法 法法 ,一 300 法法法法法法) Compassion and Wisdom

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 歷屆英文考題[2001 年]90 學年度英文試題

法鼓山僧伽大學佛學院九十學年度入學考試英文科 試題I. 中譯英:佔 20%,共 10 題,每題 2 分1.佛陀 2.三寶 3.四聖諦 4.五蘊 5.五戒6.八正道 7.業 8.無明 9.正定 10.緣起法II. 英譯中:佔 40%,共 2 題,每題 20 分1.Bear in mind what I have explained as explained, and what I have not explained as unexplained. What are the things that I have not explained? Whether the universe is eternal or not, etc., I have not explained. Why have I not explained them? Because it is not useful, it is not fundamentally connected with the spiritual holy life, … That is why I have not told you about them.

2.You cannot escape life however you may try. As long as you live, whether in a town or in a cave, you have to face it and live it. Real life is the present moment—not the memories of the past which is dead and gone, nor the dreams of the future which is not yet born. One who lives in the present moment lives the real life, and he is happiest.

III.作文:佔 40%(請根據下列主題,用英文寫一篇 300 字左右的文章)Compassion and Wisdom

[2002 年]91 學年度英文試題請將答案寫在答案卷上,不需抄題,但需標明題號,按順序作答。I. 翻譯:

A. 填空式翻譯─中譯英:40%作題說明:請於下列英文語詞中選取適當者,翻譯表格中畫線部分的中文﹝請填代號,例如:苦 (2) f ﹞

a) the Arising of Dukkha b) birth c) the Cessation of Dukkha d) Conditioned Genesise) the endless cycle of birth and death f) DuHkha g) the five Aggregates of Attachment h) the five preceptsi) the Four Noble Truths j) the idea of self k) the Four Sublime States l) ignorancem) the Noble Eightfold Path n) Right Action o) not getting what one desires p) Right Effortq) Right Meditation r) Right Speech s) Right Mindfulness

t) Right Understandingu) separation from beloved ones and pleasant conditions v) the Way leading to the Cessation of Dukkhaw) sickness x) thirst y) death

z) wisdom

四聖諦 (1) 苦 (2) f : 集 (9) : 滅 (13) : 道 (14): :生 (3) 老 old age病 (4) 死 (5) 愛別離 (6) 求不得 (7) 五取蘊 (8) 怨憎會association with unpleasant persons and conditions



↑無明(12) 涅槃 Nirvana 八正道 (15) ─

正見 (16) 正思惟 Right Thought正語 (17) 正業 (18) 正命 Right Livelihood正精進 (19) 正念 (20) 正定 (21)

B. 段落翻譯─英譯中: 30% 作題說明:請將下列兩段英文譯為中文﹝第 1 題 10 分,第 2 題 20 分﹞1) A true Buddhist is the happiest of beings. He has no fears. He is always calm and cannot be upset by changes. It is because he sees things as they are.2) At the beginning you will find it difficult to concentrate on your breathing. You will be surprised how your mind runs away. But if you continue to practice this exercise twice daily, morning and evening, for about five or ten minutes at a time, you will gradually become able to make your mind concentrated on your breathing.

II. 引導式作文─自我簡介:30%作題說明:請用完整的英文句子回答下列有關您自己的十個問題。每題最多不超過三句。1~ 6 題每題 2 分,第 7 題 3 分,8 ~10 題每題 5 分﹞1) When were you born?2) Where are you from?3) How many people are there in your family?

4) What subject (s) are you interested in at school?5) What kind of person do you think you are?6) What do you usually do when you have some free time?7) How did you get to know the Buddha and His teaching?8) Can you say something about the Buddha’s teaching which you like the most?9) Why do you want to be a student at Buddhist Seminary of Dharma Drum Sangha University?10) What do you think you will be ten years from now?

[2003 年]92 學年度英文試題佛學名相對照表答題說明:請將下列英文佛學名相與表格裡的中文名相配對,並將

答案依序寫在答案卷 上 [請填入英文單字,例如題號 中文名相 關鍵字首提示 英文名相1. 苦 d duhkha

英文佛學名相表The Four Noble Truths Buddha old age DharmaThe Noble Eightfold Paths birth compassion dhukha The Five Aggregates of Attachment death sangha wisdom


中文名相 關鍵字首提示 英文名相 題號

中文名相 關鍵字首提示 英文名相1 生 b 6 八正道 E2 老 o 7 佛 B3 智慧 w 8 四諦 F4 死 d 9 慈悲 c5 法 D 10 五取蘊 F

中英佛學名相對照表II. 單句翻譯 A. 英譯中1. A man and only a man can become a Buddha.

2. Every man has within himself the potentiality of becoming a Buddha.

B. 中譯英1. 菩薩最勝行,悲智渡眾生。

III. 引導式閱讀寫作(請讀完以下短文,並依六題提示寫出一篇心得。)

According to Buddhism, for a man to be perfect, there are two qualities that he

should develop equally: compassion and wisdom. Here compassion

represents love, charity, kindness, tolerance and such noble qualities on the

emotional side, or the qualities of the heart, while wisdom would stand for

the intellectual side or the qualities of the mind. If one develops only the

emotional, neglecting the intellectual, one may become a good-hearted fool;

while to develop only the intellectual side, neglecting the emotional, may

turn one into a hard-hearted intellect without feeling for others. Therefore,

to be perfect, one has to develop both wisdom and compassion equally. That

is the aim of the Buddhist way of life: in it wisdom and compassion are

inseparably linked together.

1. What are the two qualities for a man to be perfect, according to Buddhism?

2. What will happen if one develops only compassion, or the qualities of the


3. What will happen if one develops only the intellectual side, or the qualities

of the mind?

4. What is the aim of the Buddhist way of life?

5. Do you agree with the idea that compassion and wisdom should be developed

at the same time? Why or why not?

6. How can one develop compassion and wisdom at the same time? Please use

your personal experience as an example to answer the question.

[2004 年]93 學年度英文試題一、名相:作題說明:下列名相分別屬於哪一個法數?法數已標記為 a、b、c… 請在答案卷每題題號之前填入代號﹝參見例題﹞。法數:a. Triple-Gem / Three Refugesb. Four Noble Truthsc. Five Aggregatesd. Seven Factors of Enlightenmente. Noble Eightfold Pathf. Twelve Factors of Conditioned Genesis

答案 名相例題:Sangha (the Community of Buddhist Monks)

1. joy 2. Dukkha 3. ignorance 4. matter5. Right Understanding


action doubt cause and effect Ethical Conduct liberation mindMiddle Path Speech thirst volition wisdom

例 題 : According to the Buddha, man’s depends on his own realization of Truth, not on the grace of a god as a reward for his obedient behavior.

1. The Sanskrit word “karma” literally means “ ”.2. The two qualities a person should develop equally to make himself perfect are

compassion and .3. The Way leading to the Cessation of Dukkha is known as the “ ”, because it

avoids two extremes.4. is not spirit as opposed to matter, but only a faculty or organ like the eye of

the ear.5. is one of the Five Hindrances to clear understanding of Truth and to

spiritual progress. However, it is not a “sin.”6. The term “ ” includes not only desire for sense-pleasures, wealth and power,

but also desire for ideas, views, theories, and beliefs.7. is built on universal love and compassion for all living beings, on which

the Buddha’s teaching is based.8. The theory of karma is the theory of ; it has nothing to do with the idea of

justice or reward and punishment.9. Right means abstention from telling lies, from talk that may bring about

hatred and disharmony among people, from harsh and impolite language, from useless gossip.

10. is one of the Five Aggregates. It means “mental construction” or “mental activity.” Its function is to direct the mind in good, bad or neutral activities.

三、語法:作題說明:請於下表中選取適當的語段,填入答案卷各題空格中﹝請填代號﹞,使各題成為 語法正確 與 句義完整 的句子﹝參見例題﹞。所選語段如果在句首,第一個字母自行改為大寫。

代號 語段a as long as there is the “thirst” to be and to becomeb but also help others lead a peaceful and honorable life in the right way c but the understanding of the question of sufferingd if we follow the Path patiently and diligentlye nor is he another personf though there is suffering in life g than to give a wrong idea of it by conveniently translating it as “suffering” or

“pain”h that he does not wish to hear any teaching against them i while the latter senses the world of ideas and thoughts and mental objects

j which may be divided into five groups k who has made himself free from all defilements

例題: , a Buddhist should not be angry at it.

1. , one day we may realize NirvANa within ourselves.2. , the cycle of continuity (saMsAra) goes on.3. What is necessary is not anger at suffering, .4. According to the Buddha’s teaching on Right Action, we should not only avoid

improper behavior .5. An Arhant is a person .6. Buddhist philosophy holds that what we call “I” is only a combination of ever-

changing physical and mental forces, .7. A child grows up to be a man of sixty. Of course the man of sixty is not the same

as the child of sixty years ago, .8. It is better to leave the word “dukkha” untranslated .9. The ideas of God and Soul are so deep-rooted in man .10. The difference between the eye and the mind as faculties is that the former senses

the world of colors and visible forms, .

四、翻譯:作題說明:請在答案卷寫出下列英文句子的中譯。1. All dhammas are without self.2. To get rid of doubt, one has to see clearly.3. The root of all evil is ignorance and false views.4. There is no arising of consciousness without conditions.5. A true Buddhist is the happiest of beings, because he sees things as they are.6. That which is unreality is false; that which is reality, N irvANa, is Truth.7. Whatever is of the nature of arising, all that is of the nature of cessation. 8. The teaching is similar to a raft, which is for crossing over, not for getting hold

of.9. What is the NirvANa? It is the extinction of desire, the extinction of hatred, the

extinction of illusion.10. From the beginning the spirit of tolerance and understanding has been one of the

most valuable ideals of Buddhist culture.


Which sentence or passage in What the Buddha Taught do you think is most important? In which chapter or on which topic is it mentioned? What does it mean? Why do you think it is important? Please write a composition about it in about 300 ~ 500 words. Make sure your composition includes the answers to those four questions mentioned above.

[2005 年]94 學年度英文試題一、名相:作題說明:下列名相分別屬於哪一個法數?法數已標記為 a、b、c… 請參照例題,在答案卷每題題號之前填入代號。法數 :a. Triple-Gem / Three Refugesb. three essentials of Buddhist training and discipline c. Four Noble Truthsd. the Four Sublime States e. Five Aggregatesf. Five Hindrances to clear understanding g. Noble Eightfold Path

答案 名相a 例題: Sangha (the Community of Buddhist Monks)

6. Consciousness 7. Right Mindfulness 8. ethical conduct (sIla)9. the Arising of Dukkha10. compassion for all living beings in trouble


Action Arhant cause and effect cessation ignoranceself Speech Conditioned Genesis liberation NirvANa wisdom

例題: According to the Buddha, man’s liberation depends on his own realization of Truth, not on the grace of a god as a reward for his obedient behavior.11. The root of all evil is __________ and false views.12. Whatever is of the nature of arising, all that is of the nature of __________.13. An __________ is a person who has made himself free from all defilements.14. The Buddha’s teaching is meant to carry man to peace and tranquility, the

attainment of __________, not to satisfy intellectual curiosity.15. The two qualities a person should develop equally to make himself perfect are

compassion and .16. The theory of karma is the theory of ; it has nothing to do with the idea of

justice or reward and punishment.17. Right means no lies, no talks that may bring about hatred and disharmony

among people, no harsh and impolite language, and no useless gossip.18. The Buddha’s teaching on Right __________ advises us not only to avoid

improper behavior but also to help others to lead a peaceful and honorable life in the right way.

19. According to the teaching of the Buddha, the idea of __________ is a false belief which has no corresponding reality, and it produces harmful thoughts of “me” and “mine” and all kinds of defilements.

20. In general, there are twelve factors of __________:ignorance, volitional actions, consciousness, mental and physical phenomena, six faculties, contact, sensation, thirst, clinging, becoming, birth, decay, death, lamentation, pain, etc.

三、語法:作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的語段,填入答案卷各題空格中﹝請填代號﹞,使各題成為 語法正確 與 句義完整 的句子﹝所選語段如果在句首,第一個字母自行改為大寫﹞。

代號 語段a as they areb because it avoids two extremesc but also desire for ideas, views, theories, and beliefsd but the understanding of the question of sufferinge if a man lives all his life in solitude, thinking only of his own happiness and

“salvation” without caring for his fellowsf nor optimistic

g though there is suffering in life h than to give a wrong idea of it by conveniently translating it as “suffering” or

“pain”i that he does not wish to hear any teaching against them j which may be divided into five groups k without the moral basis

例題: g , a Buddhist should not be gloomy over or angry at it.11. What is necessary is not anger at suffering, .12. Buddhism is neither pessimistic __________.13. No spiritual development is possible __________.14. The term “thirst” includes not only desire for sense-pleasures, wealth and power,

__________.15. A true Buddhist is the happiest of beings, because he sees things __________.16. The Way leading to the Cessation of Dukkha is known as the “Middle Path”,

__________.17. Buddhist philosophy holds that what we call “I” is only a combination of ever-

changing physical and mental forces, .18. It is better to leave the word “dukkha” untranslated .19. The ideas of God and Soul are so deep-rooted in man .20. , this is not in keeping with the Buddha’s teaching, which is based on love,

compassion, and service to others.

四、翻譯﹝英譯中﹞:11. Violence in any form is against the teaching of the Buddha.12. Life is a series that continues unbroken, but changes every moment.13. The heart of the Buddha’s teaching lies in the Four Noble Truths.14. A happy feeling or condition is not permanent; it changes sooner or later.15. He who has realized the Truth is the happiest being in the world.16. It is this “thirst” (desire) that gives rise to all forms of suffering and the

continuity of beings.17. The Middle Path is generally referred to as the Noble Eightfold Path, because it is

composed of eight divisions.18. Whether good or bad, the effect of karma is relative, and is within the cycle of

continuity (saMsAra).19. If the medicine is good, the disease will be cured. It is not necessary to know

who prepared it, or where it came from.

20. If one develops only the emotional side neglecting the intellectual, one may become a good-hearted fool, while to develop only the intellectual neglecting the emotional may turn one into a hard-hearted intellect without feeling for others.

五、作文:作題說明:請根據以下這個句子,用英文寫一篇 300~ 500 字左右的文章。From the beginning the spirit of tolerance and understanding has been one of the most valuable ideals of Buddhist culture.

[2006 年]95 學年度英文試題一、名相:作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當答案,填入答案卷 各題空格中。

consciousness Dharma generosity fundamental ignorance

impurity precepts suffering vexations

例題:Three Refuges refer to the Buddha, the Dharma , and the Sangha.

1. Buddhist three studies include __________, concentration, and wisdom.

2. The second vow of the bodhisattva’s four great vows is to cut off all _____.

3. One of the four upside-down views is to perceive __________ to be


4. The six paramitas, or perfections, cover six aspects: __________, precepts,

patience, diligence, concentration, and wisdom.

5. The twelve links of conditioned arising start with __________.

二、詞彙:作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的單詞 (1 ~ 13 題)或片語 (14 ~

20 題),填入答案卷 各題空格中﹝所選語詞如果在句首,第一個字母自行改


bodhisattvas core decreasing disciplesemptiness enlightenment gives rise to in terms of

instead of interaction let go of made up ofmeditation none other than obtain obstructions

permanence react to remain sensationwisdom

例題: To understand wisdom, one must have a thorough understanding of

emptiness .

21. Though brief, the Heart Sutra embodies the __________ of Buddhadharma.

22. With nothing to attain, bodhisattvas, relying on prajnaparamita, have no

___________ in their minds.

23. The moment a phenomenon arises, it already begins to disintegrate. There

is never an instant of ___________.

24. Any experience is the coming together of three conditions: subject, object,

and the ___________ between the two.

25. Although they have no attachment to life or to the world, bodhisattvas still

choose to __________ in the world to help others.

26. _________ is what occurs when we come into contact with the environment,

and it can be pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral.

27. If one practices in accordance with Buddhadharma and gives rise to wisdom,

then one attains __________, or liberation.

28. Often the form of a sutra is a dialogue between the Buddha and his

__________, or between the Buddha and a bodhisattva.

29. The Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra is actually a collection of some forty

smaller sutras focusing on the realization of __________.

30. __________ are beings who have vowed to help others find the Buddhist

path without concern for their own personal benefit.

31. All dharmas are marked with emptiness; they are neither born nor destroyed,

neither pure nor impure, neither increasing nor __________.

32. The sutras say that a human body is difficult to __________, and we should

look upon our body as a precious vehicle to practice contemplation.

33. If you approach sutras as a method of __________ or contemplation, and

commit your whole being to perceiving their meaning, it is possible for

wisdom to arise.

34. Suffering is often the result of how we __________ life situations.

35. True Mahayana practitioners __________ even this attachment to nirvana.

36. Fundamental ignorance is __________ our misconception of a self, the 'I'

that governs our experiences.

37. Ordinary people see existence ___________ permanence or impermanence,

purity or impurity, gain or loss.

38. The sense consciousness of mind is empty because it is __________ the five

skandhas, which are intrinsically empty.

39. If you still have attachment, then karmic retribution still applies, and you

experience suffering ___________ wisdom.

40. Under the law of karma, the mental force generated by actions of body,

speech and mind inevitably ___________ consequences that can ripen in

one's present life or in a future life.


﹝請填代號﹞,使各題成為 語法正確 與 句義完整 的句子﹝所選語段如果在句


代號 語段a can wisdom become solid, take root, and grow in power within us

b Likewise, if you truly understand fundamental ignorance, it is easier to

deal with other afflictions.

c might be bad in another

d one’s fears can be lessened

e since consciousness arises from the accumulation of actions

f than the Diamond Sutra

g that has existed since time without beginning

h until all existing karma is resolved and no new karma is created

i whether the mind is clam or scattered

j you have to put out the fire

k you will also benefit from your action

例題:The Heart Sutra is much shorter, more direct and condensed f .

21. To stop a pot of soup from boiling, ____________________.

22. What is good in one situation _____________________.

23. Fundamental ignorance refers to affliction ____________________.

24. ____________________, it is still a mind that abides.

25. As long as you are not preoccupied by your personal gain or loss,


26. If there is no action, there can be no consciousness, ___________________.

27. Only by helping sentient beings in all kinds of situations while refining

ourselves at the same time ____________________.

28. The individual will repeatedly enter samsara to experience the twelve links,


29. With a better understanding of cause and consequence and an acceptance of

karma, ____________________.

30. To break up a gang of thieves, catch the leader. After that, it is easy to deal

with the followers. ______________________

四、翻譯﹝英譯中﹞: Whenever greed, anger, and delusion is involved, there is affliction.

21. It is not the action, but the motivation behind the action, that is important.

22. It is best to accept situations without vexation, and deal with them calmly.

23. We should always think of ourselves as beginners, remain humble, and not

feel pride.

24. We are the designers of our lives. So, it is up to us whether we create good,

bad, or neutral karma.

25. Faith derives from personal experience; it is not an intellectual

understanding that comes from books.

26. The more you think of practice as an accomplishment, the less likely you

will accomplish anything in practice.

27. Not realizing the true nature and relationship of the twelve links of

conditioned arising is the cause of suffering.

28. For practitioners, being "far beyond inverted views and dreams" means

maintaining a clear and sober mind.

29. From the beginning, it is important to aspire to and cultivate bodhi-mind,

the altruistic mind of enlightenment that seeks to deliver sentient beings

from suffering.

五、作文:作題說明:請用英文寫一篇 300~ 500 字左右的文章,表達你對下面這句話的看法。Many people think that one can truly help others only after attaining


[2006 年]95 學年度英文試題(海外)

一、名相:作題說明:下列名相分別屬於哪一個法數?法數已標記為 a、b、c… 請參照例題,在答案卷每題題號之前填入代號。

法數 :a. Three Refugesb. four noble truthsc. five skandhasd. six perfectionse. eightfold noble pathf. twelve links of conditioned arising

答案 名相a 例題: Sangha (the community of Buddhist monks and nuns)

11. generosity 12. perception 13. right view14. the path out of suffering15. fundamental ignorance


Attain bodhi-mind Bodhisattva compassion cultivate cycleemptiness enlightenment Humble interact last sufferingAs long as at ease by themselves due to for instance lead to

leave behind no longer Removes

例題: To understand wisdom, one must have a thorough understanding of emptiness .

41. If there is attachment, there is __________.42. You should remain __________ and always be a beginner on the path.43. You must be careful not to mistake unified self for __________.44. Bodhisattvas take sentient beings and this world as fields to __________ their

merit.45. There are two aspects of true merit and virtue in the Buddhist sense—wisdom and

__________.46. Faculty and object must __________ for volitional consciousness, or cognition, to

arise.47. One who does not perceive the emptiness of the twelve links remains in samsara,

the __________ of birth and death.

48. The Surangama Sutra describes the methods that twenty-five great bodhisattvas used to __________ liberation.

49. With the line "There is no wisdom and no attainment," the Heart Sutra goes one step further and __________ attachment to wisdom itself.

50. There is no guarantee that your good karma will __________ forever. Therefore, you need to continue performing good actions with good intentions.

51. A __________ is a practitioner of the Mahayana tradition who has vowed to postpone the attainment of nirvana for the sake of helping sentient beings.

52. __________ is the aspiration to enlightenment on the Mahayana path, which stresses the practice of compassion simultaneously with the cultivation of wisdom.

53. Certain negative actions will __________ certain negative consequences.54. If we can learn to refrain from self-concern and self-protection, we will feel

completely __________.55. One who has wisdom without outflows is __________ attached to a self.56. To avoid suffering, you must first recognize and __________ negative acts.57. You will create karma __________ your mind continues to be moved by things

and events.58. __________ our ignorance, we cannot help but be vexed when we interact with

other people and the environment.59. The symbols we use to represent various objects, feelings, or concepts have no

meaning __________. We ascribe meaning to them so that we can think and communicate.

60. If you contemplate any of the sense faculties correctly, awareness of the other senses will fall away. __________, if you are intensely contemplating sound, you will not be aware of sights, odors, flavors, or feelings.

三、語法:作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的語段,填入答案卷各題空格中﹝請填代號﹞,使各題成為 語法正確 與 句義完整 的句子﹝所選語段如果在句首,第一個字母自行改為大寫﹞。

代號 語段a because it does not exist in a definite, enduring location b but also to all phenomenac do the four noble truths reveal themselves as being empty and illusoryd even though there is no such thing in our world as a dragone they grasp for itf than the actual deedg that cause all our suffering and confusionh unless you are fully enlightenedi we would perceive all things ‘as they are’j which, for the most part, addresses the nature of emptinessk while Subhuti was considered foremost in understanding emptinessl you will check your behavior

例題:The intention or motivation is more important f .

31. Form is emptiness __________.32. Guided by the precepts, __________.33. When people crave something, __________.34. __________, we have a symbol for it.35. __________, suffering, its cause, its cessation, and the path still exist for you.36. It is the negative mental factors dwelling inside us __________.37. “Neither born nor destroyed” refers not only to physical life and death

_________.38. The Heart Sutra is part of the much larger Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra, ________.39. Sariputra was considered preeminent among the Buddha’s followers in

understanding wisdom, __________.40. If our six consciousnesses were not conditioned and colored by the seventh

consciousness, __________.

四、翻譯﹝英譯中﹞: I vow to deliver all sentient beings.30. Any thought associated with a self is an affliction.31. Whenever your mind moves, be aware of your thoughts.32. You can improve your practice by reflecting before you act.33. Many people lose hope when faced with failure, and get overexcited when

meeting success.34. If you truly want to walk the bodhisattva path, do not concern yourself with

personal gain or loss.35. Like a room with several doors, once you have entered the room, it does not

matter which door you used.36. Great bodhisattvas naturally respond to others, whose needs provide them with the

opportunity to practice.37. We suffer when we do not get what we want, when separated from loved ones, or

when dealing with people we dislike.38. The Heart Sutra clearly and concisely describes true reality, explains the nature

of wisdom, and elaborates the means to attain it.

五、作文:作題說明:請根據以下這個句子,用英文寫一篇 300~ 500 字左右的文章。The best that we can do in this world of karma is to live each moment mindfully and clearly: mindful of the Dharma and the welfare of others, and clear in thought, word, and action.

[2007 年]96 學年度英文試題一、詞彙:作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的單詞或片語,填入各題空格中


入正確的型態﹞。For each question, choose from the list given below the word or phrase which

best fits each blank. Write it into the blank. If it is the first word of the

sentence, capitalize the first letter; if it is a verb, use correct tense. Each word

or phrase should only be used once.

Attachment arrogance aware of bodhi-mind concentration conditioned arising

Crave decrease deed for instance in return lossPermanent self tend to Wholesome

例 題 Example : Bodhi-mind is the aspiration to enlightenment on the

Mahayana path.

61. When one ____________________ something, one grasps for it.

62. It is best to act with no thought of gain or ____________________.

63. The motivation is more important than the actual ____________________.

64. When doing virtuous acts, do not dwell in pride or ____________________.

65. ____________________ means reaching deep levels of mental absorption.

66. Through our practice afflictions will ____________________ and wisdom will


67. The thoughts and actions of ordinary people are projections of a notion of


68. The Diamond Sutra says, “The mind arises without abiding.” ‘Abiding’ means


69. The twelve links of ____________________ is a Buddhist explanation of the

cycle of birth and death.

70. When ____________________ factors like compassion and humility pervade the

mind, our actions lead to well-being and stability.

71. We see ourselves as being ____________________, but we must come to directly

realize that everything about ourselves is constantly changing.

72. If you do something for others only with the thought of receiving something good

____________________, ultimately you will be disappointed.

73. One purpose of practice is to help one become more and more

____________________ mental obstructions and how they affect our thoughts,

speech, and action.

74. When negative attitudes like greed and jealousy dominate our mind, we

____________________ commit actions that cause frustration in ourselves and in


75. If you contemplate any of the sense faculties correctly, awareness of the other

senses will fall away. ____________________, if you are intensely

contemplating sound, you will not be aware of sights, odors, flavors, or feelings.


號,每個代號限用一次﹞,使各題成為 語法正確 與 句義完整 的句子﹝所選語

段如果在句首,第一個字母自行改為大寫﹞。For each question, choose from the list A ~ K given below the best clause or

phrase to fill the blank and complete the sentence. Write one letter (A ~ K) in

each blank. Each letter should only be used once.

代號 語段A and therefore they have no lasting reality

B as long as you directly experience the emptiness of all the five skandhas

C the doer must still experience its consequence

D Is the true nature of being—that of no-self, or emptiness

E the mind is calm, like a still pond

F nor should we expect reward when engaging in virtuous actions

G only after attaining liberation

H they have already grasped something else

I we can still adopt the ways and attitudes of a Buddha

J which accumulates and continues

K who have attained arhatship

例題 Example:Many people think that one can truly help others ____G_____.

1. Practitioners __________ are liberated from all afflictions.

2. When there are no deluded thoughts, __________.

3. Most people cannot let go of one thing unless __________.

4. Whether karma is virtuous or non-virtuous, __________.

5. What unenlightened people are not clear about __________.

6. Both subject and object constantly change, __________.

7. Even though we are nowhere near ultimate nirvana, __________.

8. We should not hold on to the idea of 'I' when helping others, __________.

9. __________, even for an instant, your grip on your sense of self will loosen.

10. Once performed, the actions of body, speech and mind generate a mental force,

karma, __________.

三、翻譯﹝英譯中﹞:Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. To cease suffering, first, accept the consequences of your previous actions.

2. Fundamental ignorance refers to affliction that has existed since time without


3. It is the negative mental factors dwelling inside us that cause all our suffering and


4. One leaves behind the erroneous belief in self-nature when one attains


5. We create new karma only when we interact with the environment with a

discriminating mind.

6. If non-virtuous, unwholesome thoughts persist, count or observe your breaths, or

recite the Buddha’s name.

7. Ordinary people do not strive to cut off the root afflictions, but only think of

getting rid of their current sufferings and misfortunes.

8. You will create karma as long as your mind continues to be moved by things and

events, so it does not matter whether you lock yourself up or not.

9. If you reflect immediately after vexation arises, you will have learned to be more

mindful and will perhaps better control your actions in the future.

10. If you contemplate the causes of suffering, you will recognize that suffering does

not come without cause, and that the cause of suffering is not outside, but within


四、作文:作題說明 :請以” The Most Important Quality of the Bodhisattva” 為主題,寫一篇300~ 500 字左右的英文作文。Write a 300 ~ 500 word essay on “The Most Important Quality of the


[2008 年]97 學年度英文試題一、詞彙:作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的單詞,填入答案卷各題空格中。每題答對得 2 分,答錯不倒扣。

attitude liberation processbodhi-mind motivation reject

consequences patience reminddepends pleasure speecheasier positive tastingfuture practice transformationkilling precious vows

例題:Bodhi-mind is the aspiration to enlightenment on the Mahayana path.

1. One of the ten negative acts we should avoid is _____.2. Emotional afflictions lead to actions of body, _____ and mind.3. When one hates something, he or she tries to _____ or escape it.4. Emptiness, no-form and no-vow are called three gates of _____.5. Practitioners on the bodhisattva path should try to develop a selfless _____.6. It is not the action, but the _____ behind the action, that is more important.7. Not clinging to either the negative or the _____ is correct Buddhadharma.8. The Heart Sutra is much shorter than the Diamond Sutra, making it _____ to

memorize.9. Whether physical pain leads to suffering _____ on your perspective and state of

mind.10. The path to buddhahood must begin with _____; otherwise there would be no

clear direction.11. In our practice we are concerned with _____. We do not focus on beginnings and


12. For a bodhisattva, the safest course is to constantly _____ oneself of the initial aspiration to bodhi-mind.

13. We can also think about birth and death as _____—one phenomenon changing into another.

14. The first five consciousnesses derive from our sense faculties of seeing, hearing, smelling, _____, and touching.

15. Most people think only pain causes suffering; they seldom think that _____ also causes suffering.

16. Many causes come together under various conditions (conditioned arising) to produce _____ (karmic results).

17. A human body is difficult to obtain, so we should look upon our body as a _____ vehicle to practice contemplation.

18. The twelve links of conditioned arising include past, present, and _____ lives, with each link arising out of the previous link.

19. To a Buddhist practitioner, without the presence, guidance, and real _____ of wisdom, the Dharma would be no more than philosophy.

20. Mahayana Buddhism speaks of perfection (paramita) in six aspects, including generosity, precepts, _____, diligence, concentration, and wisdom.

二、綜合測驗:作題說明:請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,填入答案卷各題空格中。每題答對得 2


Great bodhisattvas do not think they have anything specific to accomplish. They do not have the idea 1 they must help sentient beings; rather, they naturally respond to others, 2 needs provide them 3 the opportunity to practice. Far from 4 gratitude, they are thankful to others. This is not humility, 5 the bodhisattva’s compassionate interaction with other beings. It is also the spirit of a Chan practitioner.

1. (A) that (B) how (C) what (D) which 2. (A) who (B) their (C) whose (D) whether3. (A) about (B) for (C) to (D) with4. (A) expect (B) expecting (C) expectation (D) expected5. (A) and (B) but (C) for (D) or

Many people think they can help others only 6 they have solved their own problems. If you are starving, you may want to feed yourself first 7 help feed others. But this is 8 what is meant by the “beneficent practice of bodhisattvas.” Bodhisattvas help sentient beings not only materially 9 spiritually and mentally, for all hardships ultimately 10 our views of self, others, and the world. Therefore, one aspect of the bodhisattva way is to help others build right understanding.

6. (A) after (B) before (C) though (D) until7. (A) in order to (B) instead of (C) just as (D) so that8. (A) as far as (B) in fact (C) not necessarily (D) the same as9. (A) as well as (B) but also (C) rather than (D) together with10. (A) give rise to (B) let go of (C) originate from (D) stand for

三、翻譯: 作題說明:請將以下兩段英文譯成正確、通順、達意的中文,並將答案寫在 答案卷。請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 10 分,共 20 分。

1. The method of contemplating action is simple. Whenever your mind moves, be

aware of your thoughts. Try not to act on non-virtuous, unwholesome thoughts. When they arise, do not reject or deny them. Just being aware of them is usually enough to make them gradually disappear.

2. If we contemplate the causes of suffering, we will see that suffering does not come without cause, and that the cause of suffering is not outside, but within ourselves. Truly knowing this will reduce suffering. We also know that certain negative actions will lead to certain negative consequences. Hence, to avoid suffering, we must first recognize and refrain from such acts.

四、作文:作 題 說 明 : 請 以 ” The Best Advice I Have Learned from There Is No Suffering: A

Commentary on the Heart Sutra” 為題目,在答案卷上寫一篇 200 ~ 300 字左右的英文作文。

[2009 年]98 學年度英文試題一、詞彙:作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的單詞,填入答案卷各題空格中。每題答對得 2 分,答錯不倒扣。

affected ease opportunityattachment effort purity

clear greed rebirthcompassion matter restrictedconditions mental return

consciousness merit self-centeredconsiderate mind serious

deliver nervous starvediscriminating object understanding

例 題 : All things arise and disappear because of ever-changing causes and

conditions .

1. Food is illusory, but we’ll if we do not eat.

2. If you are not at , or if your mind is unstable, there will be suffering.

3. Liberation is a state where one is not by other beings or situations.

4. We fully realize the Dharma only when we act with both wisdom and .

5. Ordinary people seek permanence and make great to preserve what they like.

6. Bodhi-mind is the altruistic mind of enlightenment that seeks to sentient beings from suffering.

7. Aging and death are not to old people; it encompasses everything and everyone.8. Acting with personal gain as your motivation will bring vexation, not and virtue.

9. Great bodhisattvas naturally respond to others, whose needs provide them with the _____ to practice.

10. Your karma may determine whether you find yourself in fortunate or unfortunate conditions, but your chooses to suffer. 11. People say I am not consistent because one moment I seem to be cheerful, and soon after I appear to be very .

12. If you do virtuous acts with no thought of accumulating good karma, whether you receive retribution or not does to you.

13. For practitioners, being “far beyond inverted views and dreams” means maintaining a and sober mind.

14. When receiving a gift, accept it with thanks. If you want to pay something back, do it by helping others and expect nothing in .

15. The sixth consciousness (or mental consciousness) has a corresponding sense organ, the parts of the brain and system related to sensory awareness.

16. You may think you are clean while others judge you to be unclean. So there is no objective standard for and defilement.

17. True Mahāyāna practitioners let go of even the to nirvāna. This is the highest level of emptiness of which the Heart Sūtra speaks.

18. Since all hardships ultimately come from our views of self, others and the world, one aspect of the bodhisattva way is to help to instill right in others.

19. The past imprints stored in our base condition our physical appearance, personality, habits and our general experience of the environment in this life.

20. We create new karma only when we interact with the environment with a _____ mind.二、綜合測驗:作題說明:請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,填入答案卷各題空格中。每題答對得 2


People who want to attain wisdom usually do not know how or where to begin. If you seek wisdom through words, all you will gain 21 intellectual knowledge. Scholars may study and even recite sutras 22 without perceiving their meaning from direct personal experience. 23 about sutras, 23 comparative analysis, and so on, do not necessarily bring genuine wisdom. That does not mean it is impossible to gain wisdom through reading sutras; it 24 one’s attitude. If one reads sutras with an attitude of gaining intellectual understanding, wisdom will be difficult to arise. 25 , if you approach sutras as a method of contemplation, and commit your whole being to perceiving their meaning, it is possible for wisdom to arise.

21. (A) X (B) are (C) is (D) to be22. (A) at night (B) by heart (C) on purpose (D) once in a while23. (A) To write . . . doing (B) Writing . . . do (C) Write . . . do (D) Writing . . .doing24. (A) depends on (B) goes against (C) keeps up (D) stands for25. (A) At the same time(B) For example (C) Likewise (D) On the other hand

The third dualism is “neither increasing nor decreasing.” Your weight may increase 26 a few pounds, and you may think it is either good or bad. In our appearance-conscious society, 27 gaining weight has a bad name, many people try to 28 to a conventional image of beauty by working away their fat. If it has no impact on health, what’s wrong with a few pounds more or less? Every time I return from a trip, people tell me I have lost more weight. If this 29 true, I would have disappeared by now. This is an 30 of how increasing and decreasing are relative in people’s mind.

26. (A) at (B) by (C) in (D) on27. (A) that (B) X (C) where (D) which28. (A) give up (B) live up (C) look up (D) stand up29. (A) is (B) was (C) were (D) to be30. (A) example (B) excuse (C) idea (D) opinion

三、翻譯: 作題說明:請將以下三段英文譯成正確、通順、達意的中文,並將答案寫在 答案卷。請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 10 分,共 20 分。

31. Bodhisattvas are beings who have vowed to help others find the Buddhist path without concern for their own personal benefit. Chan practitioners and other followers of the bodhisattva path should strive to cultivate such a selfless attitude. Chan practice helps us to reduce self-centeredness. When we begin to make progress in this aspect of our practice, we also begin to gain true benefit from our practice.

32. Liberation would never happen without our practice. Our attachments are too deeply rooted for us to drop them. Therefore, Buddhism outlines a path that can lead to enlightenment. To be liberated, one must hear the Dharma, practice the methods and contemplate the five skandhas until one directly realizes their true nature—emptiness. In other words, to develop wisdom, one must practice.

四、作文:作題說明:請以 ”We are the designers of our lives.” 這句話為主題,在答案卷上寫一篇 200 ~ 300 字左右的英文作文。

[2010 年]99 學年度英文試題一、詞彙:40%作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的單詞,填入答案卷各題空格中。每個詞語只能用一次。若為句首,第一個字母請自行改為大寫;若為名詞,請注意是否需要改為複數;若為動詞,請注意字尾是否需要加上 – (e)s,或改為過去式﹝或過去分詞﹞。每題答對得 2 分,答錯不倒扣。

action existence occasionarrogance fact occur

benefit figure pathbreath flexibly practice

condition greed presentconsequence mental promise

depend middle reduceenjoy moral suffer

enlightenment need vexation

例 題 : All things arise and disappear because of ever-changing causes and

conditions .

1. Though my family was poor, my parents always helped people in .2. It is important that we put the Buddha's teachings into in daily life.3. As we go through the process of birth, aging and death, we constantly build our future through our and their consequences.4. I could not it out, and it left me deeply puzzled.5. A "vow" in Buddhism is the most solemn that one can make.

6. The first step is to let go of the past and future and just concentrate on the .7. Each individual's view of life on his or her perspective and level of development.8. People usually hope that others feel compassion for them, but it seldom to them

that they should do the same to others.9. What Shakyamuni Buddha realized is summarized in the "Four Noble Truths": suffering, the cause of suffering, the end of suffering and the to the end of suffering.10. Even when we get what we want, we because we are afraid of losing it.11. Those who have gained wisdom will dedicate their lives to the of others.12. An understanding of the Buddhist concept of causes and conditions can help us _____ our suffering.13. We should see a doctor for physical illness, but suffering should be treated with the Buddha's teachings.14. The cause of a flower is the seed, but soil, water and sun must also be present for the plant to come into .15. If we learn to appreciate the simple happiness in life, then every moment can be an _____ for celebrating our birthdays.

16. To experience liberation, we must follow the principle of Buddhism and practice diligently. After all, precepts are the basis of Buddhist practice.17. Methods are only expedient means to clarify the mind, so they must be used .18. Our physical body is short-lived, but our accumulated wisdom will be carried on into the future through the working of cause and , or the law of karma.19. is the desire to get what we want. The urge to conquer is an example.20. Anyone who is interested in the Buddha's teachings and works hard can reach .

二、綜合測驗:20%作題說明:請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,填入答案卷各題空格中。每題答對得 2分,答錯不倒扣。

Vexations may arise from our relationships with other people. Most people think their enemies are responsible 21 most of their vexations, but this is not necessarily the 22 . The people with 23 we quarrel most are often not our enemies but those closest to us, like our spouse, children or coworkers. Each day we must deal not only with our close relations but with many other people 24 . Some we know, while some we don't; some help us, while some hinder us. And people compete endlessly with one 25 .

21 (A) as (B) for (C) in (D) of22 (A) case (B) meaning (C) question (D) solution

23 (A) that (B) them (C) which (D) whom24 (A) as well (B) by the way (C) either (D) in fact25 (A) and other (B) another (C) after another (D) other

When we interact with sentient beings, we generally experience two types of feelings: like and dislike. These feelings are 26 the perceived beneficial or harmful effect the present interaction will have on our bodies and minds. It is because we are attached to our bodies and minds 27 we have feelings of like and dislike. But we should remember that our bodies and minds are impermanent. The way we 28 our bodies and minds is the result of false perceptions. We act __29 __ we are permanent and unchanging, and the center of the universe. But how many centers of the universe can there be? If we 30 these false perceptions, there is no need to be attached to our bodies and minds, to have likes and dislikes in the interaction with others.

26 (A) based on (B) come from (C) divided into (D) resulted from27 (A) however (B) so (C) that (D) therefore28 (A) appear (B) conceive of (C) imagine about (D) think29 (A) as if (B) because (C) even though (D) so that30 (A) give in to (B) hold on to (C) keep on with (D) let go of

三、翻譯: 20%

作題說明:請將以下兩段英文譯成正確、通順、達意的中文,並將答案寫在 答案卷。請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 10 分,共 20 分。33. We should never separate ourselves from the affairs of life, but we should also not

allow ourselves to be controlled by our environment. When we can do this, we are no longer attached to the self. Only a person who lives this way is truly free and at ease.

34. Will we benefit from developing compassion, or unconditional love? Yes, when we put ourselves at the service of others and try our best to bring them lasting happiness, this compassionate action will make us improve our abilities diligently and become mature spiritually.

四、作文:20%作題說明:請以 ”While we benefit others, we benefit ourselves.” 這句話為主題句,

在答案卷上寫一篇 200 ~ 300 字左右的英文作文。

[2011 年]100 學年度英文試題一、詞彙 Vocabulary:40%作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的單詞,填入答案卷各題空格中。每個詞語只能用一次。若為句首,第一個字母請自行改為大寫;若為名詞,請注意是否需要改為複數;若為動詞,請注意字尾是否需要加上 – (e)s,或改為過去式﹝或過去分詞﹞。每題答對得 2 分,答錯不倒扣。

attain clothing concerncondition contact dealdescribe disturb divide

effect extreme handharm honor ignorance

instead member modelrecite return unsatisfactory

例 題 : All things arise and disappear because of ever-changing causes and

conditions .

1. The Middle Way means avoidance of all .2. The bodhisattva is the role in the Mahayana Buddhism.3. Chan is not something that you can think about or use words or language to .4. It is because of greed, hatred, and that people do harmful deeds to others.5. Compassion is unconditional; it does not require recognition, reward or love in .6. Precepts are common moral principles shared by all of the Buddhist community.7. Once we are transformed, we can positively influence everyone we come in _____ with.8. We helped the poor in the neighborhood; we distributed food, and other daily necessities.9. We practice as we work by trying to be mindful of the task at , no matter what we are doing.10. On Buddha's birthday we offer him food and flowers and perform ceremonies in

his .

11. All sentient beings are subject to the law of cause and . What they did in the past affects their present lives.12. The Buddhist method of healing suffering is into two categories: change of concepts and methods of practice.13. The Buddha set out to practice not only to benefit himself, but because of his _____ for all sentient beings.14. Most of us can't live away from others. Each day we must with our close relations and many other people as well.15. The Chinese often the name of Amitabha Buddha as a method of concentrating the mind.

16. If someone treats you very unkindly, do not fight with him or her. , try your best to avoid a confrontation peacefully.17. The word "duhkha" is often translated as "suffering," but it includes the ideas that life is often experienced as . 18. Buddhists sometimes prostrate to express repentance, to recognize their shortcomings and the they have done to others in the past.19. It is impossible to meditate in a place where absolutely nothing will you from outside. Cars, birds, the sounds people make and the like may cause thoughts to arise in your mind.20. "Bodhi-mind" can mean the altruistic mind of a person who strives to _____ Buddhahood for the sake of helping sentient beings.

二、綜合測驗 Multiple choice:20%作題說明:請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,填入答案卷各題空格中。每題答對得 2分,答錯不倒扣。

At the second level we have compassion 21 everyone. We have ceased to 22 between those close to us and everyone else. We offer service and dedicate our lives 23 the benefit of all sentient beings. 24 , there are still traces of dualism in our minds though we see all sentient beings 25 equal at this level. There is still the perception of the dualism of self and others.

21 (A) as (B) for (C) in (D) of22 (A) disagree (B) discuss (C) discover (D) discriminate

23 (A) by (B) on (C) to (D) with24 (A) Besides (B) However (C) Likewise (D) Therefore25 (A) as (B) to be (C) like (D) not

Once an American asked me 26 his experience of enlightenment. He felt he had gotten it ten years earlier. I asked him 27 he reacted to fame, self-interest, sex and wealth. He said that his mind was always free and he 28 to these things, but his body still needed them. What stage of the Bodhisattva Path 29 ? The first stage, of course. If he 30 to come to you, you wouldn't certify him, would you?

26 (A) certify (B) certifying (C) certified (D) to certify27 (A) how (B) what (C) where (D) why28 (A) didn't attach (B) not attached (C) wasn't attached (D) won't attach29 (A) you think was

he at(B) do you think he was at

(C) he was at do you think

(D) was he at you think

30 (A) is (B) was (C) were (D) will

三、翻譯 Translation: 20%

作題說明:請將以下兩段英文譯成正確、通順、達意的中文,並將答案寫在 答案卷。請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 10 分,共 20 分。35. Suffering exists because of the way we perceive things at a particular time and

from a particular point of view. What is important is that you understand the nature of suffering. If you truly grasp that it is impermanent, and that it comes from self-centeredness, you can learn to make it easier to deal with.

36. The first level of enlightenment is to hear the Buddhadharma. The second level is to think about the Dharma in order to better understand what you have learned. The third level is to practice what you have learned, both in such formal activities as meditation, chanting and prostrations and in daily life. Eventually you will experience directly what you have learned intellectually. This is the fourth level of enlightenment.

四、作文 Essay:20%作 題 說 明 : 請 以 ” Bodhi-mind is summarized by the four great vows of the bodhisattva.” 這句話為主題句,在答案卷上寫一篇 200 ~ 300 字左右的英文作文。

[2012 年]101 學年度英文試題一、詞彙 Vocabulary:40%作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的單詞,填入答案卷各題空格中。每個詞語只能用一次。若為句首,第一個字母請自行改為大寫;若為名詞,請注意是否需要改為複數;若為動詞,請注意字尾是否需要加上 – (e)s,或改為過去式﹝或過去分詞﹞。每題答對得 2 分,答錯不倒扣。

affliction encourage impermanencebenefit enlightenment posture

commitment faith regardlesscompassion fault remain

condition grateful standingconsist healthy suffering

contribution hurry transform

例 題 : All things arise and disappear because of ever-changing causes and

conditions .

1. Don’t be in a to get enlightened, but don’t wait for it either.

2. We grow in life by continuously making and learning.

3. If you resent your environment and find with others, your mind will surely lose its inner balance.

4. After sitting on a cushion, adjust your so that your whole body is comfortable and as it should be.

5. Becoming a monk or nun is not a game, Chan practice is not a passing fancy—it is a lifetime .

6. The inaugural ceremony of DDM was held on October 21, 2005 and entitled “The Rising Great ”.

7. Speech and silence, motion and stillness, walking, , sitting, and lying

down—these are all practice.

8. The aspiration for arises from hearing and studying the Buddha's teachings, and is called bodhicitta.

9. Having acquired wisdom, we can allow our bodies and minds to in a state of health, happiness, and peace all the time.

10. However hard you practice, cultivating from a self-centered stance can only result in more for yourself and others.

11. Without a mind of , there is no practice. First, believe that you have good karmic roots; next, believe in the Three Jewels.

12. Dharma Drum Mountain of the Sangha and the laity, that is, the four assemblies of monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen.

13. Knowing how difficult it is to encounter the Buddhadharma, Buddhists should feel to buddhas and enlightened teachers.

14. Only by making people strong, wholesome, and in mind and spirit can we free our society from disorder and confusion.

15. Environmental protection must begin with a change in people’s values; people need to the selfish heart into a compassionate heart.

16. To learn Buddhism, you must start from the foundation view of , the understand that there is nothing without change.

17. Master Sheng Yen interfaith activities between different branches of Buddhism, promoting understanding, tolerance and freedom.

18. He saw all sentient beings equally as brothers and sisters of one family, of race, gender, nationality, social standing, or religion.

19. Master Sheng Yen dedicated his life to realizing his vow to others by sharing with them the compassion, methods and teachings of the Buddha.

20. As long as we use Buddhadharma to help others overcome and obtain happiness and lessen our own vexations, we are beating the Dharma drum.

二、綜合測驗 Multiple choice:20%作題說明:請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,填入答案卷各題空格中。每題答對得 2分,答錯不倒扣。

To cultivators of Chan, I give three guiding principles. First, 21 your body and mind. 22 , settle upon a practice method as 23 as possible. Third, do not concern yourself with 24 well you are doing. 25 you follow these guidelines, your practice will be smooth and fruitful.

21 (A) aware (B) beware (C) loose (D) relax22 (A) For example (B) However (C) In contrast (D) Second23 (A) fast (B) long (C) soon (D) usual24 (A) how (B) what (C) whether (D) why25 (A) Although (B) If (C) Unless (D) X

As far as Chinese Buddhism 26 , there has long been a lack of ideal educational environment and quality. 27 I vowed to devote myself to Buddhist education. Because I 28 educational opportunity as a child and couldn't receive a complete Buddhist education, I hope I can 29 our next generation with a chance 30 Buddhist higher education.

26 (A) concerns (B) concerning (C) is concerned (D) to concern27 (A) Instead (B) Moreover (C) That's because (D) That's why28 (A) miss (B) missed (C) is missed (D) had missed29 (A) give (B) provide (C) replace (D) withdraw30 (A) receive (B) receiving (C) received (D) to receive

三、翻譯 Translation: 20%

作題說明:請將以下兩段英文譯成正確、通順、達意的中文,並將答案寫在 答案卷。請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 10 分,共 20 分。37. Chan relies on the twin pillars of concepts and methods. Unless both

are firmly in place and working together, your practice will lack a firm foundation. Without cultivating practice, studying Buddhist concepts is just an intellectual exercise; on the other hand, practicing the methods without understanding the concepts can lead you astray.

38. Each of us should strive to uncover the treasure mountain within our own heart. That is to say, we work to develop wisdom and compassion, and together to bring harmony, peace, happiness, and health to our society and the world. That is the true meaning of opening up a mountain.

四、問答 Essay:20%作題說明:請依序將以下問題的答案寫在答案卷,並標明題號。33. What are the three studies of Buddhism?

34. What are the four steps to handle a problem?

35. What is the vision of Dharma Drum Mountain?

36. What is your daily practice method?

[2013 年]102 學年度英文試題一、詞彙 Vocabulary:40%作題說明:請參照例題,於下表中選取適當的單詞,填入答案卷各題空格中。每個詞語只能用一次。若為句首,第一個字母請自行改為大寫;若為名詞,請注意是否需要改為複數;若為動詞,請注意字尾是否需要加上 – (e)s,或改為過去式﹝或過去分詞﹞。每題答對得 2 分,答錯不倒扣。

attitude aware carry oncherish condition establish

freedom get along impermanentindividual into practice method

misunderstand psychological pure landrelax relief selfless

spiritual vexation virtue

例 題 : All things arise and disappear because of ever-changing causes and

conditions .

1. The purpose of Protecting the Spiritual Environment is to build a on earth.

2. True compassion springs from wisdom and is not conditioned by relationships.

3. The issue of social care can be addressed in terms of service and emergency .

4. The Buddha's teaching is so wonderful, yet few people know about it and many it.

5. When you sit in meditation, your body from your head to your belly and to your legs.

6. Though material poverty makes life hard, poverty can manifest in greater destructiveness.

7. By clearing up our concepts and adjusting our , we uncover the compassion and wisdom within.

8. To regulate our mind, we need to be of thoughts coming and going from moment to moment.

9. Only with a correct concept of death can people really a proactive and open-minded view of life.

10. In light of more and more suicides, the Master organized a series of events to advise people to life.

11. Chan practitioners can gain and peace of mind because they have little desire for material things in their lives.

12. With true wisdom one will not have any ; with true kindness and compassion one will not encounter any enemies.

13. Uplifting the character of humanity must start with every by constant learning and improvement from birth till death.

14. The practice we commonly use are breath counting, reciting a Buddha’s name, investigating huatou and silent illumination.

15. Buddhadharma holds that all mental and physical phenomena are , perpetually coming into being and extinguishing.

16. Dharma Drum Sangha University aims to nurture young monastics excellent in and learning with the spirit and character of a religious teacher.

17. In the phase of rehabilitation, the primary task is to help the disaster stricken people walk out of their trauma and create a promising future.

18. The teachings alone are not enough. We also need techniques to put the teachings .

19. Master Sheng Yen vowed to in his future lives what he was unable to accomplish in this lifetime.

20. Every wholesome religion should peacefully with other groups so that it can gradually influence humankind to stay far away from the causes of war.

二、綜合測驗 Multiple choice:20%作題說明:請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,填入答案卷各題空格中。每題答對得 2分,答錯不倒扣。

As a novice monk in the Wolf Mountain monastery, he was also expected to memorize sutras, 21 he was entirely unable to do. He was told that this was 22 his heavy karmic obstructions, and ordered to do 500 prostrations every morning and night before the bodhisattva of great 23 , Guanyin. After three months of this practice, his mind became vividly clear. He believed that Guanyin 24 . This event strengthened his 25 in Guanyin. After this he had no problem memorizing sutras.

21 (A) that (B) what (C) where (D) which22 (A) brought about (B) due to (C) led to (D) resulted from23 (A) compassion (B) practice (C) vow (D) wisdom24 (A) appealed to him (B) came to his aid

(C) took him for granted (D) worried about him25 (A) attachment (B) discipline (C) faith (D) liberation

“Bodhisattvas of ten thousand good deeds” embody the spirit of a Mahayana bodhisattva with compassion and wisdom. Compassion means 26 and benefiting society, while wisdom requires one to cultivate the

mindset of letting go of 27 in practicing the “ten thousand good deeds.” That is, one does not consider things from the standpoint of 28 . With wisdom and compassion, we will treat others more respectfully and harmoniously, 29 care for all sentient beings more equally. Hence, doing volunteer work is 30 a sacrifice 30 a method of practice that benefits others and oneself.

26 (A) depending on others (B) focusing on immediate needs(C) giving of oneself (D) giving up the world

27 (A) concentration (B) emptiness

(C) mindfulness (D) self-centeredness28 (A) concept or method (B) gain or loss

(C) study or practice (D) true or false29 (A) as well as (B) in addition to (C) together with (D) with regard to30 (A) both . . . and (B) either . . . or (C) not . . . but (D) more . . . than

三、翻譯 Translation: 20%

作題說明:請將以下兩段英文譯成正確、通順、達意的中文,並將答案寫在 答案卷。請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 10 分,共 20 分。39. As Chan practitioners, we should feel grateful for so much as a grain of

rice or a drop of water. Moreover, we should give something in return. However, it’s not just a matter of making material offerings. If we can calm the mind of false thoughts, keep mental peace, and try to benefit ourselves and others, this is truly repaying the Buddhas and the enlightened teachers.

40. Discipline means not doing what you should not do, and not failing to do what you should. From the point of view of karma, your actions have consequences which will influence you sooner or later. From the point of view of practice, negative actions create mental chaos and a chaotic mind cannot attain wisdom. Discipline is the basis for balance and peace in the mind.

四、問答 Essay:20%作題說明:請依序將以下問題的答案寫在答案卷,並標明題號。33. What are the four great vows of Buddhist practitioners ?

34. What are the four kinds of environmental protection?

35. What is your daily practice method?